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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:43 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
8us: dazpolz vs uwillnotw1n

is now

dazpolz Vs re_rack_jack
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:44 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
if ash wants to start his antics on the forums I'm happy to continue them there.

Lol every post of yours is to try and provoke an argument but you're too stupid to actually manage it...just leave yourself wide open for the super smash egg on your face return

Posted Image
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:47 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
if ash wants to start his antics on the forums I'm happy to continue them there.

Lol every post of yours is to try and provoke an argument but you're too stupid to actually manage it...just leave yourself wide open for the super smash egg on your face return

Posted Image
ah so you didn't reply then? My bad. I was sure you replied until just then when your replied again.

And you are questioning my intellect. Oh dear.

Quick question who tried to provoke an argument first, me or captain fearless?
Posts: 38,097
22:03 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
In a sense it was Huts as he moaned about poaching.
Posts: 13,570
22:09 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lmfao onevisit

Having been a player for The Unbeatables, I always found them to be a team of players who conducted themselves very well. I'm not saying there weren't any disputes, but the players did have some substance and showed respect for other Clans.
You, I feel, are letting your clan down with your needless comments and jibes. It saddens me the way your warped mind works and obviously feeds off winding others up.
Tbh I think you're in the wrong clan.

Try limiting yer posts on other clans threads to say.......onevisit. Less chance of you looking as stupid, tho your success in that particular field is second to none at the minute.

Goooooooo Tappy!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:37 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lmfao onevisit

Having been a player for The Unbeatables, I always found them to be a team of players who conducted themselves very well.
You, I feel, are letting your clan down with your needless comments and jibes. It saddens me the way your warped mind works and obviously feeds off winding others up.
Tbh I think you're in the wrong clan.

Try limiting yer posts on other clans threads to say.......onevisit. Less chance of you looking as stupid, tho your success in that particular field is second to none at the minute.

Goooooooo Tappy!!
look at the post I replied to you idiot. Are you blind? I'll assume you sent your message to ash offline as you haven't posted anything in his direction regarding his post to black scorpions on the forum.

With regard to wether or not you feel I let my clan down I genuinely could not give a toss what you think. You as a person who is happy to say someone should be doused in petrol and set on fire for writing on a forum. You have no right to decide what is right or wrong when you post that vile.

As for posting on forums, I will decide where I post and when I post. If a clan is going to post they are being bullied but then feel the need to pick on someone then expect me to post, invited or not.

finally I represent myself. If people feel what I say reflects on the clan I play for then they are as idiotic as you.
Posts: 13,570
23:15 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I guess some folk can't take a joke. Too busy stirring what they talk
I give up
Posts: 14,736
23:16 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Quit with the name calling please onevisit and live up to your username please and post then leave us to get on with our own team.

Not once did i address you my posts were in response to bitter_huts - so kindly mind your own damn business.
Posts: 14,736
23:17 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fearless Knights (24) vs (12) T.A.L.K.

1st Game

8us: joeyy vs _jesus_
8us: dazpolz vs re_rack_jack (s)
9us: _gerardddd_ (6) vs (2) just_lucky
9us: _pacman (5) vs (3) pool_pirate
8uk: trats (8) vs (0) sunflowerbud
8uk: u1c1f1 (3) vs (5) why_spin
Str: legend_pot vs kingshat
Str: the__priest (2) vs (2) toonlad (1-1)

2nd Game

Fearless Knights (24) vs (8) T.A.L.K.

8us: lfc12 (6) vs (2) _jesus_ (s)
8us: (s) _fresh_ vs new_era
9us: dgeneratio (5) vs (3) ten_ta_dozen
9us: (s) (swp) dazpolz (7) vs (1) just_lucky (s)
8uk: friendyboy vs bob99 (s)
8uk: the__priest vs why_spin (s)
Str: joeyy (4) vs (0) kingshat (s) (2-0)
Str: (swp) _flukez_ (2) vs (2) new_man (1-1)

Deadline: 23/03/2015
Format: 8 Frames (game type) or 2 Frames of Straight

Every frame counts, Please play ALL 8. Scoring is SOLELY the frames Won and Lost.

(Please message your opponent (s) as you usually would during the Season)

A fair few still to be played, if having difficulty then feel free to swap.
Posts: 14,736
23:18 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
str8 legend_pot vs kingshat

is now

legend_pot Vs toon_lad

8 uk the_priest vs mitch_bougi

is now

the_priest vs why_spin

the__priest has already played toon_lad - so legend_pot cannot play him again.
Posts: 7,974
23:22 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
is he still posting

Posted Image

really ???????
Posts: 14,736
23:23 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
In amongst all the unnecessary posts - i managed to retrieve this lol

Team List for Next Season - Fearless Knights

1. _knightmare_ (Co-Captain)
2. friendyboy (Co-Captain)
3. joeyy (Vice Captain)
4. dazpolz (Vice Captain)
5. lfc12
6. legend_pot
7. trats
8. the__priest
9. dgeneratio
10. _pacman
11. u1c1f1
12. __emz__
13. _gerardddd_
14. wendywoo
15. _fresh_
16. TBA

Team: Please welcome _fresh_, a player I've been trying to sign for a long time, finally managed to get him. What a player he is and yeah I did poach, pinch, steal him from another side but when we need players we have to be ruthless at times. I'm delighted to finally have him, very welcome mate. Enjoy your time here, leaves us 1 more space and hopefully we will be announcing them shortly.....but be patient.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:51 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Quit with the name calling please onevisit and live up to your username please and post then leave us to get on with our own team.

Not once did i address you my posts were in response to bitter_huts - so kindly mind your own damn business.
the hypocrisy of it. You call people clowns and tools yet demand someone stop name calling. This is what makes me post. Why reply directly to me after it's said and done if you wish no further posts? if I see something that I feel merits a reply, regardless if its addressed to me or not I will post. if you didn't take a pot shot at someone tonight then I wouldn't have taken a pot shot at you. A point failing to register with a few of your clan......ah wait.......
Posts: 38,097
23:53 Tue 17 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
will wait for this to die down before posting tourney games
Posts: 871
00:17 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fearless knights v Legend Killers

_fresh_ v new_era

8us : _fresh_ 7-1 new_era

good games, really nice guy and deserved his rack
nice start for me happy to help the clan
Posts: 14,736
00:27 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Quality result mate - superb stuff - what a way to start your time here -
Posts: 871
00:30 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks pal was far from my best tbh but happy with the result
Posts: 14,736
00:30 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
2nd Leg vs the__priest (My Choice: 9us 15 secs)

4-5 to Craig - He scored a very lucky runout lol which won him the match overall.

8uk last night he destroyed me and tonight felt we were even but i missed some sitters too.

Oh well Overall was:

1st Leg: 2-6 (8uk)
2nd Leg: 4-5 (9us)

So = 12-22 - Well Played mate - I'm getting there.
Posts: 7,974
00:30 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Group D:

Group D:
9 ball
15 secs
I was away
_knightmare_ 4 v 4 the__priest
runout to me (lucky)
I potted all 9 balls erm lucky ???
sure that makes it 5-4 to me

please advise
Posts: 14,736
00:32 Wed 18 Mar 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks pal was far from my best tbh but happy with the result

Save your best mate for when they matter - Have no doubt you're worth all the fuss and a top top player who we are delighted to have.

Happy Dayz
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Fearless Knights - Fate Loves the Fearless.

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