Where did you hear about Funky? -Sponsored by Chips n' Gravy
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19:46 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
This site is on a massive decline and I've no idea how we can stop it. We used to have 2 clan leagues, now we're lucky to have 2 bloody clans.
We need some sort of promotion, otherwise we're gonna lose this site for good. No one wants to come on and have to wait for an opponent to log in just to play a game...I was the only person in the chat room at one point today...There was a time when you had to wait for someone to leave before you could enter it.
So, I wanna know, how did YOU first hear about Funkypool? There's gotta be some sort of pattern that we're missing here. Something that people used to do but aren't doing now?
I heard about it when I was 11 years old. I was in the library at school as it was chucking it down outside and I couldn't play football, so I watched my mate play this online pool game, next thing a computer was free and I took it and started to play against him.
I never played it again until 5 years later, I left school and at 16 I had nothing to do after work but mess about on my comp, that's when I remembered about that pool game I had once played, and that was it then, I've played it on and off ever since.
So, what about you guys?
We need some sort of promotion, otherwise we're gonna lose this site for good. No one wants to come on and have to wait for an opponent to log in just to play a game...I was the only person in the chat room at one point today...There was a time when you had to wait for someone to leave before you could enter it.
So, I wanna know, how did YOU first hear about Funkypool? There's gotta be some sort of pattern that we're missing here. Something that people used to do but aren't doing now?
I heard about it when I was 11 years old. I was in the library at school as it was chucking it down outside and I couldn't play football, so I watched my mate play this online pool game, next thing a computer was free and I took it and started to play against him.
I never played it again until 5 years later, I left school and at 16 I had nothing to do after work but mess about on my comp, that's when I remembered about that pool game I had once played, and that was it then, I've played it on and off ever since.
So, what about you guys?
19:51 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
I seen my cousin excel on this site, which then introduced me, then I matured and stopped getting banned I am still here!
20:25 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
Went on snooker first, on Flyordie, hated 3D dynamics then found Snooker, month or two later i signed up to pool
20:28 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
8 years ago...
Determined to find a pool site to typed in free pool game on google and it was the bottom result of the first page....
Determined to find a pool site to typed in free pool game on google and it was the bottom result of the first page....
20:33 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
Bottom result, wow, I never go past the first 3 links...That's dedication for you lol
8 years ago...
Determined to find a pool site to typed in free pool game on google and it was the bottom result of the first page....
Determined to find a pool site to typed in free pool game on google and it was the bottom result of the first page....
Bottom result, wow, I never go past the first 3 links...That's dedication for you lol
20:38 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
for me it was a friend that told me about this site he found it and I played him a few games and thought it was fun pool site but at first just came on abit but as I got better I found myself playing more . .
when I first joined I just played rank games but then I was approached by lots of clans which seemed cool .
i personally liked coming on playing micros and tournaments and clan matches now theres less micros its much more harder to play someone straight away .
when I first joined I just played rank games but then I was approached by lots of clans which seemed cool .
i personally liked coming on playing micros and tournaments and clan matches now theres less micros its much more harder to play someone straight away .
20:45 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
Yeah I noticed that, there are no ranked games anywhere, reducing the micros everyone thought it'd create bigger tournaments, but instead it's made less people play.
I'd love some of the admin to pop on and give me their opinion's on the site, because they always seem quiet on the subject, and it's them that can make the difference.
for me it was a friend that told me about this site he found it and I played him a few games and thought it was fun pool site but at first just came on abit but as I got better I found myself playing more . .
when I first joined I just played rank games but then I was approached by lots of clans which seemed cool .
i personally liked coming on playing micros and tournaments and clan matches now theres less micros its much more harder to play someone straight away .
when I first joined I just played rank games but then I was approached by lots of clans which seemed cool .
i personally liked coming on playing micros and tournaments and clan matches now theres less micros its much more harder to play someone straight away .
Yeah I noticed that, there are no ranked games anywhere, reducing the micros everyone thought it'd create bigger tournaments, but instead it's made less people play.
