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Posts: 8,885
04:02 Tue 14 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
im here to sub in any games let me know
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04:03 Tue 14 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  

blackcabman7 v _payback_
junster333(1) v(14) JOEY

Legend Killers (25) Vs (20) F.P.D

_jesus_(7) Vs(8) r08
todd2000 (s) Vs kelly1987
migzzz (9) Vs (6) jacksealey21 to be finished
new_man(11) Vs(4) dark_flame
jig_saw Vs junster333
sunflowerbud Vs blackcabman7
toon_lad(3) Vs(12) aladdin_sane
re_rack_jack (7)Vs(8) canny_miss

FCL SEASON 25 - FIXTURE SET 1 (05/04/15 to 26/04/15)

buckjam vs serious_game
anoneeemouse vs mikeyboy
aladdin_sane(4)( vs(11) tip_doctor
thegreatone7 (3)vs(12) sleipner
joe_willis (6) vs (9) x_connor
jackseasly21 vs mrmagic
canny_miss (4) vs (11) andyw1
blackcabman7(3) vs(12)poolbiird

Please message your opponets and set your games up thanks and good luck (5 frames of each type 8us,9us and 8 uk)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------deadline (26/04/15)

hey bud just to let u know jig_saw and junster allready played score was jig_saw 6 v 9 junster
Posts: 5,821
04:06 Tue 14 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Deadline 3rd May

Pocket Dynamos(0) vs(2) FPD

8bus anoneemouse () vs () letsgochamps
8bus dozer () vs () askingfan
9bus jacksealy21 () vs () hippesville
9bus r08 () vs () skarlets2k15
8buk thegreatone7 () vs () blueberry
8buk joe_willis (2) vs (0) ang3l (6)----(2)
STR whocares8x8 () vs () punkpoet
STR aladdin_sane () vs () marksmith

Uprising(2) vs(0) FPD

8bus canny_miss () vs () the_marine
8bus blackcabman7 () vs () ritcho
9bus mackoni13 () vs () zantetsukenz
9bus r08 () vs () baxterboy
8buk thegreatone7 () vs () _niall_
8buk joe_willis () vs () sharky89
STR buckjam (0) vs (2) dv8 (0)---(2)
STR junster333 () vs () erigert

Black Scorpions(2) vs (0) F.P.D

8bus girl_power7 () vs () keaneo16
8bus kelly1987 () vs () tozzie
9bus dark_flame (0) vs (2) ronalddw (2(--(6)
9bus whocares8x8 () vs () bullettzz
8buk jacksealy21 () vs () skeptical
8buk anoneeemouse () vs () lateo1993
STR dozer () vs () mirrr
STR aladdin_sane () vs () walktall

Edited at 16:12 Sun 12/04/15 (BST)
Posts: 5,821
04:10 Tue 14 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  

blackcabman7 v _payback_
junster333(1) v(14) JOEY

Legend Killers (31) Vs (29) F.P.D

_jesus_(7) Vs(8) r08
todd2000 (s) Vs kelly1987
migzzz (9) Vs (6) jacksealey21 to be finished
new_man(11) Vs(4) dark_flame
jig_saw(6) Vs(9) junster333
sunflowerbud Vs blackcabman7
toon_lad(3) Vs(12) aladdin_sane
re_rack_jack (7)Vs(8) canny_miss

FCL SEASON 25 - FIXTURE SET 1 (05/04/15 to 26/04/15)

buckjam vs serious_game
anoneeemouse vs mikeyboy
aladdin_sane(4)( vs(11) tip_doctor
thegreatone7 (3)vs(12) sleipner
joe_willis (6) vs (9) x_connor
jackseasly21 vs mrmagic
canny_miss (4) vs (11) andyw1
blackcabman7(3) vs(12)poolbiird

Please message your opponets and set your games up thanks and good luck (5 frames of each type 8us,9us and 8 uk)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------deadline (26/04/15
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:55 Tue 14 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Legend Killers (31) Vs (29) F.P.D

_jesus_(7) Vs(8) r08
todd2000 (s) Vs kelly1987
migzzz (9) Vs (6) jacksealey21 to be finished
new_man(11) Vs(4) dark_flame
jig_saw(6) Vs(9) junster333
sunflowerbud Vs blackcabman7
toon_lad(3) Vs(12) aladdin_sane
re_rack_jack (7)Vs(8) canny_miss

