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11:42 Wed 13 May 15 (BST)
Lol, I really would like to know if some people actually have any common sense or if it prevails in situations like these.. it's so blatantly obvious to see that it is no way cheating in any form or "gate-crashing" the leader boards as you mentioned. A run out is a run out, plain and simple with no help of others. If you or your staff members cannot see the common sense in that, wish you the best of luck in future matters that actually mean anything.
Edited at 08:47 Wed 13/05/15 (BST)
Whilst playing multiple friendly games against the same opponent - purely with the aim of obtaining run-outs in order to gain places on the leader boards - is not against site rules, we (staff) feel that it is against the spirit of the game, and can be considered as cheating.
Should we note any further attempts to gate-crash the leader-boards with these methods, we will consider resetting the member(s) in question.
Should we note any further attempts to gate-crash the leader-boards with these methods, we will consider resetting the member(s) in question.
Lol, I really would like to know if some people actually have any common sense or if it prevails in situations like these.. it's so blatantly obvious to see that it is no way cheating in any form or "gate-crashing" the leader boards as you mentioned. A run out is a run out, plain and simple with no help of others. If you or your staff members cannot see the common sense in that, wish you the best of luck in future matters that actually mean anything.
Edited at 08:47 Wed 13/05/15 (BST)
11:55 Wed 13 May 15 (BST)
I don't understand how it is enhancing your stats either....because the games played still goes up and corresponds with the number of fact, it'll harm your stats more as it'll put your frame win/lost percentage down/up.
Funny how one member of staff says one thing and another comes and says the complete opposite claiming that they all feel the same way..
Also, what's the difference between doing this and being a 750+ player, playing ranked games against a 650+ player who you're going to beat 9 times out of 10. Could this also be classed as minipulating your stats?
Edited at 09:00 Wed 13/05/15 (BST)
Funny how one member of staff says one thing and another comes and says the complete opposite claiming that they all feel the same way..
Also, what's the difference between doing this and being a 750+ player, playing ranked games against a 650+ player who you're going to beat 9 times out of 10. Could this also be classed as minipulating your stats?
Edited at 09:00 Wed 13/05/15 (BST)
13:50 Wed 13 May 15 (BST)
Whilst the runouts achieved are perfectly legitimate, the games won and lost are not. This then affects the leaderboards for most wins, through illegitimate means. If someone at the top of those leaderboards tarted doing it and overtook another player, then it would be cheating. You can't differentiate between one player and another purely because of their leaderboard position.
The scale of this boosting has increased, and would continue to do so if allowed. After staff discussion, a proper trance was agreed upon. Beforehand it was down to staff interpretation of the rules. That is why there is a different stance now.
No, the example would be legitimate games. The ranking system deals with the difference in level and adjusts rank won/lost accordingly. Someone who is expected to win 3/4 games would earn the same amount of rank as their opponent winning 1/4 games.
The scale of this boosting has increased, and would continue to do so if allowed. After staff discussion, a proper trance was agreed upon. Beforehand it was down to staff interpretation of the rules. That is why there is a different stance now.
No, the example would be legitimate games. The ranking system deals with the difference in level and adjusts rank won/lost accordingly. Someone who is expected to win 3/4 games would earn the same amount of rank as their opponent winning 1/4 games.
13:54 Wed 13 May 15 (BST)
The statistics all the minority are concerned about in the Run Out field, so the other win/lose ratio is completely irrelevant.
Manipulating that statistic by not playing a frame/rack properly is cheating, whether it's in a friendly or ranked environment that still holds no bearing on the actual cheat itself.
I have no problem with players scoring run outs if both players are actually trying to win a frame/rack but for the opponent to quickly pot the black in order to commence another frame is not within the spirit of the game. Either play properly or not at all I say.
You don't see darts players aiming for the bullseye but instead as they cba decide to throw their dart on the floor just to speed up the process.
The difference between a player ranked much higher than someone else is not manipulating the stats, it can be if the lower ranked player doesn't try properly or is obviously assisting the higher ranked player to win. Effort alone is good, as long as both try till the end of the frame/rack.
Potting the black prematurely is strictly not within the interest of the game. Happy admin have taken this stance,
Manipulating that statistic by not playing a frame/rack properly is cheating, whether it's in a friendly or ranked environment that still holds no bearing on the actual cheat itself.
I have no problem with players scoring run outs if both players are actually trying to win a frame/rack but for the opponent to quickly pot the black in order to commence another frame is not within the spirit of the game. Either play properly or not at all I say.
You don't see darts players aiming for the bullseye but instead as they cba decide to throw their dart on the floor just to speed up the process.
