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Pocket Dynamos - Chapter 9

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Posts: 19,819
02:52 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Sl Fixture Set 1

Uprising 8 v 5 Pocket Dynamos
corsair 5 v 2 letsgochamp
hahahaha v blueberry
faust v hustler_1987
_niall_ 3 v 3 hippesville
cgibson92 v triple_b

The Revolution B 0 v 0 Pocket Dynamos
fatmikee v jasonb
mad_matt v hippesville
ld1987 v fastboysam
who_me 2 v 4 marksmith
amac3 v punkpoet

2 of 8b 9b 8buk bonus points for events (run out, golden break)
May 10th

Gdluck all

Edited at 23:55 Sun 03/05/15 (BST)
Posts: 19,819
02:56 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Fcl fixture set 2
Pocket Dynamos 29 v 31 Unbeatables

punkpoet v x_connor
blueberry v sleipnir
hamburgerboy v mrmagic
marksmith v poolbiird
letsgochamp 5 v 10 andyw1
askingfan 8 v 7 mikeybboy
triple_b 7 v 8 horse10000
hippesville 9 v 6 onevisit

Almighty Legend Killers 30 v 30 Pocket Dynamos

re_rack_jack 10 v 5 scarlets2k15
ggwpty v fastboysam
bob99 v punkpoet
jig_saw 6 v 9 hippesville
desslock v blueberry
centralsteel 8 v 7 triple_b
todd2000 v hustler_1987
sunflowerbud 6 v 9 jasonb

5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
17th May
Good luck all ..
Posts: 19,819
02:56 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Pocket Dynamos 15 v 15 Fearless Knights

letsgochamp v friendyboy
blueberry v _pacman
askingfan v bigcjl2
hamburgerboy v _fresh_
hippesville 7 v 8 _pro__frog_
triple_b v poolh8r
hustler_1987 v joeyy
fastboysam 8 v 7 dgeneratio

5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
17th may

Good luck all ..
Posts: 19,819
02:56 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Grand Slam Cup Preliminary Round

The Professionals 0 v 0 Pocket Dynamos

FCL beenjammin v hamburgerboy
FCL lll1lll1lll v hippesville
SL dvz v triple_b
SL crazy_greg v jasonb
8 US miss_harriet v scarlets2k15
9 US johnythefox v hustler_1987
8 UK brettavit01 v blueberry
STR nike v punkpoet

FCL - 5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
SL - 4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
8bus - 10 racks of 8bus
8buk - 10 racks of 8buk
9b - 12 racks of 9b
str8 - 4 racks of str8

Deadline Sunday 24th May 2015.
Posts: 19,819
02:57 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 2

Pocket Dynamos 0 v 0 The Professionals
8 US letsgochamp v johnythefox
8 US triple_b v miss_harriet
9 US hamburgerboy v crazy_greg
9 US hustler_1987 v beenjammin
8 UK askingfan v mid_lifer
8 UK blueberry v brettavit01
STR fastboysam v dvz
STR marksmith v nike

Pocket Dynamos 0 v 0 Uprising
8 US hippesville v _niall_
8 US triple_b v the_marine
9 US hustler_1987 v derik_dalton
9 US hamburgerboy v ritcho
8 UK letsgochamp v graftonspile
8 UK ang3l v 2andygorams
STR marksmith v erigert
STR punkpoet v zantetsukenz

8 racks of 8b 9b 8buk or 2 racks of str8
May 24th
Posts: 19,819
02:57 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 2

Pocket Dynamos 0 v 0 The Revolution
8 US jasonb v magic_smoke
8 US hippesville v mighty_zeus
9 US scarlets2k15 v veyron
9 US letsgochamp v drewdt3
8 UK ang3l v ld1987
8 UK blueberry v kingdadcool
STR fastboysam v amac3
STR punkpoet v deluxe

8 racks of 8b 9b 8buk or 2 racks of str8
May 24th
Posts: 6,262
02:59 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Umm Fbl my mans been offline 3 months brettavit01 I best message him quick
Posts: 19,819
03:04 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Umm Fbl my mans been offline 3 months brettavit01 I best message him quick

I think its acceptable to ask for a sub.
Posts: 6,262
03:07 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Man I get nervous, don't wanna rock the boat yet.
Posts: 19,819
03:10 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Man I get nervous, don't wanna rock the boat yet.

Thats why I'm here, they don't like me anyways
Right now I am going to bed.
I don't care if someones on fire, I need sleeeeep!!!!
Night !!!!

Clan messages will be sent tomorrow, probably at night.
Posts: 13,570
16:43 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Good afternoon Dynamos

Should be on later tonight
Posts: 19,819
18:16 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Good afternoon Dynamos

Should be on later tonight

Good afternoon.
Games everywhere lol
Posts: 19,819
21:04 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Players championship round 2
askingfan vs tozzie
deluxe vs punkpoet
jig_saw vs letsgochamp
blackcabman7 vs the_killer
fastboysam vs obieeeeee
chapster_7 vs silenthill
hippesville vs marksmith
jasonb vs liam_scfc
ang3l vs turtle1560
dark_flame vs scarlets2k15

4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
Deadline 14th May
Posts: 19,819
22:38 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
punkpoet 1 v 1 zantesukenz
we both didn't play great, I made 2 or 3 easy misses, he started off really well but he too missed a couple and I managed to just get over the line in the second.
ul ggs.
Posts: 19,819
00:21 Tue 5 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
punkpoet 7 v 8 x_connor

Very close games, we both didn't play as well as we can, 9ball was the telling game, where he got jammy on 2 racks, but left me an easy combo which i somehow missed. I did get abit of run in the 5th racks but did feel the run of the table was against me at times.
Feel on another night I'd of gotten the win but not too be, ggs pal gl in the rest.
Posts: 6,262
01:03 Tue 5 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

8 UK blueberry 4 v 4 kingdadcool

so a draw.
Posts: 19,819
01:31 Tue 5 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

8 UK blueberry 4 v 4 kingdadcool

so a draw.

Ul pal though a good point
Posts: 6,262
01:37 Tue 5 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Paul's a nice guy always a pleasure to play

We were like 2 muppets at times !
Posts: 1,040
02:50 Tue 5 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
hustler_1987 VS faust

1-1 No Run Outs, Golden Breaks or 7 Ballings

2-0 to faust No Golden Breaks or Runouts

2-0 to faust No Run Outs, Golden Breaks, or 7 Ballings
5-1 well played
Posts: 1,040
02:51 Tue 5 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
if i don't get a clan win soon, i might quit i reckon it's gotta be at least 20 games with out a win overall
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Pocket Dynamos - Chapter 9

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