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Pocket Dynamos - Chapter 9

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Posts: 19,819
00:02 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Sl Fixture Set 1

Uprising 19 v 6 Pocket Dynamos
corsair 5 v 2 letsgochamp
hahahaha 6 v 0 blueberry
faust 5 v 1 hustler_1987
_niall_ 3 v 3 hippesville
2andygorams v triple_b

2 of 8b 9b 8buk bonus points for events (run out, golden break)
May 10th

Gdluck all

Posts: 19,819
00:04 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Players championship round 2
askingfan vs tozzie
jig_saw vs letsgochamp
blackcabman7 vs the_killer
fastboysam vs obieeeeee
hippesville vs marksmith
jasonb vs liam_scfc
dark_flame vs scarlets2k15

4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
Deadline 14th May
Posts: 19,819
00:04 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Fcl fixture set 2
Pocket Dynamos 36 v 39 Unbeatables

punkpoet 7 v 8 x_connor
blueberry v sleipnir
hamburgerboy v mrmagic
fastboysam v poolbiird
letsgochamp 5 v 10 andyw1
askingfan 8 v 7 mikeybboy
triple_b 7 v 8 horse10000
hippesville 9 v 6 onevisit

Almighty Legend Killers 30 v 30 Pocket Dynamos

re_rack_jack 10 v 5 scarlets2k15
ggwpty v fastboysam
bob99 v punkpoet
jig_saw 6 v 9 hippesville
desslock v blueberry
centralsteel 8 v 7 triple_b
todd2000 v hustler_1987
sunflowerbud 6 v 9 jasonb

Pocket Dynamos 25 v 35 Fearless Knights

letsgochamp v friendyboy
blueberry v _pacman
scarlets2k15 v bigcjl2
hamburgerboy 2 v 13_fresh_
hippesville 7 v 8 _pro__frog_
triple_b 8 v 7 poolh8r
hustler_1987 v joeyy
fastboysam 8 v 7 dgeneratio

5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
17th May
Good luck all ..

Edited at 21:36 Sun 10/05/15 (BST)

Edited at 22:50 Sun 10/05/15 (BST)
Posts: 19,819
00:04 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Grand Slam Cup Preliminary Round

The Professionals 3 v 1 Pocket Dynamos

FCL beenjammin v hamburgerboy
FCL lll1lll1lll v hippesville
SL dvz 9 v 3 triple_b
SL crazy_greg v jasonb
8 US miss_harriet v scarlets2k15
9 US johnythefox v hustler_1987
8 UK brettavit01 v blueberry
STR 2 nike 2 v 2 punkpoet

FCL - 5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
SL - 4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
8bus - 10 racks of 8bus
8buk - 10 racks of 8buk
9b - 12 racks of 9b
str8 - 4 racks of str8

Deadline Sunday 24th May 2015

Good luck all ..

Edited at 21:29 Sun 10/05/15 (BST)
Posts: 19,819
00:05 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 2

Pocket Dynamos 1 v 1 The Professionals
8 US letsgochamp v beenjammin
8 US triple_b 1 v 7 miss_harriet
9 US hamburgerboy v crazy_greg
9 US hustler_1987 v johnnythefox
8 UK askingfan v mid_lifer
8 UK blueberry v brettavit01
STR fastboysam v dvz
STR punkpoet 1 v 1 nike

Pocket Dynamos 2 v 2 Uprising
8 US hippesville v _niall_
8 US triple_b 4 v 4 the_marine
9 US hustler_1987 v derik_dalton
9 US hamburgerboy v ritcho
8 UK letsgochamp v graftonspile
8 UK ang3l v 2andygorams
STR jasonb v erigert
STR punkpoet 1 v 1 zantetsukenz

8 racks of 8b 9b 8buk or 2 racks of str8
May 24th

Good luck all ..
Posts: 19,819
00:05 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 2

