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Posts: 4,046
04:27 Thu 9 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FPD (7) vs (7) The Revolution
8us- cranny_miss (0) v (2) deluxe

Thanks for getting that played Carrie.
Posts: 4,046
04:29 Thu 9 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Squeaked through to the Semis of the Player's Championship!
First I thought I'd won it, then thought I'd lost it, then won it.

Well done Seb. Really good run your having. Hope you win it
Posts: 4,046
04:31 Thu 9 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
A big welcome to a big personality .......Fatmikeee has joined FPD. Great recruiter and always reliable so welcome buddy.
Posts: 4,046
04:33 Thu 9 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  

FPD (8) vs (8) Black Scorpions

8us- re_rack_jack (1) (s) v (1) achpfsk
8us- junster333 (2) v (0)_huts24_
9us- aladdin_sane (2) v (0) cue_control_
9us- ferretlady (0) v (2)bulletzzzz
8uk- buckjam (0) v (2) w_hoolahan
8uk- jacksealy21 (1) v (1)ben_tekkers
str- whocares8x8 (2) v (0) klien
str- joe_willis (0) v (2) madmiketyson

FPD (5) vs (9) Pocket Dynamos

8us- joe_willis v toon_lad
8us- anoneeemouse (0) v (2) letsgochamp
9us- jacksealy21 (0) v (2) hippesville
9us- ferretlady (0) v (2) fastboysam
8uk- aladdin_sane (2) v (0)triple_b
8uk- canny_miss (1) v (1) blueberry
str- whocares8x8 (2) v (0) punkpoet
str- re_rack_jack (0) v (2)marksmith

FPD (7) vs (7) The Revolution

8us- cranny_miss (0) v (2) deluxe
8us- re_rack_jack (2) v (0) james_h
9us- whocares8x8 (2) v (2) kingdadcool
9us- buckjam (0) v (2) kris
8uk- jacksealy21 (s) (0) v (2) veyron
8uk- anoneeemouse (2) v (0) chezz
str- junster333 v _siber_man_
str- aladdin_sane (1) v (1) drewdt3
Posts: 4,231
08:40 Thu 9 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done Seb!

Players Champion of 2015!

Best player here, proven.

Congratz from The Revolution
Posts: 38,097
20:10 Thu 9 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thursday 9th July 8pm, Pool - Super Random 5sec Shoot Out

Please join if you can as this is a trial, if enough of us join, maybe it could be once a week or something.

This starts tonight, hoping for at least 10 members, if your a quick player, have ago

Budweiser said if enough join then it could be once a week
Posts: 1,986
21:43 Thu 9 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks for the above welcome,ill try my best to help any way i can and more if possible Thanks for having me Ill add all to friends and gl TEAM.
Posts: 19,819
21:54 Thu 9 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  

FPD's v Rev's
canny_miss (8) vs (7)mr_magoo

BS v Rev's
cue_control_(2) vs (6) kingdadcool
madmiketyson (9) vs (6) veyron
Posts: 4,046
03:32 Fri 10 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok so heres some news for all Funky Devils.

Fatmikee has got himself banned. Dont know for what or how long

After a break for a while for both Bonfireheart and blackcabman7 have rejoined the clan. Nice to have you back guys.

I have just sold 35 kitchens and expect to be knackered for at least 12 weeks so be gentle

Posts: 4,046
03:38 Fri 10 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Heres our team as it stands

buckjam (capt)
anoneeemouse (v capt)
fasteddie (new)
jig_saw (new
fatmikee (new but banned atm)
bonfireheart (returning)
blackcabman7 (returning)

Please be nice to each other and to our opponenents. Lets be the clan of the nicest people if not the best.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:56 Fri 10 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Squeaked through to the Semis of the Player's Championship!
First I thought I'd won it, then thought I'd lost it, then won it.
Very well done Seb

Welcome bonfireheart and blackcabman7 back to the team
Posts: 5,821
03:57 Fri 10 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
thaxs good to be back after a wee break
Posts: 19,819
21:51 Sat 11 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey folks, just messaged toon about the last game and he says Joe hasn't got back to him :/
Deadlines tomorrow night so can you get him to reply? or post possible subs please?
Kue will be on tonight and tomorrow, but he goes bed at 11ish.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:53 Sat 11 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey folks, just messaged toon about the last game and he says Joe hasn't got back to him :/
Deadlines tomorrow night so can you get him to reply? or post possible subs please?
Kue will be on tonight and tomorrow, but he goes bed at 11ish.
buckjam should be on and is eligible to sub in, or if junster333 is online he can sub in
Posts: 116
23:23 Sat 11 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL (straight)

ferretlady 0 - 2 _siber_man_

Sorry again guys, just out of my league, but at least it is played now x
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:08 Sun 12 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL (straight)

ferretlady 0 - 2 _siber_man_

Sorry again guys, just out of my league, but at least it is played now x
ul ferretlady , siber is good player , well done and ty both for getting it played
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:33 Sun 12 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
could a cap or vc post the sub on the subs thread in the fbl that ferretlady subbed in and played me ,,,ty
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:40 Sun 12 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
could a cap or vc post the sub on the subs thread in the fbl that ferretlady subbed in and played me ,,,ty
Posts: 4,046
02:48 Sun 12 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL (straight)

ferretlady 0 - 2 _siber_man_

Sorry again guys, just out of my league, but at least it is played now x

Thanks alot for getting it played and unlucky with the score. As mousy said he's a good player.
Posts: 4,046
02:49 Sun 12 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Im playing toon_lad tomorrow to finish up unless the elusive junster333 wants to play it?
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