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14:53 Tue 31 Mar 15 (BST)  [Link]  
3 fixtures, 3 weeks...very good idea that actually benefits the players enjoyment rather than just considering teams getting games done.
Posts: 38,097
01:26 Thu 2 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I have been talking to Keith about potentially doing a second individuals event, this would only be for those who want to play (post), it is optional also.

This would be a knockout competition as it would be draws and depending on how many enter/schedule length the deadlines could be pretty flexible with exception of the final which i want to try and run alongside the Players Championship.

Ideas me and keith has had...

- 1 Frame of each type (8Arc, 8US, 9US, 8UK, Straight)
- 1 Frame of each type (Same as above no 8Arc, Ties would follow PC rules)
- Individual Knockout (This would be for each of the four types having their own separate knockout event)

I would be running this so nothing for Keith to do unless something happened.

If you have a different idea you can post that too and possibly use it if people like it but please keep it knockout based (no round robins) and think of the schedule when posting.

If not enough are interested we can scrap it of course but lets see what you guys think

Posts: 19,967
02:16 Thu 2 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't think there is huge demand for an individuals competition to rival the players champ. Personally I think, with all the competitions planned, that there are enough games to play. With the increase to 3 fixtures in 3 weeks, players could have 9 matches at any point from the basic 3 leagues, with killer, GSC, TPC all on top of that. I would give the new changes a trial before adding in more competitions. Especially with the season soon to start and the competition not even drafted yet, wouldn't want a format rushed into.

Though saying all that, I would join it.
Posts: 13,570
03:34 Thu 2 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't think there is huge demand for an individuals competition to rival the players champ. Personally I think, with all the competitions planned, that there are enough games to play. With the increase to 3 fixtures in 3 weeks, players could have 9 matches at any point from the basic 3 leagues, with killer, GSC, TPC all on top of that. I would give the new changes a trial before adding in more competitions. Especially with the season soon to start and the competition not even drafted yet, wouldn't want a format rushed into.

Though saying all that, I would join it.

Posts: 38,097
11:20 Thu 2 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't think there is huge demand for an individuals competition to rival the players champ. Personally I think, with all the competitions planned, that there are enough games to play. With the increase to 3 fixtures in 3 weeks, players could have 9 matches at any point from the basic 3 leagues, with killer, GSC, TPC all on top of that. I would give the new changes a trial before adding in more competitions. Especially with the season soon to start and the competition not even drafted yet, wouldn't want a format rushed into.

Though saying all that, I would join it.

Yeah Keith did mention it to me but thought i would post to see what interest was generated
Posts: 5,821
22:41 Thu 2 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Blackcabman7. 8ball
Posts: 38,097
22:48 Thu 2 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Blackcabman7. 8ball

If we go with option 3 you can enter as many types as you like mate but just wanting to see if people are interested
Posts: 9,926
05:34 Sun 5 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Season 25 is launched...

Fixture Set 1 games can be found here...

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 26th April 2015
Posts: 13,570
03:05 Wed 8 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Blackcabman7. 8ball

If we go with option 3 you can enter as many types as you like mate but just wanting to see if people are interested

I would agree with having your 4 Main Formats with the hope of getting 32 in each assuming most of Clan Players fancy a go, but only 1 format entry allowed.

There are, I think, 160 Clan Players or thereabouts so I reckoned it would be viable.

I think that by entering all 4 it would put a lot of competitors off given that the top players would more than likely end up together in quarters or semis.

If only a single entry allowed, then less chance of having to beat multiple top players.
Posts: 11,056
20:19 Thu 9 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Having been away for three seasons:
This grand slam cup thing looks excellent, although it's a very big format, which probably makes it almost impossible for the weaker clans to cause upsets.
How has the killer cup worked out so far? Sounds really complicated with the organisation.
Are you still doing Super League Playoffs?
Whos running things?
Posts: 10,109
20:27 Thu 9 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Having been away for three seasons:
This grand slam cup thing looks excellent, although it's a very big format, which probably makes it almost impossible for the weaker clans to cause upsets.
How has the killer cup worked out so far? Sounds really complicated with the organisation.
Are you still doing Super League Playoffs?
Whos running things?

This grand slam cup thing looks excellent, although it's a very big format, which probably makes it almost impossible for the weaker clans to cause upsets. - Yes, every single season so far the best team in the competition at the time has won the GSC.

How has the killer cup worked out so far? Sounds really complicated with the organisation - Usually starts about 30 mins later than arranged, but has been hugely successful considering how hard it could be.

