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The Revolution Rocks on . . .

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20:44 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL vs mid_lifer

4-2 ggs ul could have been the other way
excellent mate that gets us 10-8 up
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:46 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL deadline 10.05.15

Ultras (16) v (6) The Revolution A

erigert (3) v (0) fr34k_p0t (tbc)
dv8 (5)v (1) veyron
psychosis v kingdadcool

clifton188 (4) v (3) drewdt3
ritcho (4) v (2) mighty_zeus

The Professionals 8 v 10 The Revolution A

beenjammin (3) v (3) fr34k_p0t
miss_harriet v veyron
mid_lifer (2) v (4) magic_smoke
crazy_greg v kingdadcool
dvz(3) v (3)kris

The Revolution B 2 v 4 Pocket Dynamos

fatmikee v jasonb
mad_matt v hippesville
ld1987 v fastboysam

who_me 2 v 4 marksmith
amac3 v punkpoet

Shadow Knights 16 v 2 The Revolution B

bigcjl2 v pointless
lfc12 5 v 1 mad_matt
_sachibub 5 v 1 fatmikee
_pacman 6 v 0 who_me (s)
friendyboy v ld1987

Format: 2 x 8us, 2 x 9us & 2 x 8uk (bonus points for events (GB's & R/Outs)

Edited at 17:51 Wed 06/05/15 (BST)

Edited at 17:53 Wed 06/05/15 (BST)

Edited at 17:53 Wed 06/05/15 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:50 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL deadline 17.05.15

The Revolution (18) v (27) Unbeatables

fr34k_p0t (7) v (8) tip_doctor
drewdt3 v mikeybboy
mighty_zeus v x_connor
kingdadcool (4) v (11) turtle1560
amac3 v mrmagic
magic_smoke (7) v (8) fran_
deluxe v andyw1
veyron v poolbiird

T.A.L.K (2) v (13) The Revolution

migzz v fr34k_p0t
jig_saw v drewdt3
toon_lad v mighty_zeus

re_rack_jack (2) v (13) kingdadcool
desslock v amac3
imissedapot v magic_smoke
pysch_pro v deluxe
showstopper v veryon

Black Scorpions (35) v (40) The Revolution

achpfsk (8) vs (7) fr34k_p0t
silenthill (5) vs (10)kris
w_hoolahan (12) vs (3)mighty_zeus
bulletzzzz vs kingdadcool
madmiketyson (8) vs (7) amac3
walktall (2) vs (13) magic_smoke
ronalddw vs deluxe
keaneo16 vs veyron

5 frames of each, 8us, 9us and 8uk.

good luck lads!!!
Posts: 14,736
20:52 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Alex messaged ld1987 this morning so hopefully that'll be played tonight if possible.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:52 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 2

Pocket Dynamos 1 v 1 The Revolution

8 US jasonb v magic_smoke
8 US hippesville v mighty_zeus
9 US scarlets2k15 v veyron
9 US letsgochamp v drewdt3
8 UK ang3l v ld1987
8 UK blueberry (1)v(1)kingdadcool
STR fastboysam v amac3
STR punkpoet v deluxe

Unbeatables 0 v 0 The Revolution

8 US serious_game v magic_smoke
8 US onevisit v kris 8 US
9 US mrmagic v veyron
9 US mikeybboy v mighty_zeus
8 UK x_connor v drewdt3
8 UK poolbiird v kingdadcool
STR fran_ v amac3
STR greyhound v fr34k_p0t

Talk (0) vs (4) Revs

8 US migzzz v veyron
8 US toon_lad v drewdt3
9 US olliepie2910 v amac3
9 US desslock v mighty_zeus
8 UK sunflowerbud v deluxe
8 UK jig_saw v kingdadcool
STR centralsteel (0) v (2) magic_smoke
STR james_h (0) v (2)mad_matt
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:42 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
imissdapot offline 7 days is is too early to get a sub?
Posts: 1,986
23:13 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Me and Champ gonna play tomorrow are Fri.
Posts: 670
23:52 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
fatmikee v jasonb
Is now
fatmikee v letsgochamp

Youre welcome

Another clan hopper good old new_egg and about 3 other player names lol.

