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Posts: 11,063
02:55 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
My SL game with mikeyboy was played a while ago and finished 3-4 to him (score 3-3, he got a runout).
The game with huts wont be a problem. Will get going on the FCL games soon
Posts: 4,046
03:41 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
My SL game with mikeyboy was played a while ago and finished 3-4 to him (score 3-3, he got a runout).
The game with huts wont be a problem. Will get going on the FCL games soon

Ok thanks for update and unlucky with that one. Looks close.
Posts: 4,046
03:45 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
blackcabman7 () vs () mid_lifer
junster333 () vs () lll1lll1lll
r08 (s) () vs () _wales_lad_
whocares8x8 () vs () daveybaumers
canny_miss (0) vs (15) dvz
girl_power7 () vs () miss_harriet
dark_flame (2) vs (13) nike
aladdin_sane (4) vs (11) crazy_greg


blackcabman7 () vs () lateo1993
whocares8x8 () vs () skeptical
dozer () vs () walktall
jacksealy21 () vs () ronalddw
thegreatone7 () vs () _huts24_
anoneeemouse () vs () tozzie
buckjam (6) vs (9) w_hoolahan
aladdin_sane (9) vs (6) silenthill

FPD(5) VS (25) C & Gravy

kelly1987 (4) vs (11) jimmy_efc
r08 (s) (1) vs (14) mirrr
canny_miss () vs () sillybilly
girl_power7 () vs () rubber_duck
blackcabman7 (s) () vs () liam_scfc
dark_flame () vs () strange_daze
junster333 () vs () foxhound
joe_willis () vs () chalkie

26/04/15 to 17/05/15)
Posts: 4,046
03:47 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
F.P.D. (10) v (16) Un'B'eatables
super league

aladdin_sane (1) v (5) andyw1
jacksealy21 v x_connor
whocares8x8 (3)v (4)mikeybboy
buckjam(3) v(3) sleipnir
thegreatone7 (3) v (4) mrmagic
super league

aladdin_sane(5) v (1)walktall
jacksealy21(3) v(4) Bulletzzzz
whocares8x8 v _huts24_
buckjam (1) v (6) _w_hoolahan_
thegreatone7 v silenthill (s)
Posts: 11,063
03:50 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
My SL game with mikeyboy was played a while ago and finished 3-4 to him (score 3-3, he got a runout).
The game with huts wont be a problem. Will get going on the FCL games soon
Ok thanks for update and unlucky with that one. Looks close.
Here it was:
Posts: 5,821
18:17 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
blackcabman7 vs mid_lifer F C L LEAGUE

8bal uk---(4)-----(1)---mid_lifer

brill player I played to much safety but better player won gl restof season m8

13 ---2 to lifer
Posts: 5,821
18:21 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
blackcabman7 (2) vs (13) mid_lifer
junster333 () vs () lll1lll1lll
r08 (s) () vs () _wales_lad_
whocares8x8 () vs () daveybaumers
canny_miss (0) vs (15) dvz
girl_power7 () vs () miss_harriet
dark_flame (2) vs (13) nike
aladdin_sane (4) vs (11) crazy_greg


blackcabman7 () vs () lateo1993
whocares8x8 () vs () skeptical
dozer () vs () walktall
jacksealy21 () vs () ronalddw
thegreatone7 () vs () _huts24_
anoneeemouse () vs () tozzie
buckjam (6) vs (9) w_hoolahan
aladdin_sane (9) vs (6) silenthill

FPD(5) VS (34) C & Gravy

kelly1987 (10 )vs (11) jimmy_efc
r08 (s) (1) vs (14) mirrr
canny_miss () vs () sillybilly
girl_power7 () vs () rubber_duck
blackcabman7 (s) () vs () liam_scfc
dark_flame () vs () strange_daze
junster333 (5) vs (10) ]foxhound
joe_willis () vs () chalkie

26/04/15 to 17/05/15)

