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Black Scorpions - Div 2 FCL and FBL champions!

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Posts: 7,297
19:43 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (4) vs (4) Fearless Knights

8 US _huts24_ vs joeyy
8 US achpfsk (2) vs (0) lfc12 (5-3)
9 US silenthill (2) vs (0) _sachibub (5-3)
9 US _dntbmad__ vs poolh8r
8 UK lateo1993 vs friendyboy
8 UK madmiketyson vs _fresh_
STR bulletzzzz (0) vs (2) dgeneratio (0-2)
STR retraced (0) vs (2) the__priest (0-2)

Black Scorpions (4) vs (2) Unbeatables

8 US silenthill (2) vs (0) horse10000 (5-2)
8 US _huts24_ vs tip_doctor
9 US bulletzzzz vs mikeybboy
9 US retraced vs mrmagic
8 UK _dntbmad__ vs andyw1
8 UK w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) sleipnir (5-2)
STR walktall (0) vs (2) turtle1560 (0-2)
STR achpfsk vs greyhound

Black Scorpions (3) v (5) Chips n Gravey

8 US _huts24_ vs slimeball
8 US achpfsk (0) vs (2) rubber_duck (3-5)
9 US bulletzzzz vs jimmy_efc
9 US retraced (1) vs (1) foxhound (4-4)
8 UK madmiketyson (0) vs (2) r1p0m4n_v2 (2-5)
8 UK w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) liam_scfc (5-1)
STR walktall vs _mich_
STR silenthill vs strange_daze


8 racks of Either 8US, 9US, 8UK, or 2 racks of str8
Important = first to 5 wins !

Good luck guys !

Edited at 16:49 Sun 10/05/15 (BST)
Posts: 7,297
19:51 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (40) v (25) F.P.D.

achpfsk (10) vs (5) blackcabman7
Bulletzzzz vs whocares8x8
walktall vs thegreatone7
retraced vs jacksealy21
_huts24_ (10) vs (5) dozer
Madmiketyson (5) vs (0) anoneeemouse TBC
w_hoolahan (9) vs (6) buckjam
silenthill (6) vs (9) aladdin_sane

Black Scorpions (35) v (40) The Revolution

achpfsk (8) vs (7) fr34k_p0t
silenthill (5) vs (10) kris
w_hoolahan (12) vs (3) mighty_zeus
bulletzzzz vs kingdadcool
madmiketyson (8) vs (7) amac3
walktall (2) vs (13) magic_smoke
_huts24_ vs deluxe
keaneo16 vs veyron

Black Scorpions (44) v (61) Uprising

_huts24_ (8) vs (7) 2andygorams
achpfsk (5) vs (10) erigert
silenthil (5) l vs (10) _niall_
madmiketyson (6) vs (9) dv8
retraced (4) vs (11) corsair
w_hoolahan (11) vs (4) cgibson92
Walktall (5) vs (10) clifton188
bulletzzzz vs sharky89

Format: 5 x8us , 9us , 8uk

Please message all opponents and arrange a day / time for your matches .

(26/04/15 to 17/05/15)

Good Luck guys !!!!
Posts: 871
22:03 Sun 10 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
hi guys do you know if madmiketyson is going to log back on? i was just about to message him and heslogged off, if anyone knows let me know thanks a lot
Posts: 9,926
00:36 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Season VIII

Fixture Set 2 games can be found here...

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 31st May 2015
Posts: 7,297
01:31 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions vs Ultras

madmiketyson vs zantetsukenz
skorpion123 vs dv8
achpfsk vs erigert
_huts24_ vs the_marine
bulletzzzz vs graftonspile

Black Scorpions vs Un'B'eatables

achpfsk vs x_connor
w_hoolahan vs andyw1
madmiketyson vs mrmagic
_huts24_ vs mikeybboy
retraced vs sleipnir

(10/05/15 to 31/05/15)

Format : 2 x 8us , 9us , 8uk = 6 racks
Bonus point for ran rack and Golden break

Please message your opponent and arrange a good time/date to play your matches .

Good Luck guys !
Posts: 7,297
12:01 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
New Super league fixs out now guys ! ^ good luck
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:48 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Played Jacksealy21

Finished 8-7 him.

I played terrible at the times i needed to play well..

ggs mate wp, gl in rest.

Take care.
Posts: 7,297
20:12 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Unlucky retraced , a good 7 points still so well done
Posts: 7,297
20:14 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (47) v (33) F.P.D.

achpfsk (10) vs (5) blackcabman7
Bulletzzzz vs whocares8x8
walktall vs thegreatone7
retraced (7) vs (8) jacksealy21
_huts24_ (10) vs (5) dozer
Madmiketyson (5) vs (0) anoneeemouse TBC
w_hoolahan (9) vs (6) buckjam
silenthill (6) vs (9) aladdin_sane

Black Scorpions (35) v (40) The Revolution

achpfsk (8) vs (7) fr34k_p0t
silenthill (5) vs (10) kris
w_hoolahan (12) vs (3) mighty_zeus
bulletzzzz vs kingdadcool
madmiketyson (8) vs (7) amac3
walktall (2) vs (13) magic_smoke
_huts24_ vs deluxe
keaneo16 vs veyron

Black Scorpions (44) v (61) Uprising

_huts24_ (8) vs (7) 2andygorams
achpfsk (5) vs (10) erigert
silenthil (5) l vs (10) _niall_
madmiketyson (6) vs (9) dv8
retraced (4) vs (11) corsair
w_hoolahan (11) vs (4) cgibson92
Walktall (5) vs (10) clifton188
bulletzzzz vs sharky89

Format: 5 x8us , 9us , 8uk

Please message all opponents and arrange a day / time for your matches .

