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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:52 Sun 29 Mar 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posted Image

Anyone have an idea why this keeps coming up on my screen when I enter a tourney or get to a final..Doesn't let me click anything and just freezes my funkypool browser. .Wait 5 mins and then lets me log back in.. Starting to become a joke and making me not want to play the site anymore.. Any help/advise would be appreciated.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:00 Mon 30 Mar 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posted Image

Anyone have an idea why this keeps coming up on my screen when I enter a tourney or get to a final..Doesn't let me click anything and just freezes my funkypool browser. .Wait 5 mins and then lets me log back in.. Starting to become a joke and making me not want to play the site anymore.. Any help/advise would be appreciated.

Finally I can log on to the Applet - NO ONE download the new version of JAVA - Version 8 Update 40 - the security parameters are different.

They claim to have fixed many bugs but will require Authentication for the Security Certificates. I had to uninstall then locate Java 7 Update 75 - it tries to entice you to update again but DON'T.

Not worth the hassle.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:10 Mon 30 Mar 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posted Image

Anyone have an idea why this keeps coming up on my screen when I enter a tourney or get to a final..Doesn't let me click anything and just freezes my funkypool browser. .Wait 5 mins and then lets me log back in.. Starting to become a joke and making me not want to play the site anymore.. Any help/advise would be appreciated.

Finally I can log on to the Applet - NO ONE download the new version of JAVA - Version 8 Update 40 - the security parameters are different.

They claim to have fixed many bugs but will require Authentication for the Security Certificates. I had to uninstall then locate Java 7 Update 75 - it tries to entice you to update again but DON'T.

Not worth the hassle.

Thank you very much mate.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:25 Mon 30 Mar 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posted Image

Anyone have an idea why this keeps coming up on my screen when I enter a tourney or get to a final..Doesn't let me click anything and just freezes my funkypool browser. .Wait 5 mins and then lets me log back in.. Starting to become a joke and making me not want to play the site anymore.. Any help/advise would be appreciated.

Finally I can log on to the Applet - NO ONE download the new version of JAVA - Version 8 Update 40 - the security parameters are different.

They claim to have fixed many bugs but will require Authentication for the Security Certificates. I had to uninstall then locate Java 7 Update 75 - it tries to entice you to update again but DON'T.

Not worth the hassle.

Thank you very much mate.

Posts: 661
02:20 Mon 30 Mar 15 (BST)  [Link]  
You can actually add the site to the exemption list. That's easier. xD
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