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Posts: 4,231
23:03 Sat 27 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Edited at 20:14 Sat 27/06/15 (BST)
Posts: 4,231
20:16 Sun 28 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL sub vs FPD-s

was ferretlady-kingdadcool
is ferretlady-mr.magoo (available from wed.)
Posts: 11,063
23:11 Sun 28 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Killer is at 9 tonight?
If it is, then I should be on...
Posts: 14,736
23:14 Sun 28 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
No it isn't - none of Fearless Knights have said they can make it.
Next Sunday is the default time 9pm - looks like that will be the time used.

Posts: 38,097
23:18 Sun 28 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
No it isn't - none of Fearless Knights have said they can make it.
Next Sunday is the default time 9pm - looks like that will be the time used.


But if Jamie sent the same times as Rich then you would be outvoted so should be tonight, if not then we need Keith to post an actual time to play.

I do agree with Rich that your waiting for your best players which is fine (no digs here) but really need the runner to select a time asap.

horse10000 can you help out matey
Posts: 14,736
23:22 Sun 28 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Absolute nonsense - NONE of our players are available tonight - just because a Captain takes it upon themselves to dictate we play this evening without any actual proper communication then excuse me whilst we can't make it on his fabricated time and date.

Default time is simply there for when not all teams and it's players can be in attendance. We are in that situation, regardless who we play has actually nothing to do with yourself James or the League Runner.

So kindly keep your nose out - the default time will be perfectly adequate.
Posts: 4,231
23:28 Sun 28 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
it should be so much easier to sort out.... took me 30 min and a brief chat with all the caps and sorted
Posts: 38,097
23:29 Sun 28 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  

was pointing out if teams can't agree then a runner should select a time based on the entries, at least thats how chris ran it, if those has changed then apologies, just going on the rules i remember.

i wasn't taking an angry tone with you so please don't do it to me, players are allowed an opinion and will post when i feel like i should voice an opinion.

was posting as felt the rules was same as when chris ran it (no time agreed, runner picks) as i said though, if those rules has changed to no agreement is default time then i apologise
Posts: 2,588
23:30 Sun 28 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I think you're all forgetting me... I should also have a say in the times...
Posts: 9,926
23:32 Sun 28 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
The messages and posts that I read all stated that the killer would be played tonight from what I saw. The dates/times I was sent were limited from the teams involved. If all teams are not in agreement which it appears is the case now then the killer will be played at default date and time. Teams were giving the opportunity to try and be sensible and arrange amongst them which appeared to happen for both games. I also asked for times and dates from captains which most have not sent, I presumed this was due to all clans agreeing the dates and times. If someone can provide a link to messages showing that all 4 teams agreed tonight for this game then it will happen tonight if it only shows 2 or 3 teams agreeing but not all 4 it will be played at default time.

Posts: 38,097
23:40 Sun 28 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
ok mate ty for clarification, default time it is (Killer discussion done)

Next set may pose a problem though as both sites would have the same default time so some players may not be able to play due to Snooker Killer.

Personally hope this isn't a loophole
Posts: 3,359
23:40 Sun 28 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I did send times and so did Jamie , tonight suited us but ash decided that because legend pot is on holiday then the whole world is to stop and wait

Deadline day on snooker next sunday most of my players who have showed an interest in playing the killer game will be involved in snooker , I also move house on Friday and won't have internet until the Monday

I need to start acting like a d1ck and stop being Mr nice guy , because this being nice and trying to agree things with some people is a joke
Posts: 38,097
23:44 Sun 28 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Killer will be Monday mate due to day late but a valid point about same time killer, may have to talk to Seb and maybe see about moving to a mid-week deadline to prevent a case like this from happening.
Posts: 2,588
23:44 Sun 28 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Just so you guys know.. Tonight would have been better for me to (representing Black Scorpions).

Posts: 38,097
23:48 Sun 28 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
3 yes's for tonight
Posts: 14,736
23:51 Sun 28 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It has nothing to do with legend_pot - that's your own assumption. _fresh_ is playing matches he's already prearranged this evening, joeyy cannot make it and it's he who's meant to be running the killer team.

The only persons i have actually spoken with are thegame26 and klien, give him some credit he actually has been in contact, which i appreciate. Not once has the Captain here or any representative been in contact instead just posted (dictated) the Killer would be played this evening.

I clearly posted that would not be possible, unfortunately.

Default time it is, it's never going to suit all players but we/i didn't create the default time. So kindly stop barking on about one player (legend_pot) try the team as a whole is unavailable. Otherwise do you not think I'd have submitted suitable times to the League Runner.

Of course I would.
Posts: 11,063
23:54 Sun 28 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I think the first post of yours a few days ago said something like "legend_pot wont be here until tuesday at the earliest". I think that may have helped shape peoples opinions that youre waiting for your best guy.

So I assume it wont be played now after all?
In that case, see you guys later
Posts: 3,359
00:03 Mon 29 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It has nothing to do with legend_pot - that's your own assumption. _fresh_ is playing matches he's already prearranged this evening, joeyy cannot make it and it's he who's meant to be running the killer team.

The only persons i have actually spoken with are thegame26 and klien, give him some credit he actually has been in contact, which i appreciate. Not once has the Captain here or any representative been in contact instead just posted (dictated) the Killer would be played this evening.

I clearly posted that would not be possible, unfortunately.

Default time it is, it's never going to suit all players but we/i didn't create the default time. So kindly stop barking on about one player (legend_pot) try the team as a whole is unavailable. Otherwise do you not think I'd have submitted suitable times to the League Runner.

Of course I would.

Why are you lying ? You told me.on Facebook that you wanted youre best players available and that deadline was best for you

So I'm not assuming anything
Posts: 2,588
00:05 Mon 29 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It has nothing to do with legend_pot - that's your own assumption. _fresh_ is playing matches he's already prearranged this evening, joeyy cannot make it and it's he who's meant to be running the killer team.

The only persons i have actually spoken with are thegame26 and klien, give him some credit he actually has been in contact, which i appreciate. Not once has the Captain here or any representative been in contact instead just posted (dictated) the Killer would be played this evening.

I clearly posted that would not be possible, unfortunately.

Default time it is, it's never going to suit all players but we/i didn't create the default time. So kindly stop barking on about one player (legend_pot) try the team as a whole is unavailable. Otherwise do you not think I'd have submitted suitable times to the League Runner.

Of course I would.

Why are you lying ? You told me.on Facebook that you wanted youre best players available and that deadline was best for you

So I'm not assuming anything

Not to be taking sides here - he did actually post on his thread that he was waiting for the deadline because "for a change" he wanted to "field his best team".
Posts: 38,097
00:08 Mon 29 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
i assumed it too when he mentioned his best player won't be home until tuesday, clan matches could be re-organized, happens on killers default time on snooker. the guy i respect most is Spoonie as he is playing alone against arguably the #1 clan in modern era and two other capable clans also
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