(26/04/15 to 17/05/15)

Good Luck guys !!!!
Posts: 334
20:51 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
achpfsk vs erigert

8us 0 - 2
9us 1 - 1
8uk 0 - 2

He had a bit of luck go his way.
Posts: 7,297
23:29 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Unlucky shad , well done for getting it played matey.
Posts: 7,297
23:33 Mon 11 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (1) vs (5) Ultras

madmiketyson vs zantetsukenz
skorpion123 vs dv8
achpfsk (1) vs (5) erigert
_huts24_ vs the_marine
bulletzzzz vs graftonspile

Black Scorpions (0) vs (0) Un'B'eatables

achpfsk vs x_connor
w_hoolahan vs andyw1
madmiketyson vs mrmagic
_huts24_ vs mikeybboy
retraced vs sleipnir

(10/05/15 to 31/05/15)

Format : 2 x 8us , 9us , 8uk = 6 racks
Bonus point for ran rack and Golden break

Please message your opponent and arrange a good time/date to play your matches .

Good Luck guys !
Posts: 14,736
05:03 Tue 12 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL vs Black Scorpions
Sub: 9us
Was: poolh8r vs _dntbmad_
Now: _pacman vs _dntbmad_
Posts: 7,297
11:41 Tue 12 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (4) vs (4) Fearless Knights

8 US _huts24_ vs joeyy
8 US achpfsk (2) vs (0) lfc12 (5-3)
9 US silenthill (2) vs (0) _sachibub (5-3)
9 US _dntbmad__ vs _pacman
8 UK lateo1993 vs friendyboy
8 UK madmiketyson vs _fresh_
STR bulletzzzz (0) vs (2) dgeneratio (0-2)
STR retraced (0) vs (2) the__priest (0-2)

Black Scorpions (4) vs (2) Unbeatables

8 US silenthill (2) vs (0) horse10000 (5-2)
8 US _huts24_ vs tip_doctor
9 US bulletzzzz vs mikeybboy
9 US retraced vs mrmagic
8 UK _dntbmad__ vs andyw1
8 UK w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) sleipnir (5-2)
STR walktall (0) vs (2) turtle1560 (0-2)
STR achpfsk vs greyhound

Black Scorpions (3) v (5) Chips n Gravey

8 US _huts24_ vs slimeball
8 US achpfsk (0) vs (2) rubber_duck (3-5)
9 US bulletzzzz vs jimmy_efc
9 US retraced (1) vs (1) foxhound (4-4)
8 UK madmiketyson (0) vs (2) r1p0m4n_v2 (2-5)
8 UK w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) liam_scfc (5-1)
STR walktall vs _mich_
STR silenthill vs strange_daze


8 racks of Either 8US, 9US, 8UK, or 2 racks of str8
Important = first to 5 wins !

Good luck guys !
Posts: 750
16:17 Tue 12 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Can we have a sub for silenthill in FBL please? He's been banned for days now and I think Harry said he'd sort one out for us.
Posts: 7,297
16:24 Tue 12 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Can we have a sub for silenthill in FBL please? He's been banned for days now and I think Harry said he'd sort one out for us.

Yeah a sub will be done soon, good to see strange_daze online as hes been offline 8days until now . Will sort a sub out for you today m8.
Posts: 750
16:26 Tue 12 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Can we have a sub for silenthill in FBL please? He's been banned for days now and I think Harry said he'd sort one out for us.

Yeah a sub will be done soon, good to see strange_daze online as hes been offline 8days until now . Will sort a sub out for you today m8.

Cheers huts
Posts: 19,967
16:32 Tue 12 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
bulletzzzz v sharky89

is now

bulletzzzz v zantetsukenz
Posts: 7,297
18:11 Tue 12 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (4) vs (4) Fearless Knights

8 US _huts24_ vs joeyy
8 US achpfsk (2) vs (0) lfc12 (5-3)
9 US silenthill (2) vs (0) _sachibub (5-3)
9 US _dntbmad__ vs poolh8r
8 UK lateo1993 vs friendyboy
8 UK madmiketyson vs _fresh_
STR bulletzzzz (0) vs (2) dgeneratio (0-2)
STR retraced (0) vs (2) the__priest (0-2)

Black Scorpions (4) vs (4) Unbeatables

8 US silenthill (2) vs (0) horse10000 (5-2)
8 US _huts24_ vs tip_doctor
9 US bulletzzzz vs mikeybboy
9 US retraced vs mrmagic
8 UK _dntbmad__ (0) vs (2) andyw1
8 UK w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) sleipnir (5-2)
STR walktall (0) vs (2) turtle1560 (0-2)
STR achpfsk vs greyhound

Black Scorpions (3) v (5) Chips n Gravey

8 US _huts24_ vs slimeball
8 US achpfsk (0) vs (2) rubber_duck (3-5)
9 US bulletzzzz vs jimmy_efc
9 US retraced (1) vs (1) foxhound (4-4)
8 UK madmiketyson (0) vs (2) r1p0m4n_v2 (2-5)
8 UK w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) liam_scfc (5-1)
STR walktall vs _mich_
STR silenthill vs strange_daze


8 racks of Either 8US, 9US, 8UK, or 2 racks of str8
Important = first to 5 wins !

Good luck guys !
Posts: 14,736
18:28 Tue 12 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Sub for lateo1993 please? Offline 30 days.
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Black Scorpions - Div 2 FCL and FBL champions!

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