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Unbeatables. If Only Carlsberg Made Threads

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01:19 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Congrats on the win horsey! It's a shame you had to win on luck but I'm sure they will beat us next time when they play their full team. I think they can chalk their loss up to the captain for assuming they could beat us like they have many times before with less than their full team.

Puts us in a good position in the league just need to take out the other two teams with some more luck.
Deleted User
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01:39 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done Horse pal, thanks for getting the points needed pal .

We had our best 8 ...!!

We don't have a best 8, we have 8 players chosen to do a specific job...mikey andyw egotisical etc etc were all left out.

I dont need to go on do i...

Thanks for the games and good luck next set all teams involved.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:48 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
F.P.D. 12 v 21 Un'B'eatables

aladdin_sane (1) v (5) andyw1
dozer (2) v (5) poolbiird
whocares8x8 (3) v (4) mikeybboy
buckjam (3) v (3) sleipnir
thegreatone7 (3) v (4) mrmagic

Deadline: 10th May

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 15:52 Sat 09/05/15 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:49 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Grand Slam Cup - Prelims

Fearless Knights 4 v 8 Unbeatables

_fresh_ (2) v (0) onevisit
joeyy v sleipnir
SL - 4 of each
dgeneratio (0) v (2) mikeybboy
_sachibub (0) v (2) mrmagic
8 US - 10 racks
the__priest (0) v (2) tip_doctor
9 US - 12 racks
_payback_ (0) v (2) fran_
8 UK - 10 racks
trats (2) v (0) poolbiird
STR - 4 racks
_pro__frog_ v turtle1560

Deadline: 24th May

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 15:53 Sat 09/05/15 (BST)
Posts: 9,926
01:49 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

horse10000 4 - 1 friendyboy @US8
horse10000 2 - 3 friendyboy @US9
horse10000 2 - 3 friendyboy @UK8

Overall 8 - 7 horse10000

I got very lucky in the first to win it, then he had a decent clear after a miss by me in the second. Third game I should have had a run out but missed the black. He then played a nice snooker which I thought knock the black out into the middle of the table and I fluked the pot. I had a nice clear in the next from a miss from him. In the last US8 I got lucky again when opening the balls when I knocked one in. 4-1 after US8. I won the first 2 games of 9 ball both from him running out of position. I then missed an easy pot in the next and he hit a nice clear. The next 2 games he played well and I didn't have any chances. 6-4 after US9.
Onto Uk and I had a foul when opening the balls he then hit a nice clear followed by an even better run out. 6-6. He finally missed in the next and I cleared to get the 7th game I knew I required. He then hit another nice clear to make it 7-7. Onto the decider and the table opened nicely and it looked like it was an easy clear for me, only for me to pot one of his. He then cleared to the black and made a mess of it with his 2 shots to leave me an unexpected win.

Good games mate, thanks for playing

Also, thanks to Ash for messaging saying sorry and returning the original fixture, maybe a leopard can change his spots
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:50 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Championship - Round 2

crazy_greg vs serious_game
fran_ vs mirrr
greyhound vs mid_lifer
andyw1 vs veyron
canny_miss vs sleipnir
ang3l vs turtle1560
friendyboy vs mikeybboy
foxhound vs mrmagic

Format: 4 frames each of 8us, 9us, 8uk. No bonus points for events.

Deadline: 14th May
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:52 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - Fixture 2

Pocket Dynamos 36 v 39 Unbeatables

punkpoet (7) v (8) x_connor
blueberry v sleipnir
hamburgerboy v mrmagic
fastboysam v poolbiird
letsgochamp (5) v (10) andyw1
askingfan (8) v (7) mikeybboy
triple_b (7) v (8) horse10000
hippesville (9) v (6) onevisit

The Revolution 26 v 34 Unbeatables

fr34k_p0t (7) v (8) tip_doctor
drewdt3 v mikeybboy
mighty_zeus v x_connor
kingdadcool (4) v (11) turtle1560
amac3 v mrmagic 5-5 TBC
magic_smoke (7) v (8) fran_
deluxe v andyw1
veyron (8) v (7) poolbiird