And this is 3 ofline messges you have sent me just today.
Unless im mistaken we have till Sun coming to get it played.
Just may take till then Amigo,so plz stop all the messages and none stop posting. ( Your great friend Mikee)

Edited at 23:01 Tue 05/05/15 (BST)

Haha mike I've got 1 account on here and only 1, and I've been in 2 clans since I joined fp, so how do you come to these conclusions man? Is it the magic mushrooms perhaps? Haha
Posts: 670
23:54 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Just so you guys know 5-0 vs drew in fbl, just noticed he didn't post
Deleted User
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00:19 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
mad_matt (1) v (5) hippes of gazareth

Good games against a great guy. He played very well and didn't miss much. Good luck to the gazmeister and the rest of PDs for the remainder of the season.
Posts: 4,231
00:58 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL vs mid_lifer

4-2 ggs ul could have been the other way
excellent mate that gets us 10-8 up

mid_lifer posted
Mid_lifer v magic_smoke
8us 1-1
9us 1-2
8uk 1-1

wich1 is correct here?
Posts: 4,231
01:34 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
mighty_zeus is our new vice-captain!
Thanks for accepting the offer mate.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:55 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL vs mid_lifer

4-2 ggs ul could have been the other way
excellent mate that gets us 10-8 up

mid_lifer posted
Mid_lifer v magic_smoke
8us 1-1
9us 1-2
8uk 1-1

wich1 is correct here?
4-2 im pretty sure
Posts: 14,736
01:57 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
IF okay with you:

friendyboy says he will play amac3 tomorrow say 9:30pm - if you'd like us to make the swap we can - bigcjl2 is not meeting amac3's online times.

Deadline is Sunday so we need to act now.

We'll deal with the other fixture after.
Posts: 4,231
02:10 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
IF okay with you:

friendyboy says he will play amac3 tomorrow say 9:30pm - if you'd like us to make the swap we can - bigcjl2 is not meeting amac3's online times.

Deadline is Sunday so we need to act now.

We'll deal with the other fixture after.

I have msgd horse about folding Revolution B team as theres no point to carry on with 3-4 players there. but yea they could still carry on playin that. sorry for inconvenience
Posts: 278
03:19 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
veyron (5) v (3) migzzz

Well played mate, thanks especially for being so rude, repeatedly saying 'bs' and 'lucked it' at the end, very cool.

Posts: 1,986
03:23 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Well glad to have good old Zeus as V/C,Im sure he will do a great job.
Posts: 4,231
03:24 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL vs mid_lifer

4-2 ggs ul could have been the other way
excellent mate that gets us 10-8 up

mid_lifer posted
Mid_lifer v magic_smoke
8us 1-1
9us 1-2
8uk 1-1

wich1 is correct here?
4-2 im pretty sure

yeah i checked it, 4-2 it is. awesome!
Posts: 4,231
03:25 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
veyron (5) v (3) migzzz

Well played mate, thanks especially for being so rude, repeatedly saying 'bs' and 'lucked it' at the end, very cool.

great result, never mind tht sore loser haha :)
Posts: 14,736
03:26 Thu 7 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
IF okay with you:

friendyboy says he will play amac3 tomorrow say 9:30pm - if you'd like us to make the swap we can - bigcjl2 is not meeting amac3's online times.

Deadline is Sunday so we need to act now.

We'll deal with the other fixture after.

I have msgd horse about folding Revolution B team as theres no point to carry on with 3-4 players there. but yea they could still carry on playin that. sorry for inconvenience

Ahh okay - well they are arranged to play at 9:30pm tomorrow, so if that's not necessary then please let friendyboy know. Cheers guys.
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The Revolution Rocks on . . .

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