I'd love some of the admin to pop on and give me their opinion's on the site, because they always seem quiet on the subject, and it's them that can make the difference.
20:50 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
How about reducing tourns to one every 2 hours
but their is another thread for that
but their is another thread for that
20:53 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
And same with me Ritcho, i just googled Snooker but can't remember how far it was
For fun i typed in Online Snooker games and third result, Pool is actually fifteenth down the list which is down the second page.
Maybe getting it near the top 5 would be a start as second page isn't good enough
For fun i typed in Online Snooker games and third result, Pool is actually fifteenth down the list which is down the second page.
Maybe getting it near the top 5 would be a start as second page isn't good enough
21:00 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
I just googled free online pool games and Funky was 4th on the list. But I'm sure there needs to be more advertising done, like on social media, Facebook, Twitter, etc, etc.
Need to look for the right target market to be honest. I find single people have more free time to play it, and men and women with families, they like to use it as an escape from their day to day routine. I don't have much time for Funky at the moment and I'm restricted to a couple of nights a week to play, but I can still run everything from my phone.
Obviously we need a strong debate as to where to take the site next. Surely the money off premium accounts is to fund the advertising?
Need to look for the right target market to be honest. I find single people have more free time to play it, and men and women with families, they like to use it as an escape from their day to day routine. I don't have much time for Funky at the moment and I'm restricted to a couple of nights a week to play, but I can still run everything from my phone.
Obviously we need a strong debate as to where to take the site next. Surely the money off premium accounts is to fund the advertising?
21:12 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
I personally feel admin should bring it back to what it was when I joined . I used to come on for a few games and get a match within seconds due to micros and tournaments and single ranked games.
Now I come on wait ages to play someone in a ranking match which can be boring . My advice , making less micros haven't worked , all it does is make players wait and wait just to get a match which is why the loss of interest .
I know for a fact more players will come online if u had micros back as it was .
Now I come on wait ages to play someone in a ranking match which can be boring . My advice , making less micros haven't worked , all it does is make players wait and wait just to get a match which is why the loss of interest .
I know for a fact more players will come online if u had micros back as it was .
21:17 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
Originally, I used to hate ranked tourneys as it killed off ranked games, but actually it was a good way to build up your rank fast. The only problem is, if the tourneys are ranked....what's the point of having ranked games???
I agree with you on the micro's, they were a quick and easy way of building rank and getting games done fast, especially if you haven't got much time to play.
I personally prefer playing ranked games, so therefore I think all micro's should be abolished, and all main tourneys should be played on the hour every hour and be for tournapoints only. That way, we'll have more ranked games, and people can still compete for their day events, week events, so on so forth. But the tournaments will be more challenging and more rewarding
I personally feel admin should bring it back to what it was when I joined . I used to come on for a few games and get a match within seconds due to micros and tournaments and single ranked games.
Now I come on wait ages to play someone in a ranking match which can be boring . My advice , making less micros haven't worked , all it does is make players wait and wait just to get a match which is why the loss of interest .
I know for a fact more players will come online if u had micros back as it was .
Now I come on wait ages to play someone in a ranking match which can be boring . My advice , making less micros haven't worked , all it does is make players wait and wait just to get a match which is why the loss of interest .
I know for a fact more players will come online if u had micros back as it was .
Originally, I used to hate ranked tourneys as it killed off ranked games, but actually it was a good way to build up your rank fast. The only problem is, if the tourneys are ranked....what's the point of having ranked games???
I agree with you on the micro's, they were a quick and easy way of building rank and getting games done fast, especially if you haven't got much time to play.
I personally prefer playing ranked games, so therefore I think all micro's should be abolished, and all main tourneys should be played on the hour every hour and be for tournapoints only. That way, we'll have more ranked games, and people can still compete for their day events, week events, so on so forth. But the tournaments will be more challenging and more rewarding
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21:20 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
i think it would be a good target if they could put funkypool on to miniclip.com cuz when u put in free online pool game miniclip is on top of the list
21:31 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
Yeah you're right, or at least advertise it on miniclip, or mousebreaker or whatever the kids are using these days. Need to make the app better too, if people can talk and play on their phones, tablets, and ipads then we might be moving on to the next generation of Funkypool.