Are you still doing Super League Playoffs? - Absolutely no idea. Since it went 6 frames, most don't pay much attention to it. We just play when the fixtures come out! lol

Whos running things? - Horse is in control overall with help from people like punkpoet and zante behind the scenes.
Posts: 38,097
21:27 Mon 13 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Noticed in Grand Slam you can't draw in FCL but you can in the other types (posting as a player here) i think FCL should be 6 of each as the others has been raised dramatically and the FCL is the same.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:38 Mon 13 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
You can draw over the two types of FCL so it is fine in my opinion. Any adjustment it would then not be an FCL format game.
Posts: 19,967
21:59 Mon 13 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree, can't be an FCL format in anything other than 5 of each. You could say FBL style takes precedence since it covers 4 of the 8 games and the other 2 leagues only have 2 each out of 8.

FBL is single types, to adjust the quantity is ok because the format is still individual type which is the main FBL point.

SL is a quick version of FCL, with bonuses. It's shorter format and more unpredictable. Adjust the format to double and it's still the same.

FCL is the standard type now. 5 of each, and has been for a very long time. Only possible adjustment I could see working is to go back to first to 3 in each type. Otherwise it is just another non-FCL format.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:25 Fri 24 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I understand you all came to an agreement as runners but for me the rule of not being allowed to move clan now no longer applies. Zante said it's clear from his posts he wasn't happy, he looked perfectly happy to me prior to playing the captain of the clan he is now playing for. He wanted to move, was told no so wasn't happy, that's not the same as not being happy and looking to move. I don't have all the information but I don't see where it says black scorpions wouldn't play him either. Any player wishing to join a new clan now only needs to say they want to, post one YouTube video and the majority of the runners will vote in their favour. This rule was there to protect clans and it also asked that you make sure you know what you are doing when choosing a clan for a season as if you end up not liking and want to leave you won't play the rest of that season. I now fully expect every player that wants to move from one clan to another to be allowed to and anyone who is refused by the same runners would only go towards hinting at a bias I like to believe there currently isn't.
Posts: 317
12:39 Fri 24 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If a player wants to leave no other captain would try and stop them so they would be free to join another clan then anyway so I'm guessing that rule hasn't applied for a while m8
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:55 Fri 24 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If a player wants to leave no other captain would try and stop them so they would be free to join another clan then anyway so I'm guessing that rule hasn't applied for a while m8
im fine if they do away with the rule in fairness its just that it's been said this is the exception to the rule by one of them, I forget who. You can't do it for one then not another so we can all move clans or mirr can't. It's as simple as that for me. I'd release a player who didn't want to play for me but each to their own I suppose.
Posts: 10,109
13:02 Fri 24 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If a player wants to leave no other captain would try and stop them so they would be free to join another clan then anyway so I'm guessing that rule hasn't applied for a while m8
im fine if they do away with the rule in fairness its just that it's been said this is the exception to the rule by one of them, I forget who. You can't do it for one then not another so we can all move clans or mirr can't. It's as simple as that for me. I'd release a player who didn't want to play for me but each to their own I suppose.

Agree 100%. I have no problem with the move, but to stop anyone else moving now would damage the integrity of the league. There was nothing particularly unique about Dom's case, it was just a simple situation of wanting to join another clan. I think you either have unlimited movement with no exceptions, or no clan movement with no exceptions. What's good for the goose and all that!
Posts: 317
14:10 Fri 24 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Totally agree, I can't remember the last time a player was tied to a clan for the season. I've just never known a captain refuse to release a player that wants to leave.
Posts: 14,736
14:42 Fri 24 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I do think that maybe the fact he deactivated means he is STILL tied to Black Scorpions until they have actually posted he's no longer within their team list. Failing that then a new account could/should have been set up and correct procedures and protocols adhered too (31 days account existence) to combat anyone who COULD be seen as 'manipulating the system'.

I'm not saying Dom did but we just need to nip it in the butt before this opens up an unwanted can of worms IMO.

New Account, Same Player - would there still be all this fuss???? NOPE!

I do agree, something needs to be systematically done either do away with the Rule or Allow Chaos and Free reign. IF players are free to come and go as they please then there's no point in submitting a team list. I do think all this could have been avoided had a new account been created or failing that the League Runner themselves post the outcome to their findings first.

I really hope it doesn't affect and become a free for all for all the other teams. Refusing a player to leave is flat out stupid though, why have someone within your ranks who obviously isn't happy therefore quite possibly wouldn't try their best for that specific team. Silly!!!
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