I think the overall score so far for this matchup is better than it looks:
Legend Killers (43) Vs (47) F.P.D
so far, if I'm not mistaken? Not too shabby.
Posts: 5,821
14:48 Tue 14 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  

blackcabman7(3) v(12) _payback_
junster333(1) v(14) JOEY
game completed
Legend Killers (43) Vs (47) F.P.D

_jesus_(7) Vs(8) r08
todd2000 (s) Vs kelly1987
migzzz (9) Vs (6) jacksealey21 to be finished
new_man(11) Vs(4) dark_flame
jig_saw(6) Vs(9) junster333
sunflowerbud Vs blackcabman7
toon_lad(3) Vs(12) aladdin_sane
re_rack_jack (7)Vs(8) canny_miss

FCL SEASON 25 - FIXTURE SET 1 (05/04/15 to 26/04/15)


buckjam vs serious_game
anoneeemouse vs mikeyboy
aladdin_sane(4)( vs(11) tip_doctor
thegreatone7 (3)vs(12) sleipner
joe_willis (6) vs (9) x_connor
jackseasly21 vs mrmagic
canny_miss (4) vs (11) andyw1
blackcabman7(3) vs(12)poolbiird

Please message your opponets and set your games up thanks and good luck (5 frames of each type 8us,9us and 8 uk)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------deadline (26/04/15

Edited at 12:44 Tue 14/04/15 (BST)

Edited at 12:46 Tue 14/04/15 (BST)
Posts: 5,821
14:52 Tue 14 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Deadline 3rd May

Pocket Dynamos(0) vs(2)

8bus anoneemouse () vs () letsgochamps
8bus dozer () vs () askingfan
9bus jacksealy21 () vs () hippesville
9bus r08 () vs () skarlets2k15
8buk thegreatone7 () vs () blueberry
8buk joe_willis (2) vs (0) ang3l (6)----(2)
STR whocares8x8 () vs () punkpoet
STR aladdin_sane () vs () marksmith

Uprising(2) vs(0) FPD

8bus canny_miss () vs () the_marine
8bus blackcabman7 () vs () ritcho
9bus mackoni13 () vs () zantetsukenz
9bus r08 () vs () baxterboy
8buk thegreatone7 () vs () _niall_
8buk joe_willis () vs () sharky89
STR buckjam (0) vs (2) dv8 (0)---(2)
STR junster333 () vs () erigert

Black Scorpions(2) vs (0) F.P.D

8bus girl_power7 () vs () keaneo16
8bus kelly1987 () vs () tozzie
9bus dark_flame (0) vs (2) ronalddw (2(--(6)
9bus whocares8x8 () vs () bullettzz
8buk jacksealy21 () vs () skeptical
8buk anoneeemouse () vs () lateo1993
STR dozer () vs () mirrr
STR aladdin_sane () vs () walktall

Edited at 16:12 Sun 12/04/15 (BST)
Posts: 5,821
15:36 Tue 14 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
blackcabman7 vs _payback_ f c l

8 ball-----(3)----(2)--_payback_
9 ball-----(5)----(0)--payback_
8 ball uk-(4)----(1)--_payback_

great player pleasure playing him and he had (2) 7 ballers
gl in rest m8 over all 12 - 3 to _payback_

Edited at 12:44 Tue 14/04/15 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:02 Tue 14 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Why have i been removed from my game against sunflower ?

I was patient when she said she could not play for the first week even when she was in game. I would like this changed back please as the talk that not on at same time is rubbish and i explained why last Saturday was not available due to work.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:39 Tue 14 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Deadline 3rd May FBL
Uprising(2) vs(0) FPD

8bus canny_miss (0) vs (5) the_marine
fab player outta my league sorry guys
Posts: 5,821
21:32 Tue 14 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
sunflowerbud Vs blackcabman7 f c l
Legend Killers (52) Vs (53) F.P.D

