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Posts: 19,967
23:56 Thu 19 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
ok so hippesville your comment about petrol and what not, I think you should be banned from the site, you contest it was a 'joke', should your team be punished for it? Should you be individually punished for it?

That's where there is a major flaw in not simply allowing the site rules to dictate what happens. Our two points of view on the comment are poles apart and if you had the same differing views with a league runner, under the rules you want, your clan gets punished. This whole punishing out with site rules is a complete non starter.

Exactly, you leave the rules open to interpretation and then people will argue when an argument breaks out if someone is punished when they feel it should've been someone else and when someone isn't punished when they feel they should be. It could end up with more arguments, when an argument breaks out.

Last time we had similar rule it was abused. Leave the forum moderating to forum moderators.
Posts: 1,986
23:57 Thu 19 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well as i have stated before if it aint broke dont fix it lol.But some just have to dwell on ever subject.Like Sir Ash lol.
Posts: 7,974
01:12 Fri 20 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Some may be more worried about their team being punished than others.
To me it'd be the best way to tackle the problem, and should give most Captains nothing to worry about.
My point has been made and that's me done on it

what your suggesting gaz is the captain takes responsibility for their players and conduct
which is what any team captain does
he helps avoid anything that may bring his team into disrepute

unfortunately when a captain isn't strong enough he maybe manipulated, or sometimes he or she maybe as bad as the player/s themselves, so your words are falling on deaf ears

I also read a comment stating we are all adults,
wrong some players are under 16 in clan leagues
so don't speculate

the question to be answered is this

are forums for bullying and rudeness ?
or for clan chat and arranging games

if you cant be constructive, don't post at all
its easy

keep the crap off threads, its easy isn't it ???

if you have a problem get your captain to deal with it via offline message,
its easy isn't it ???

or does ego play a bigger part to it and attention seeking
Posts: 7,324
02:12 Fri 20 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Don't envy you in the slightest Keith, but respect to you nonetheless for continuing with this. Good luck with it!
Posts: 4,046
14:57 Fri 20 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
One minute its the captains fault that teams fold and they should be banned for being below par.

Now they cant manage their team as everyone is an individual and should not be rollocked becasue they are letting the rest of the team down (by not getting their games played) or by causing grief on their own or others threads.

The whole system works, and works well as far as i can see. No need to change anything. If you can have a season where 3-4 teams are all challenging in the last couple of sets then its a success.

We may have 8 full teams this coming season.........success

If people just left each other alone and stopped the constant bickering on and on and on ..................greater success

The antagonists are plain to see.Stop talking to them. They will soon get bored if they have no one to wind up.
Posts: 914
15:06 Fri 20 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Were looking at the possibility of have 10 teams in one league. Think that's the most in a long time. THAT I believe should be the main focus now, getting all teams over the finishing line.
Posts: 19,819
22:20 Sun 22 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I disagree with the comments that a player doesn't represent a clan. If they wear a PD's badge they represent my clan, and I can be very choosy tbh.
In fact people have messaged me saying so and so in your clan has been doing this.... can you have a word? Which i have.

Any word on when the season's going to start?
Posts: 19,967
11:58 Mon 23 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
But a player can wear any badge they like, it doesn't mean they represent the group the badge belongs to. If I put up a Sony logo it doesn't mean I'm a representative of Sony. Unless they're playing in some sort of clan capacity then they're representing themselves and their own views not the clans.

People have clan pictures up when they don't belong to that clan anymore, so how can there represent them. On a minor level it can affect the impression you have of the individuals of a clan but if a PD were to make racist remarks I wouldn't think PDs are all racist.
Posts: 19,819
16:17 Mon 23 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well zante people do tarnish others with the same brush. Like a player is well known for leaving tournies if his opponent has a clan pic lol.
Btw on your post on the other page, i run pds like a ruthless dictator lol
Posts: 19,967
16:23 Mon 23 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Then the problem is with stereotyping not representation but I think we're venturing off topic with your iron fist
Posts: 13,570
18:13 Mon 23 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
But a player can wear any badge they like, it doesn't mean they represent the group the badge belongs to. If I put up a Sony logo it doesn't mean I'm a representative of Sony. Unless they're playing in some sort of clan capacity then they're representing themselves and their own views not the clans.

People have clan pictures up when they don't belong to that clan anymore, so how can there represent them. On a minor level it can affect the impression you have of the individuals of a clan but if a PD were to make racist remarks I wouldn't think PDs are all racist.