Fearless Knights 53 v 62 Unbeatables

_payback_ (5) v (5) greyhound TBC
friendybiy (7) v (8) horse10000
_fresh_ (10) v (5) tip_doctor
joeyy (11) v (4) sleipnir
_pacman (4) v (11) onevisit
trats (4) v (11) turtle1560
lfc12 (5) v (10) fran_
the__priest (7) v (8) mrmagic

Deadline: 17th May

Edited at 23:27 Fri 08/05/15 (BST)

Edited at 23:28 Fri 08/05/15 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:53 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Unbeatables 0 v 0 The Revolution FBL

8 US serious_game v magic_smoke
8 US onevisit v kris 8 US
9 US mrmagic v veyron
9 US mikeybboy v mighty_zeus
8 UK x_connor v drewdt3
8 UK poolbiird v kingdadcool
STR fran_ v amac3
STR greyhound v fr34k_p0t

Unbeatables 2 v 4 Black Scorpions

8 US horse10000 (0) v (2) silenthill
8 US tip_doctor v _huts24_
9 US mikeybboy v bulletzzzz
9 US mrmagic v retraced
8 UK andyw1 v _dntbmad__
8 UK sleipnir (0) v (2) w_hoolahan
STR turtle1560 (2) v (0) walktall
STR greyhound v achpfsk

Unbeatables 4 v 6 Uprising

8 US tip_doctor v cgibson92
8 US horse10000 0 v 2 _niall_
9 US sleipnir v 2andygorams
9 US fran_ (2) v (0) the_marine
8 UK poolbiird v sharky89
8 UK andyw1 (0) v (2) corsair
STR onevisit (0) v (2) clifton18
STR turtle1560 (2) v (0) dv8
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:00 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Season VIII

Season schedule can be found here:-

I require team lists in from all teams for the second set of fixtures by Sunday night 10/05/15.

In the post tomorrow
Posts: 3,250
02:01 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Season VIII

Season schedule can be found here:-

I require team lists in from all teams for the second set of fixtures by Sunday night 10/05/15.

In the post tomorrow

ha, i already did them anyways. If you want to go back to doing them yourself i'm more than happy with that
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:02 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Season VIII

Season schedule can be found here:-

I require team lists in from all teams for the second set of fixtures by Sunday night 10/05/15.

In the post tomorrow

ha, i already did them anyways. If you want to go back to doing them yourself i'm more than happy with that

How dare you!! without having a consultation with me first

But i trust your judgement thanks mate
Posts: 3,250
02:03 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Good win there too keith, wraps up another fine win

And yeah i honestly wouldn't know who our top 8 are this season, we're all too unreliable
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:07 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey unreliable is harsh,inconsistent maybe lol

But we always get games done when players like yourself, onevisit, horse all help run the team like use do! mucho gracio to you all
Posts: 4,775
02:24 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
poolbiird v marksmith
is now
poolbiird v fastboysam

After speaking to her, seems like she can get on in the day, which will be good to get one of them in the fixture.

I think this was missed
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:32 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
poolbiird v marksmith
is now
poolbiird v fastboysam

After speaking to her, seems like she can get on in the day, which will be good to get one of them in the fixture.

I think this was missed

Cheers ang turtle and visits fault
Posts: 4,775
02:33 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
poolbiird v marksmith
is now
poolbiird v fastboysam

After speaking to her, seems like she can get on in the day, which will be good to get one of them in the fixture.

I think this was missed

Cheers ang turtle and visits fault

Anyones but yours lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:40 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
poolbiird v marksmith
is now
poolbiird v fastboysam

After speaking to her, seems like she can get on in the day, which will be good to get one of them in the fixture.

I think this was missed

Cheers ang turtle and visits fault

Anyones but yours lol

Im as innocent as humble pie!
Posts: 4,775
02:41 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Im as innocent as humble pie!

Yeh me too.......
Posts: 19,819
02:43 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
poolbiird v marksmith
is now
poolbiird v fastboysam

After speaking to her, seems like she can get on in the day, which will be good to get one of them in the fixture.

I think this was missed

Cheers ang turtle and visits fault

Anyones but yours lol

Im as innocent as humble pie!

I think everyone just ignores whenever I post
Posts: 3,250
02:45 Sat 9 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Damn.. he's on to us. Abort Abort!!
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Unbeatables. If Only Carlsberg Made Threads

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