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Posts: 14,736
10 years ago  [Link]  
Yeah unlucky dgen I forgot the SL in GSC is 4 of each - oops - cheers for playing the match.
Posts: 14,736
Posts: 871
10 years ago  [Link]  
lost 5-3 to corsair in FBL.

hes class and if ou dont run out he does so thats why i lost, doesnt suit my game.

wp mate.

can anyone explain why i played 14 practice frames with a smooth game in every one and then as soon as i start playing corsair all 8 games had delay and lag, was the same for him too.
games get spoilt because of it winds me right up

Edited at 22:55 Tue 05/05/15 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
10 years ago  [Link]  
Very unlucky mate - still to lose 3-5 to him is very good - he's blitzing everyone left, right and center this season. As for the lag issue no idea mate, it's very frustrating and the inconsistency is the more annoying factor.

It can't be the traffic as there isn't any lol - so the host server I would put the blame on. Something needs to be done pronto before they lose and ruin what is left.

Still the unbeaten streak ended, but nothing to stop you restarting another one.

Still a cracking player and one Fearless Knights really appreciates.

Posts: 871
10 years ago  [Link]  
thanks ash, hes class and i expected to have a tough game and probably get nothing out of it so happy to nearly pinch a draw
Deleted User
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10 years ago  [Link]  
Actually impressive even in defeat. VUl not to get the draw, but corsair is probably the best and most consistent player on the site right now. For some reason lag hasn't affected me at all but I'm on a Mac. I don't know if that has anything to do with it.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10 years ago  [Link]  
thanks ash, hes class and i expected to have a tough game and probably get nothing out of it so happy to nearly pinch a draw

I was apprehensive after our 9 ball session yesterday. Thought it was all yours at 3 - 2 down. Very well played!
Posts: 14,736
10 years ago  [Link]  
thanks ash, hes class and i expected to have a tough game and probably get nothing out of it so happy to nearly pinch a draw

No worries mate - take the frustration out on your next opponent. - You'll feel much better for it afterwards.

Also the slight defeat levels the match overall - absolutely no harm done. On wards and Upwards
Posts: 14,736
10 years ago  [Link]  
Right I'm not gonna write no crap - just thanks you to all who have played some games today - mixture of results but still doing the team proud so well done.

(Updated) - FCL/FBL - SL (Updated) - GSC
Posts: 14,736
10 years ago  [Link]  
To ALL _pro__frog_'s opponents he will be back online from Monday 11th May, any issues then let me know ASAP.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10 years ago  [Link]  
FBL pacman vs obieeeee

2-6 to obieeeee

after about 4 minutes and two 2-9 and a 4-9 convos I found myself 0-4 down. pulled it back to 2-4 but couldn't get it. Pretty good player who didn't miss anything really. I didn't play awful, but didn't get much of a chance.

GGs obieeee gl in rest.
Posts: 7,974
10 years ago  [Link]  
I'm getting frustrated as to why people cant message you back

I have messaged everyone of my opponents first
most have never bothered answering

it kills me knowing people are online
and don't return a simple message

now I will make them wait, sick to the back teeth of running around for others, I know its early, but a simple reply isn't hard is it ?????

one cant reply as he has been offline 9 days today
so that's a little understandable I guess

but hey so is life, after all its only an online game
which isn't important chucklzzzzzzzz
Posts: 14,736
10 years ago  [Link]  
FBL pacman vs obieeeee

2-6 to obieeeee

after about 4 minutes and two 2-9 and a 4-9 convos I found myself 0-4 down. pulled it back to 2-4 but couldn't get it. Pretty good player who didn't miss anything really. I didn't play awful, but didn't get much of a chance.

GGs obieeee gl in rest.

Unlucky matey, Owen used to be a top player so no harm in this defeat. Well done on the two from 0-4, your time will come.
Posts: 14,736
10 years ago  [Link]  
I'm getting frustrated as to why people cant message you back

I have messaged everyone of my opponents first
most have never bothered answering

it kills me knowing people are online
and don't return a simple message

now I will make them wait, sick to the back teeth of running around for others, I know its early, but a simple reply isn't hard is it ?????

one cant reply as he has been offline 9 days today
so that's a little understandable I guess

but hey so is life, after all its only an online game
which isn't important chucklzzzzzzzz

I totally agree with you about a simple message or just an acknowledgement message isn't too hard to do, I think the fact fixtures have 3 weeks now increases the belief in ah sod it I'll do it later mode.

As long as you and our players message their opponents and we cover ourselves then it'll be the opponents who ultimately suffer should we decide enough is enough and explore the default route.

Keep one step ahead mate and expect the unexpected in this case 'a simple message back' lol.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10 years ago  [Link]  
I'm getting frustrated as to why people cant message me back. I have messaged all of my opponents first and most haven't even bothered to answer. It kills me knowing people are online and don't return a simple message! Now I will make them wait. I'm sick to the back falsers of running around for others. I know its early but a simple reply isn't hard is it?

Hey ho so is life! After all its only an online game
which isn't important lol.

I totally agree with you about a simple message or just an acknowledgement message isn't too hard to do, I think the fact fixtures have 3 weeks now increases the belief in ah sod it I'll do it later mode.

As long as you and our players message their opponents and we cover ourselves then it'll be the opponents who ultimately suffer should we decide enough is enough and explore the default route.

Keep one step ahead mate and expect the unexpected in this case 'a simple message back' lol.

I would suggest posting that you would deliberately hold up any chance of playing in the near future isn't exactly covering yourself. I think it would in fact be seen negatively in a default decision. What's the motivation for his opponents now to message knowing he is deliberately going to be akward? Like he says it's an online game so I'm surprised he has took the huff.

(I took the liberty of correcting his grammar and punctuation to make it easier for all.)
Posts: 14,736
10 years ago  [Link]  
No one asked you to interfere but guess it comes with the territory let's just all hope and pray you live up to your name and sod off.

Posts: 13,570
10 years ago  [Link]  
Posts: 10,109
10 years ago  [Link]  
I'm getting frustrated as to why people cant message you back

I have messaged everyone of my opponents first
most have never bothered answering

it kills me knowing people are online
and don't return a simple message

now I will make them wait, sick to the back teeth of running around for others, I know its early, but a simple reply isn't hard is it ?????

one cant reply as he has been offline 9 days today
so that's a little understandable I guess

but hey so is life, after all its only an online game
which isn't important chucklzzzzzzzz

I totally agree with you about a simple message or just an acknowledgement message isn't too hard to do, I think the fact fixtures have 3 weeks now increases the belief in ah sod it I'll do it later mode.

As long as you and our players message their opponents and we cover ourselves then it'll be the opponents who ultimately suffer should we decide enough is enough and explore the default route.

Keep one step ahead mate and expect the unexpected in this case 'a simple message back' lol.

Has joeyy replied to the_marine's mail yet?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10 years ago  [Link]  
No one asked you to interfere but guess it comes with the territory. Let's just all hope and pray you live up to your name and sod off.

I'm just trying to help you. I mean I wouldn't want you to be under the wrong illusion about the quality of default information you tender. Not sure what comes with the territory means. Also there are children that use this site so if you would mind not using words to get round the swear filter please thanks.

(I fixed your punctuation for you as're welcome!)
Posts: 14,736
10 years ago  [Link]  
joeyy joeyy
actually I messaged him first asking if he wanted to play
then he replied no
then he sent me a separate message
Sent about 20 hours ago

So yeah, hopefully they can follow it up and get it played, today would be great.
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Fearless Knights - Individually Brilliant, Awesome Together - :)

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