8 ball-----(3)----(2)----sunflowerbud
9ball-------(4)----(1) sunflowerbud
8ball uk---(2)-----(3) blackcabman7

over all 9 ---6 to sunflowerbud
8 ball and 8 ball uk where close but 9 ball made few mistakes good player she has improved since she join f pool gl in rest dear

Edited at 18:41 Tue 14/04/15 (BST)
Posts: 5,821
21:36 Tue 14 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  

blackcabman7(3) v(12) _payback_
junster333(1) v(14) JOEY
game completed
Legend Killers (52) Vs (53) F.P.D

_jesus_(7) Vs(8) r08
todd2000 (s) Vs kelly1987
migzzz (9) Vs (6) jacksealey21 to be finished
new_man(11) Vs(4) dark_flame
jig_saw(6) Vs(9) junster333
sunflowerbud(9) Vs(6) blackcabman7
toon_lad(3) Vs(12) aladdin_sane
re_rack_jack (7)Vs(8) canny_miss

FCL SEASON 25 - FIXTURE SET 1 (05/04/15 to 26/04/15)

buckjam vs serious_game

anoneeemouse vs mikeyboy
aladdin_sane(4)( vs(11) tip_doctor
thegreatone7 (3)vs(12) sleipner
joe_willis (6) vs (9) x_connor
jackseasly21 vs mrmagic
canny_miss (4) vs (11) andyw1
blackcabman7(3) vs(12)poolbiird

Please message your opponets and set your games up thanks and good luck (5 frames of each type 8us,9us and 8 uk)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------deadline (26/04/15
Posts: 5,821
21:40 Tue 14 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Deadline 3rd May

Pocket Dynamos(1) v3) FPD

8bus anoneemouse () vs () letsgochamps
8bus dozer () vs () askingfan
9bus jacksealy21 () vs () hippesville
9bus r08 () vs () skarlets2k15
8buk thegreatone7 () vs () blueberry
8buk joe_willis (2) vs (0) ang3l (6)----(2)
STR whocares8x8 () vs () punkpoet
STR aladdin_sane (1) vs (1) marksmith

Uprising(2) vs(0) FPD

8bus canny_miss () vs () the_marine
8bus blackcabman7 () vs () ritcho
9bus mackoni13 () vs () zantetsukenz
9bus r08 () vs () baxterboy
8buk thegreatone7 () vs () _niall_
8buk joe_willis () vs () sharky89
STR buckjam (0) vs (2) dv8 (0)---(2)
STR junster333 () vs () erigert

Black Scorpions(2) vs (0) F.P.D

8bus girl_power7 () vs () keaneo16
8bus kelly1987 () vs () tozzie
9bus dark_flame (0) vs (2) ronalddw (2(--(6)
9bus whocares8x8 () vs () bullettzz
8buk jacksealy21 () vs () skeptical
8buk anoneeemouse () vs () lateo1993
STR dozer () vs () mirrr
STR aladdin_sane () vs () walktall

Edited at 16:12 Sun 12/04/15 (BST)

Edited at 19:39 Tue 14/04/15 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:00 Tue 14 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Deadline 3rd May

FPD vs Pocket Dynamos

STR aladdin_sane (1) vs (1) marksmith

Decent games, not a lot missed, very tight match up.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:00 Tue 14 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  

mouse 1 v 1 letsgochamp

vggs , couldve gone either way, but think draw was fair result. Nice guy to play .
Posts: 4,046
23:13 Tue 14 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
buckjam vs serious_game is now dozer vs serious_game

This sub was made as dozer was subbed out of her match too early in the fixture and wasnt given a chance to get her game played.We do not do subs in the first 2 weeks at least to give all players a chance to organize their matches. Just because the opposing team decide its time their player played their match, it doesnt mean that our player should forfeit their game.
Because of this i did not get a game in this set. Thanks
Posts: 8,885
00:01 Wed 15 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Well said jamie
Posts: 5,821
00:56 Wed 15 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
No I decide to make the sub because. She said there was a time difference that why the sub and if I can't make subs. I will. Give. Up my v cap place

Edited at 21:59 Tue 14/04/15 (BST)
Posts: 5,821
01:01 Wed 15 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
No just make me a player now. Don't want to be v cap anymore.
Posts: 5,821
01:02 Wed 15 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Edited at 22:14 Tue 14/04/15 (BST)
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