The difference between a player ranked much higher than someone else is not manipulating the stats, it can be if the lower ranked player doesn't try properly or is obviously assisting the higher ranked player to win. Effort alone is good, as long as both try till the end of the frame/rack.
Potting the black prematurely is strictly not within the interest of the game. Happy admin have taken this stance,
Deleted User
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14:08 Wed 13 May 15 (BST)
By potting blacks players are getting through games alot faster,therefore having more opportunites to get run outs than players who play properly.
14:09 Wed 13 May 15 (BST)
I feel it's a bit late, and rather unfair on many others who have never done it to change the rules/stance on it now. I personally don't see the fun in fouling the black over and over just for the sake of trying to get a runout, I mean they're not that difficult to get for the top players anyway. The rule was 100% in place years ago that if you and your opponent fouled the black multiple times in a row, friendly or ranked, you and your opponent would be reset/banned. I even mentioned this to some of the people doing it just in case before admin apparently gave the all clear. I think it's unfair to bother changing the rules again though.
14:25 Wed 13 May 15 (BST)
Think it reflects very poorly on staff for them to say yes it's fine as no rules are broken and then to say a month later that no it's not alright.
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14:45 Wed 13 May 15 (BST)
I think they've done the right thing in stamping down on it,certain players seemed to think its ok to not play out the game whether iyts friendly or ranked,it doesnt matter. Still swaying the run out tables.
Think it reflects very poorly on staff for them to say yes it's fine as no rules are broken and then to say a month later that no it's not alright.
I think they've done the right thing in stamping down on it,certain players seemed to think its ok to not play out the game whether iyts friendly or ranked,it doesnt matter. Still swaying the run out tables.
14:49 Wed 13 May 15 (BST)
I think they've done the right thing in stamping down on it,certain players seemed to think its ok to not play out the game whether iyts friendly or ranked,it doesnt matter. Still swaying the run out tables.
It doesn't sway the run out tables though as deliberately fouling the black has nothing to do with running out...
As for allowing them to play through frames faster, that has sod all to do with anything. Somebody who can sit on here all day will have more chances to play/runout to somebody who can only play 1 or 2 hours a day...
Think it reflects very poorly on staff for them to say yes it's fine as no rules are broken and then to say a month later that no it's not alright.
I think they've done the right thing in stamping down on it,certain players seemed to think its ok to not play out the game whether iyts friendly or ranked,it doesnt matter. Still swaying the run out tables.
It doesn't sway the run out tables though as deliberately fouling the black has nothing to do with running out...
As for allowing them to play through frames faster, that has sod all to do with anything. Somebody who can sit on here all day will have more chances to play/runout to somebody who can only play 1 or 2 hours a day...
Deleted User
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14:50 Wed 13 May 15 (BST)
I think they've done the right thing in stamping down on it,certain players seemed to think its ok to not play out the game whether iyts friendly or ranked,it doesnt matter. Still swaying the run out tables.
It doesn't sway the run out tables though as deliberately fouling the black has nothing to do with running out...
As for allowing them to play through frames faster, that has sod all to do with anything. Somebody who can sit on here all day will have more chances to play/runout to somebody who can only play 1 or 2 hours a day...
As ive already said, by potting black you unfairly get through the game faster than actually playing the game through unlike players that dont foul on purpose.
Think it reflects very poorly on staff for them to say yes it's fine as no rules are broken and then to say a month later that no it's not alright.
I think they've done the right thing in stamping down on it,certain players seemed to think its ok to not play out the game whether iyts friendly or ranked,it doesnt matter. Still swaying the run out tables.
It doesn't sway the run out tables though as deliberately fouling the black has nothing to do with running out...
As for allowing them to play through frames faster, that has sod all to do with anything. Somebody who can sit on here all day will have more chances to play/runout to somebody who can only play 1 or 2 hours a day...
As ive already said, by potting black you unfairly get through the game faster than actually playing the game through unlike players that dont foul on purpose.
14:54 Wed 13 May 15 (BST)
I think they've done the right thing in stamping down on it,certain players seemed to think its ok to not play out the game whether iyts friendly or ranked,it doesnt matter. Still swaying the run out tables.
It doesn't sway the run out tables though as deliberately fouling the black has nothing to do with running out...
As for allowing them to play through frames faster, that has sod all to do with anything. Somebody who can sit on here all day will have more chances to play/runout to somebody who can only play 1 or 2 hours a day...
As ive already said, by potting black you unfairly get through the game faster than actually playing the game through unlike players that dont foul on purpose.
But how is that any different to having someone sit online all day playing games? That person may play 300 games in 7 hours of sitting here...whereas someone playing for runouts who deliberatle fouls the black but can only play for 1 or 2 hours will only get through 40 or 80 frames. So is that unfair then?