Pocket Dynamos 6 v 4 The Revolution
8 US jasonb 5 v 1 magic_smoke
8 US hippesville v mighty_zeus
9 US scarlets2k15 2 v 6 veyron
9 US letsgochamp 5 v 0 drewdt3
8 UK ang3l v ld1987
8 UK blueberry 4 v 4 kingdadcool
STR fastboysam v amac3
STR punkpoet 1 v 1 deluxe

8 racks of 8b 9b 8buk or 2 racks of str8
May 24th

good luck all .
Posts: 19,819
00:14 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Sl Fixture Set 2

Chips n Gravy 0 v 0 Pocket Dynamos

foxhound v triple_b
liam_scfc v hustler_1987
sillybilly v the_killer
jimmy_efc v askingfan
strange_daze v blueberry

Almighty Legend Killers 0 v 0 Pocket Dynamos
re_rack_jack v fastboysam
migzzz v letsgochamp
toon_lad v punkpoet
olliepie2010 v hippesville
jig_saw v hustler_1987

2 racks 8b 9b 8buk (bonuses for gb's or runouts)
31 May

Edited at 21:39 Sun 10/05/15 (BST)
Posts: 1,617
00:16 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
triple_b vs dvz
8us 1-3
9us 1-3
8uk 1-3

9-3 in total to robot dave , he played very well and i had very little table time ggs
Posts: 19,819
00:28 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
triple_b vs dvz
8us 1-3
9us 1-3
8uk 1-3

9-3 in total to robot dave , he played very well and i had very little table time ggs

Ahh we all know how dave can be, ul.
Posts: 9,926
00:33 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Season VIII

Fixture Set 2 games can be found here...

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 31st May 2015
Posts: 19,819
00:57 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Season VIII

Fixture Set 2 games can be found here...

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 31st May 2015

Posts: 13,570
01:00 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Could you please not use this thread to start anything
i will use whatever thread he decides to display double standards on to be honest. As usual I had indeed left the thread for you to come along later and make me post again.

I've seen all the crap before, and tbh, YOUR argument with him doesn't belong here.

What happens between The Pocket Dynamo's and _knightmare_ is none of your concern.

I played you in a clan match, we got on ok I thought? Why try and make a situation worse???
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:09 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Could you please not use this thread to start anything
i will use whatever thread he decides to display double standards on to be honest. As usual I had indeed left the thread for you to come along later and make me post again.

I've seen all the crap before, and tbh, YOUR argument with him doesn't belong here.

What happens between The Pocket Dynamo's and _knightmare_ is none of your concern.

I played you in a clan match, we got on ok I thought? Why try and make a situation worse???
why reply after its over to make me post again if you don't want me to post? I actually answered his request for a sub with a line her used to us to make sure he didn't try pressure you into a sub. If you don't want me to post let a dead dog lie.
Posts: 13,570
01:29 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Prat.....last word obviously means so much. Some people are so PATHETIC that they can't take the hint.

I'm gonna leave it there. Request has been made and whether people can realise they are welcome or not will be seen.

Edited at 22:36 Sun 10/05/15 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:37 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
id much rather be a prat than self righteous all the time. You come in so long after the arguments are over and just inflame them again with a message of 'I don't want to read arguments'. Thanks for the reply though as surely you realise that any moral high ground you believe you are standing on with your retiricts has sunk pretty fast. You go back to being the clown and I'll go back to not posting on your thread like I was before your replies.
Posts: 19,819
01:39 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Okay no more on thread please.
Im going sleep.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:44 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Unfortunately you should tell your clan mate who doesn't like arguements as the genius has instigated one.
Posts: 13,570
02:10 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Unfortunately you should tell your clan mate who doesn't like arguements as the genius has instigated one.

I just wish you weren't thick and could actually spell
Posts: 13,570
02:13 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not gonna reply to muppets any more now. Waste of time due to severe lack of intelligence
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:16 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Unfortunately you should tell your clan mate who doesn't like arguements as the genius has instigated one.

I just wish you weren't thick and could actually spell
i just wish you weren't think wait that's it.
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Pocket Dynamos - Chapter 9

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