It's just a shame Nick doesn't post much anymore, a couple of years ago he was always popping up, making new threads and having a debate with people, now it just seems like he couldn't give two sherbets.
It's just a shame Nick doesn't post much anymore, a couple of years ago he was always popping up, making new threads and having a debate with people, now it just seems like he couldn't give two sherbets.
21:35 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
I dont play ranked games anymore because you don't win as much rank in them as you do winning tournament games. I remember playing ranked games for hours trying to get my rank up to 800 and it was fun, that would take me a lot longer now.
My suggestion would be to increase the amount of rank you win in single ranked games, make them the same amount as tournaments.
My suggestion would be to increase the amount of rank you win in single ranked games, make them the same amount as tournaments.
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21:37 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
Same way Jimmy found it , I used to play that game snooker one , when I found funksnooker
21:38 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
Oh and i found the site by just typing "Online snooker games" in google...... then from there i found this.
21:43 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
I think the rank games reduced rapidly after they made tournys ranked and in turn the double rank for tournys makes rank games pretty pointless...
But then the other side of the argument is that it shows a true reflection of your rank (if you don't keep resetting or getting new names) as you can't choose who you are playing.
You can easily choose to not enter tournaments when you get to a satisfactory rank but then that's down to you.
I think the site has been left behind by newer technology, iPhone and android for example have free games at the touch of your finger. Finding a way of having a separate sever to get a full version of this on your mobile/tablet device but as I say a separate server which shows just app users.
That would in turn prompt people to want to play the full online version, I think that is the market which needs targetting really, people still have laptops and computers as well as phones and tablets, it's just phones and tablets are more wider used.
I don't think making clans a site supported thing will help anything, will still be the same people in clans. I don't think it has anything to do with the people of the site, there was more idiots when I signed up than there are now.
But then the other side of the argument is that it shows a true reflection of your rank (if you don't keep resetting or getting new names) as you can't choose who you are playing.
You can easily choose to not enter tournaments when you get to a satisfactory rank but then that's down to you.
I think the site has been left behind by newer technology, iPhone and android for example have free games at the touch of your finger. Finding a way of having a separate sever to get a full version of this on your mobile/tablet device but as I say a separate server which shows just app users.
That would in turn prompt people to want to play the full online version, I think that is the market which needs targetting really, people still have laptops and computers as well as phones and tablets, it's just phones and tablets are more wider used.
I don't think making clans a site supported thing will help anything, will still be the same people in clans. I don't think it has anything to do with the people of the site, there was more idiots when I signed up than there are now.
21:43 Sat 7 Mar 15 (GMT)
Me and Kev04 used to see how quickly we could go from 675 to pro in each game type, we both did 8US in less than 75 games, and you could do that in a weekend as the site was busy enough.
I do believe the tournaments should go back to being non-ranked but definitely keep the tournapoints, and as Ang says, offer more rank for the ranked games, because after all, that's the whole point of them being ranked games.
I dont play ranked games anymore because you don't win as much rank in them as you do winning tournament games. I remember playing ranked games for hours trying to get my rank up to 800 and it was fun, that would take me a lot longer now.
My suggestion would be to increase the amount of rank you win in single ranked games, make them the same amount as tournaments.
My suggestion would be to increase the amount of rank you win in single ranked games, make them the same amount as tournaments.
Me and Kev04 used to see how quickly we could go from 675 to pro in each game type, we both did 8US in less than 75 games, and you could do that in a weekend as the site was busy enough.
I do believe the tournaments should go back to being non-ranked but definitely keep the tournapoints, and as Ang says, offer more rank for the ranked games, because after all, that's the whole point of them being ranked games.
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Where did you hear about Funky? -Sponsored by Chips n' Gravy
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