Could say the same for the tournapoints medals in that case.
Think it reflects very poorly on staff for them to say yes it's fine as no rules are broken and then to say a month later that no it's not alright.
I think they've done the right thing in stamping down on it,certain players seemed to think its ok to not play out the game whether iyts friendly or ranked,it doesnt matter. Still swaying the run out tables.
It doesn't sway the run out tables though as deliberately fouling the black has nothing to do with running out...
As for allowing them to play through frames faster, that has sod all to do with anything. Somebody who can sit on here all day will have more chances to play/runout to somebody who can only play 1 or 2 hours a day...
As ive already said, by potting black you unfairly get through the game faster than actually playing the game through unlike players that dont foul on purpose.
But how is that any different to having someone sit online all day playing games? That person may play 300 games in 7 hours of sitting here...whereas someone playing for runouts who deliberatle fouls the black but can only play for 1 or 2 hours will only get through 40 or 80 frames. So is that unfair then?
Could say the same for the tournapoints medals in that case.
15:24 Wed 13 May 15 (BST)
The person currently sitting at the top (And others just below) of the UK runout table has been fouling blacks for weeks. This website is trying to get current and new members to stay active, so how is it fair that any new or existing member would have no choice but to to sit in a room with a friend for hours potting blacks to even come close to achieving the top spot? The simple answer is that it's not fair at all and 100% degrades the integrity or the runout leader board.
When you do this 'boosting' you're not contributing anything to the community at all, which makes the admin comments regarding the spirit of the game even more worthy.
Would it be so difficult for the guys that profess to be able to 'hit them anyway' to actually play legitimate games and at the same time help with available game numbers? This is without looking deeper and actually analyzing how 'anyone' can be happy sitting at the top of a leader board knowing full well that half (Or more) of their runouts come from 'boosting'.
As for comments regarding admin turnaround, well, it's called re-evaluating a situation. In this case they have looked at all the angles and come to the correct conclusion that potting a black over and over is not in the spirit of playing the game.
The key word is 'game', you know, where two or more people actually set out to win a game by simply playing by the rules.
The tournament medal vs potting blacks to gain runs quicker argument is laughable.
When you do this 'boosting' you're not contributing anything to the community at all, which makes the admin comments regarding the spirit of the game even more worthy.
Would it be so difficult for the guys that profess to be able to 'hit them anyway' to actually play legitimate games and at the same time help with available game numbers? This is without looking deeper and actually analyzing how 'anyone' can be happy sitting at the top of a leader board knowing full well that half (Or more) of their runouts come from 'boosting'.
As for comments regarding admin turnaround, well, it's called re-evaluating a situation. In this case they have looked at all the angles and come to the correct conclusion that potting a black over and over is not in the spirit of playing the game.
The key word is 'game', you know, where two or more people actually set out to win a game by simply playing by the rules.
The tournament medal vs potting blacks to gain runs quicker argument is laughable.
15:32 Wed 13 May 15 (BST)
Lol likes ^^^ very well said mate A+ lol
15:44 Wed 13 May 15 (BST)
this says it all, applause to the staff of funkypool
doesn't really need any further comment
it answers everything
Whilst playing multiple friendly games against the same opponent - purely with the aim of obtaining run-outs in order to gain places on the leader boards - is not against site rules, we (staff) feel that it is against the spirit of the game, and can be considered as cheating.
Should we note any further attempts to gate-crash the leader-boards with these methods, we will consider resetting the member(s) in question.
Should we note any further attempts to gate-crash the leader-boards with these methods, we will consider resetting the member(s) in question.
this says it all, applause to the staff of funkypool
doesn't really need any further comment
it answers everything
19:20 Sun 17 May 15 (BST)
Sorry, but it has to be said....
Well done admin!!!!!!
Well done admin!!!!!!
19:37 Sun 17 May 15 (BST)
No it doesn't, One Admin says it is fine and i even questioned them myself, another one says it is illegal to do it so whos right here?
As Imran said Runout is a Runout so that leaderboard is fair, I agree the Win leaderboard would be unfair but the frames even out in terms of potting blacks (or at least in my experience) so it doesn't make much difference.
Those who reset are also removed from the leaderboard anyway so is that unfair too as i am currently 3rd in Mini Golf but i should be 5th due to two deactivations. How to combat that is add a shadow of the deactivating players stats on the leaderboard so while they have no stats, their best stats remain, Only then will you get a TRUE leaderboard.
The question now is, is this legal or illegal? because i only did it before i was assured it was fine due to being friendlies, If its not fine then i will play legitimately although it takes twice as long and its still a win or loss.