Edited at 16:26 Mon 04/05/15 (BST)
Posts: 5,821
18:22 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
F.P.D. (10) v (16) Un'B'eatables
super league

aladdin_sane (1) v (5) andyw1
jacksealy21 v x_connor
whocares8x8 (3)v (4)mikeybboy
buckjam(3) v(3) sleipnir
thegreatone7 (3) v (4) mrmagic
super league

aladdin_sane(5) v (1)walktall
jacksealy21(3) v(4) Bulletzzzz
whocares8x8 v _huts24_
buckjam (1) v (6) _w_hoolahan_
thegreatone7 v silenthill (s)
Posts: 750
18:36 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Are you being serious? This is the third time I've told you that I've already played my FCL game with junster333......why am I STILL being tagged???
Posts: 4,046
18:40 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi all. The FBL games are out. I am not putting the list up till we get a few of the FCL and SL games out the way. I like to give all our players a good chance of playing their games but as only one game got played over the weekend i will start subbing earlier. I have no idea whats organised and for when. All i get is messages from other players saying they have had no response from you guys and girls. Not fair on them and not fair on the players who are getting the games done in a reasonable time frame. We have had some excellent results. Lets not spoil it!
Posts: 4,046
18:42 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Are you being serious? This is the third time I've told you that I've already played my FCL game with junster333......why am I STILL being tagged???

Very sorry. We missed result and your message. Will get cabbie to sort now.
Posts: 785
18:46 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Are you being serious? This is the third time I've told you that I've already played my FCL game with junster333......why am I STILL being tagged???

Very sorry. We missed result and your message. Will get cabbie to sort now.

Any news on Beth? I am a patient guy an I know theres still 6 days till the deadline. I just don't appreciate being told she would be online at a certain time, and doesn't show. Leaving me hanging.

Respect that you and blackcabman7 have still got this clan going. Despite numbers of players falling.

Posts: 11,063
19:13 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I dont understand this rage about being tagged...
Posts: 5,821
19:27 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Are you being serious? This is the third time I've told you that I've already played my FCL game with junster333......why am I STILL being tagged???
cause we like u
Posts: 5,821
19:30 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I dont understand this rage about being tagged...
hes fed up wearing the tag round his neck lol
Posts: 4,046
19:34 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I dont understand this rage about being tagged...

When you have selected to be notified of messages on your phone it does get annoying when you check your messages to find its something you have already done. I removed it from my profile because it was binging every time some one mentioned my name. So i do understand fustration.
Posts: 11,063
19:38 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I dont understand this rage about being tagged...

When you have selected to be notified of messages on your phone it does get annoying when you check your messages to find its something you have already done. I removed it from my profile because it was binging every time some one mentioned my name. So i do understand fustration.
Then take off the notification on the phone if it's annoying?
If I get texted all the time, I turn sounds off...
Posts: 4,046
19:40 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Are you being serious? This is the third time I've told you that I've already played my FCL game with junster333......why am I STILL being tagged???

Very sorry. We missed result and your message. Will get cabbie to sort now.

Any news on Beth? I am a patient guy an I know theres still 6 days till the deadline. I just don't appreciate being told she would be online at a certain time, and doesn't show. Leaving me hanging.

Respect that you and blackcabman7 have still got this clan going. Despite numbers of players falling.

I informed you that she is normaly on on the weekends. Now, i dont know her circumstances this weekend but imagine there is a reason for her not getting on to play. We as a team apologize for you having to wait and i will sub her out if its not done by wednesday. We have 3 players who have not been on for while although one did message me Sunday so no alarm bells yet. Its getting warmer which means more social commitments ect. Just the way of it i guess. We soldier on.
Posts: 4,046
19:42 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I dont understand this rage about being tagged...

When you have selected to be notified of messages on your phone it does get annoying when you check your messages to find its something you have already done. I removed it from my profile because it was binging every time some one mentioned my name. So i do understand fustration.
Then take off the notification on the phone if it's annoying?
If I get texted all the time, I turn sounds off...

It comes in the form of an email. Why should he remove a notification for his games just because we forgot to untag him 3 times. Our fault entirely which should not effect his other communications with other players.
Posts: 11,063
19:48 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I dont understand this rage about being tagged...
When you have selected to be notified of messages on your phone it does get annoying when you check your messages to find its something you have already done. I removed it from my profile because it was binging every time some one mentioned my name. So i do understand fustration.
Then take off the notification on the phone if it's annoying?
If I get texted all the time, I turn sounds off...
It comes in the form of an email. Why should he remove a notification for his games just because we forgot to untag him 3 times. Our fault entirely which should not effect his other communications with other players.
Very understanding of you. Im not nearly as nice. Theres an option to turn it off. Cant cause this much rage...
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