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Posts: 880
16:43 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Subs


junster333 vs r1p0m4n
girl_power7 vs mirrr

is now

buckjam vs r1p0m4n_v2
whocares8x8 vs mirr

Had mesged mirr heard nothing from him but hey hoo gl seb
Posts: 10,109
16:52 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Subs

derik_dalton vs re_rack_jack

is now

corsair vs re_rack_jack
Posts: 4,046
17:29 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
buckjam said:
The Professionals(5) v (5)F.P.D.
8us: anoneemouse (0)v(2) beenjammin
8us: buckjam v miss_harriet
9us: jacksealy21 (2) vs (0)crazy_greg
9us: blackcabman7 (s) vs _wales_lad_
8uk: thegreatone7 vs jonnythefox
8uk: canny_miss(1) vs(1) nike
Str: whocares8x8(1) vs(1) lll1lll1lll
Str: aladdin_sane(1) vs(1) dvz

Chips n' Gravy (8)vs(0) F.P.D.

8bus canny_miss(0) vs)2) rubber_duck
8bus blackcabman7(0) vs(2) sillybilly
9bus kelly1987 (0) vs (2) crazzymadman
9bus aladdin_sane vs jimmy_efc
8buk thegreatone7 vs im_crap_adam
8buk whocares8x8 vs mirrr
STR jacksealey21(0) vs(2) foxhound
STR buckjam vs r1p0m4n_v2

deadline 24th may
Posts: 506
17:35 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Mirr is in 9 ball and Jimmy in Uk not the other way around.
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19:15 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Subs

derik_dalton vs re_rack_jack

is now

corsair vs re_rack_jack

Why the sub ? derik_dalton was on yesterday and fixtures just coming out... Just curious
Was looking forward to playing him.

And not scared to play corsair so don't think that lol I like playing the better players only way to get better
Posts: 14,736
19:23 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
So much for not making subs within the 1st week - and sorry but how convenient and tactical is that sub lol - IF I'd have done it All HELL breaks loose - changes to rules being discussed and constant ridicule.

What a bloody joke!

So derik's unavailable for the next 20/21 days - Yeah right.
Posts: 5,821
19:31 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
faust made the sub as far as I can see not us
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19:35 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
faust made the sub as far as I can see not us

Posts: 317
19:51 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
So much for not making subs within the 1st week - and sorry but how convenient and tactical is that sub lol - IF I'd have done it All HELL breaks loose - changes to rules being discussed and constant ridicule.

What a bloody joke!

So derik's unavailable for the next 20/21 days - Yeah right.

Even you don't make tactical subs when you know your going win the fixture anyway do you? You would think common sense would prevail, there's a reason why there best player wasn't in the fixture from the start.

There is a difference when you make subs, you come out with bs excuses for doing them instead of just been honest.
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19:53 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
tbh if they knew he wasnt going to be on in the three weeks ,,why put him in in the first place?? i thought it was no subs in the first 2 weeks/week whatever it is

Edited at 16:56 Mon 18/05/15 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
19:55 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah same crappy reply - usual trash - yawn - totally agree siber_man - but it's vs Uprising so no one daren't question them.
Posts: 317
19:55 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Who said they knew? Obviously they didn't or he wouldn't be in the fixture.
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19:56 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Who said they knew? Obviously they didn't or he wouldn't be in the fixture.

what about the second part of the comment??
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19:58 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
The captain didn't pick the team as he was away on holiday. A member of the team put forward names when they didn't have all the information. Again ash fails to see its not tactics subs people hate, it's the lies. If Derik being unable to play for computer problems is a lie its lasted a long long time.
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20:00 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Who said they knew? Obviously they didn't or he wouldn't be in the fixture.

what about the second part of the comment??
the second part of your post is wrong. Subs are free to be made whenever.
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20:00 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
cool as long as its clarified john cheers,,, so subs can be made anytime cheers again so basically same as last season as long as i know now so i can swap players and sub players in regardless

Edited at 17:04 Mon 18/05/15 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
20:04 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It could be a simple mistake, then a sub made. I defended Knights when it happened to them last season and will do the same for Uprising here.

In the last few sets or so, Keith missed part of Knights teamlist so they subbed straight away so it could be changed into correct matches. Uprising is doing the same but instead of the Runner missing part of the list it was an Uprising member so once they realised their mistake, they subbed straight away to make it right but because they subbed in their strongest player people are complaining but if someone like faust (sorry mate, first name to hand) subbed in then i don't think this would be happening personally.

It shouldn't matter what the reason is to sub but people should just learn to accept them and play
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20:06 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
agreed dgen m8 but as some ppl say tactics is getting used a lot by the same ppl as johns just clarified at any time regardles of players calibre thats good to know will stop ppl saying tactical all the time
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20:09 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It could be a simple mistake, then a sub made. I defended Knights when it happened to them last season and will do the same for Uprising here.

In the last few sets or so, Keith missed part of Knights teamlist so they subbed straight away so it could be changed into correct matches. Uprising is doing the same but instead of the Runner missing part of the list it was an Uprising member so once they realised their mistake, they subbed straight away to make it right but because they subbed in their strongest player people are complaining but if someone like faust (sorry mate, first name to hand) subbed in then i don't think this would be happening personally.

It shouldn't matter what the reason is to sub but people should just learn to accept them and play

If it sounded like i was complaining that was not my intention. Was just curious being so early in fixtures why. I enjoy playing anyone ... More of just wondering from me ... ( i only speak for myself )
Posts: 4,046
20:10 Mon 18 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Take it all off to the discussion thread please. re_rack_jack said he has no problem with it so why all the fuss. Its monday and you are all i am with this crap
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