Can baff, fastboysam or crazzymadman answer this message as soon as you can so if it is not legal anymore then players can stop doing it.
that says it all, applause to the staff of funkypool
doesn't really need any further comment
it answers everything
doesn't really need any further comment
it answers everything
No it doesn't, One Admin says it is fine and i even questioned them myself, another one says it is illegal to do it so whos right here?
As Imran said Runout is a Runout so that leaderboard is fair, I agree the Win leaderboard would be unfair but the frames even out in terms of potting blacks (or at least in my experience) so it doesn't make much difference.
Those who reset are also removed from the leaderboard anyway so is that unfair too as i am currently 3rd in Mini Golf but i should be 5th due to two deactivations. How to combat that is add a shadow of the deactivating players stats on the leaderboard so while they have no stats, their best stats remain, Only then will you get a TRUE leaderboard.
The question now is, is this legal or illegal? because i only did it before i was assured it was fine due to being friendlies, If its not fine then i will play legitimately although it takes twice as long and its still a win or loss.
Can baff, fastboysam or crazzymadman answer this message as soon as you can so if it is not legal anymore then players can stop doing it.
Deleted User
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19:41 Sun 17 May 15 (BST)
It shouldnt be legal in the first place. Use common sense.
19:51 Sun 17 May 15 (BST)
Yes, crazzymadman stated it was okay, but on further reflection Admin (As a team) have decided it's not in the spirit of the game, so your question is 'fully' answered.
If you just looked a page back:
Glad that's sorted!
Yes, crazzymadman stated it was okay, but on further reflection Admin (As a team) have decided it's not in the spirit of the game, so your question is 'fully' answered.
If you just looked a page back:
Whilst playing multiple friendly games against the same opponent - purely with the aim of obtaining run-outs in order to gain places on the leader boards - is not against site rules, we (staff) feel that it is against the spirit of the game, and can be considered as cheating.
Should we note any further attempts to gate-crash the leader-boards with these methods, we will consider resetting the member(s) in question.
Should we note any further attempts to gate-crash the leader-boards with these methods, we will consider resetting the member(s) in question.
Glad that's sorted!
19:54 Sun 17 May 15 (BST)
Well if a previous admin said its fine then there was no reason not to do it if players chose to. It was just meant to try for more runouts in a session, wins was irrelevant out of the mindset.
Most of the time wins just means how often you played over the years, Once i was #1 in Overall Wins on Snooker then reset but it just proved i played this way too much. Kinda reminds me of Tournapoints in a sense.
I rarely did the runout sessions but most i ever got is 3 in that session in 20 breaks so didn't benefit me too much but yeah until this is resolved by admin i wouldn't do it again. Runoutting Yes but playing frames in a sensible way even though in Runout's mind if they don't get Runout then any time during the frame is time wasting to them.
I encourage Runoutters not to do it anymore until it is resolved as don't want to risk a reset or a ban
Most of the time wins just means how often you played over the years, Once i was #1 in Overall Wins on Snooker then reset but it just proved i played this way too much. Kinda reminds me of Tournapoints in a sense.
I rarely did the runout sessions but most i ever got is 3 in that session in 20 breaks so didn't benefit me too much but yeah until this is resolved by admin i wouldn't do it again. Runoutting Yes but playing frames in a sensible way even though in Runout's mind if they don't get Runout then any time during the frame is time wasting to them.
I encourage Runoutters not to do it anymore until it is resolved as don't want to risk a reset or a ban
19:56 Sun 17 May 15 (BST)
Fair enough but just want it clarified by admin as a team, If it is the same response then fair dues, Runout players may not do it anymore
EDIT: illegal black potting is now just that so those who do it, please don't do it anymore, thanks
Edited at 18:13 Sun 17/05/15 (BST)
Yes, crazzymadman stated it was okay, but on further reflection Admin (As a team) have decided it's not in the spirit of the game, so your question is 'fully' answered.
If you just looked a page back:
Glad that's sorted!
Yes, crazzymadman stated it was okay, but on further reflection Admin (As a team) have decided it's not in the spirit of the game, so your question is 'fully' answered.
If you just looked a page back:
Whilst playing multiple friendly games against the same opponent - purely with the aim of obtaining run-outs in order to gain places on the leader boards - is not against site rules, we (staff) feel that it is against the spirit of the game, and can be considered as cheating.
Should we note any further attempts to gate-crash the leader-boards with these methods, we will consider resetting the member(s) in question.
Should we note any further attempts to gate-crash the leader-boards with these methods, we will consider resetting the member(s) in question.
Glad that's sorted!
Fair enough but just want it clarified by admin as a team, If it is the same response then fair dues, Runout players may not do it anymore
EDIT: illegal black potting is now just that so those who do it, please don't do it anymore, thanks
Edited at 18:13 Sun 17/05/15 (BST)
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