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Uprising XII - Boring and Soulless 'No success for substitutions!'

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Posts: 3,359
15:50 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cracking result dv8, Harry is 0-2 against us in the FCL or 9-21 frames, which other replaced top two team can say that?

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:55 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol who would of thought it, we are a bit like united been replaced by city, we were one of the best but we aren't anymore

I won't be playing huts till next week, he said he isn't very well at the moment but should be ok friday night....I won't be available then till Tuesday

Yeah, I felt really sorry for him last night. He was so ill he had to play funkypool for 2 hours to make himself feel better! lol

Want me to swap your game and you play raker instead?

Edited at 13:38 Tue 17/02/15 (GMT)

lol hahaha maybe that's what made him ill then, I don't mind waiting anyway m8. I've got a couple of games on snooker as well so I'll try get them done this week
Deleted User
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18:00 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes!!!! 300 r/o in UK!!!
Posts: 38,097
18:09 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
not bad at all
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:29 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm wondering....

Why are words such as pedophile, crap, shaft (which as we all know is incredibly dirty), etc. all allowed by the site.

Whereas the word c y b e r is blocked.

Anyone shed some light?
Posts: 19,967
19:34 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Because the site is secretly run by c y b e r men, it's why do many posts get deleted
Posts: 10,109
19:35 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm wondering....

Why are words such as pedophile, crap, shaft (which as we all know is incredibly dirty), etc. all allowed by the site.

Whereas the word c y b e r is blocked.

Anyone shed some light?

I was shocked when I got cliffy's name wrong and put cIitfan, and it blocked THAT!!!
Posts: 334
19:36 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
C y b e r first came about as a slang word for c ybernetics. C ybernetics include robots. A form of robot is an aimbot. Aimbots are banned and all reference to them are now excluded.

I have just found out c ybernetics is also a banned word
Posts: 19,967
19:39 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Robot means slave

As does smashy smashy egg man!

^if that is true, why is the word aimbot not banned? We can talk about them as long as we actually use the word? Wouldn't surprise me tbh
Posts: 334
19:53 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
It used to annoy me when Dr robotnik was refered to as Egg man. As all post mega drive sonic the headghog games have been poo, I have now chilled to the matter.
Posts: 334
20:05 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I just asked my daughters "who would win, zombie faust or vampire faust?" They agreed with zantie, vampire faust would win. I then asked "Who would win, zombie faust or vampire faust if the game had to be played at 11am on a bright sunny day, in an open air internet cafe?" They replied vampire faust again. I told them that vampire faust would burn up in the sunlight, "uh uh" they replied in unison "Daylight ring"
What the hell are they teaching kids today? Everyone knows a vampire can't go out in sunlight, no matter what ring they wear. Utter nonsense!
Posts: 6,417
20:11 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I just asked my daughters "who would win, zombie faust or vampire faust?" They agreed with zantie, vampire faust would win. I then asked "Who would win, zombie faust or vampire faust if the game had to be played at 11am on a bright sunny day, in an open air internet cafe?" They replied vampire faust again. I told them that vampire faust would burn up in the sunlight, "uh uh" they replied in unison "Daylight ring"
What the hell are they teaching kids today? Everyone knows a vampire can't go out in sunlight, no matter what ring they wear. Utter nonsense!


Cant faust be a vampire and a zombie too? He likes being both

And btw what kind of species are you?
Posts: 334
20:13 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Homo superior. Don't let me down guys.
Posts: 10,109
20:20 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Homo superior. Don't let me down guys.

Too late!

Posted Image
Posts: 6,417
20:22 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Homo superior. Don't let me down guys.

Posted Image

I can only hope this thread doesnt get capped now
Posts: 334
20:28 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yay, i was undrstandibly nervous due to how long it was from me changing my profile to faust posting in whom is the bestest, this has restored my faith somewhat. Ableists and homophobic bullies galore.
Posts: 19,967
20:28 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I just asked my daughters "who would win, zombie faust or vampire faust?" They agreed with zantie, vampire faust would win. I then asked "Who would win, zombie faust or vampire faust if the game had to be played at 11am on a bright sunny day, in an open air internet cafe?" They replied vampire faust again. I told them that vampire faust would burn up in the sunlight, "uh uh" they replied in unison "Daylight ring"
What the hell are they teaching kids today? Everyone knows a vampire can't go out in sunlight, no matter what ring they wear. Utter nonsense!

Traditionally sunlight weakens vampires, and isn't fatal. So the question is would a weakened vampire still win? I think so, because the zombie still is ineffectual in terms of dexterity to the vampire. That's before you considered the heat of a sunny day speeding up the process of the rotting flesh and loss of limbs/hands/fingers. Plus, the zombie is more likely to smash the computer and eat the brains of everyone in the cafe than play pool. The vampire is a non primitive undead species.

No clue on a daylight ring
Posts: 334
20:29 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
And c y b e r phobic
Posts: 10,109
20:31 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yay, i was undrstandibly nervous due to how long it was from me changing my profile to faust posting in whom is the bestest, this has restored my faith somewhat. Ableists and homophobic bullies galore.

Again, please quote anything homophobic posted? You make yourself look a complete halfwit when you call posting pictures from a prominent gay rights website homophobic!
Posts: 334
20:34 Tue 17 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sunlight not fatal to vampires? Daylight rings? What next, synthetic blood drank from bottles served in a Louisianan tavern?
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Uprising XII - Boring and Soulless 'No success for substitutions!'

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