Irrelevant......the point I made was about Clan Team Members as individuals representing their Clan. We all know who plays for who so logos don't come into it. It's to stamp out the arguments.
Posts: 1,986
18:36 Mon 23 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Gotta be something better to complain about,I love reading this trash lol.
Sure seems to solve a ton of problems.
Posts: 19,967
20:46 Mon 23 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
That was addressed to Zac, so highly likely it would be irrelevant to your post Hippes

Punishing clans for the actions of individuals wouldn't stamp out the arguments, it would make things worse if anything. You'll just make people upset because there's going to be a lot of subjective opinions already on who did what. Most likely you'll punish the people that react, without actually dealing with the people who cause the arguments. Then you'll end up punishing teams which could cost them a position in the league and effectively ruin the league. So the league table will lose it's efficacy, people will end up more miserable and hard done by, the arguments won't be stopped and you might end up losing players.

fran_ has played for last seasons top 3 clans fairly recently without any change in his actions, same for some others. If the clans have no effect on a players behaviour then why punish them for it? That doesn't make sense. Or what about when it's the captains behaviour that is an issue, what is the clan supposed to do then?

Don't try and mix clan league responsibilities and forum responsibilities. Leave moderating issues with the moderating team.
Posts: 13,570
21:35 Mon 23 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
That was addressed to Zac, so highly likely it would be irrelevant to your post Hippes

Punishing clans for the actions of individuals wouldn't stamp out the arguments, it would make things worse if anything. You'll just make people upset because there's going to be a lot of subjective opinions already on who did what. Most likely you'll punish the people that react, without actually dealing with the people who cause the arguments. Then you'll end up punishing teams which could cost them a position in the league and effectively ruin the league. So the league table will lose it's efficacy, people will end up more miserable and hard done by, the arguments won't be stopped and you might end up losing players.

fran_ has played for last seasons top 3 clans fairly recently without any change in his actions, same for some others. If the clans have no effect on a players behaviour then why punish them for it? That doesn't make sense. Or what about when it's the captains behaviour that is an issue, what is the clan supposed to do then?

Don't try and mix clan league responsibilities and forum responsibilities. Leave moderating issues with the moderating team.

They both go with the territory m8

I believe that last season there would've been a great difference in league positions had there been that type of punishment for teams.

Mods n Admin aren't effective enough on the threads IMO but may have been due to a Mod running things
Posts: 19,967
21:49 Mon 23 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think the difference would've been Uprising, XVth man and UB being on a lot fewer points. Depending on the league, would depend on the effectiveness.

FCL, maybe UB and XVth man would've dropped down but I think they'd have been safe to be in div in the split. But is it really what we want for them to have been replaced by two clans that would get two big losses?

FBL it's the same again, they'd have probably lost a position each with Uprising safe in 2nd.

SL isn't really applicable, neither are the cups.

It would've most likely took the animosity from the forums to in game. Just moving the problems to where they can't be punished so I don't see that solving the problem.
Posts: 13,570
22:08 Mon 23 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
After last season m8, I just want to be able to enjoy playin clan stuff.
Different clan will have a difference, but I don't wanna see it going on as it did.
I'm not sayin I'm innocent, but there are a good few people who could take a look at themselves as well and wonder how they would have felt had their team had points deducted for their behaviour. Granted some won't give a damn, but that just shows them up and nobody would have them.

As for yer points about who would and wouldn't have moved that's just yer opinion
Posts: 13,570
22:10 Mon 23 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry for goin on again but felt I had to respond. That's me DEFINITELY done on that lol leave it to the runners
Posts: 9,926
22:21 Mon 23 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
After last season m8, I just want to be able to enjoy playin clan stuff.
Different clan will have a difference, but I don't wanna see it going on as it did.
I'm not sayin I'm innocent, but there are a good few people who could take a look at themselves as well and wonder how they would have felt had their team had points deducted for their behaviour. Granted some won't give a damn, but that just shows them up and nobody would have them.

As for yer points about who would and wouldn't have moved that's just yer opinion

The original suggestion was that individuals would face suspension for misbehaving on the forums. The point was that those who do it a lot would be missing from games so it would punish their team if they had one of their players unavailable for selection. I think most are aware that there is a core that misbehave every season, it was an attempt to try and punish them and hope that they see sense and we put the 'fun' back into funky.

The other option is that I could just disallow them all from the leagues and see if peace prevails
Posts: 13,570
22:23 Mon 23 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Straight from the horse's mouth!
Posts: 19,967
22:39 Mon 23 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
We had the same thing for repeat defaulters, but it wasn't enforced. It would have to be water tight, else you get Johnny High Horse demanding players to be suspended left right and centre. It's tough for that to occur, where's the boundaries between what can't be punished by moderators and what can be punished by a runner.

Something like:

A Participant of the Clan Leagues shall at all times act in the best interests of the game and shall not act in any manner which is improper or brings the League into disrepute or use any one, or a
combination of, violent conduct, serious foul play, threatening, abusive, indecent or insulting words or behaviour.

Inappropriate comments include:

Comments which are improper, which bring the game into disrepute, which are threatening, abusive, indecent or insulting.

Comments about league staff which imply bias, attack staff integrity or which are personally offensive in nature.

Nobody look at the FA rulebook
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