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Uprising XII - Boring and Soulless 'No success for substitutions!'

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13:22 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hope no one committed suicide yesterday

I barely made it through. Still here, somehow
Posts: 6,417
15:10 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Bad news, i can post
Deleted User
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15:13 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
2/1 you're muted again within a fortnight
Posts: 10,109
15:18 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
2/1 you're muted again within a fortnight

At the moment I can log in to read the threads about 20% of the time, but still can't open a game window! :(
Posts: 19,967
15:24 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oddly on my phone I can get on the site no problem on 3G but it seems to struggle on the wifi and hasn't come on most times. Yet on my laptop I seem to be able to get on fine in game and usually get access to the site.

Nick mustn't have paid his bills this month
Posts: 10,109
15:28 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oddly on my phone I can get on the site no problem on 3G but it seems to struggle on the wifi and hasn't come on most times. Yet on my laptop I seem to be able to get on fine in game and usually get access to the site.

Nick mustn't have paid his bills this month

Just keep your eye on these 2 please mate. I think Davy and Hippes will find each other easily, but the Dynamos guys are not as active.

cgibson92 v bigcjl2
clifton188 v fastboysam
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:29 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
If it helps bigcjl2 is scheduled to play friendyboy on Sunday 7pm maybe your player could catch him before or after?
Posts: 10,109
15:30 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
If it helps bigcjl2 is scheduled to play friendyboy on Sunday 7pm maybe your player could catch him before or after?

That should help. Cheers.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:37 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Want me to keep an eye out for them two too? I'm pretty active till Sunday
Posts: 10,109
15:39 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Want me to keep an eye out for them two too? I'm pretty active till Sunday

You can fastboy, but Chris says he'll defo be on when cjl is on Sunday.
Posts: 6,417
15:55 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
2/1 you're muted again within a fortnight

I invite everyone to bet on this, its a good one
Posts: 10,109
17:03 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yay! After several remote access sessions with Jack, he's only gone and fixed it! I can play again!

Let me know when you can remote access again Jack, and I'll arrange my players champs game against beenjammin
Posts: 38,097
17:45 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
^ You had Class problem like i did mate? i tried Corsairs suggestion and didn't work for me

And Remote thing is good but their is also a concern about trust (I do trust them but recently someone let a guy remote control her computer and she got a virus over it). Another friend suggested Remote Access to me but i'm not quite there yet
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:21 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL vs Uprising
Sub: 9us
Was: hippesville vs davybaumers
Now: _aquarius12_ vs davybaumers
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:44 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Season 12 - Fixture Set 3

Due to effectively losing access to the site for two days earlier this week for some members, the deadline for Fixture Set 3 will now be Midnight UK on Tuesday 27th January.

FBL Season 12 - Fixture Set 4 (Final Set)

Team lists required for the following games due out on Sunday night...

F.P.D. v Uprising
The Professionals v Uprising

Team lists by Sunday afternoon please.

When providing FBL lists please can we assume you have your players in the correct order for each game type (8US, 9US, 8UK and Straight), and with no numbers, so that you can just provide one list of players that can be easily cut and pasted into the fixtures, ie:-



Posts: 7,324
20:17 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
me vs _jesus_

us8: 5-0
9 ball: 4-1
uk: 5-0

Overall: sincerest apologies to all Roman Catholics, I played pretty good, he handed me a few simple games tbh, and the game I lost was ridiculous lol. Was played in good spirit throughout which is the most satisfying thing really...ggs and gl in your others mate
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:20 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
erigert v kingdadcool
davybaumers v chillibeef
Erigert v chillibeef
davybaumers v kingdadcool
Posts: 10,109
21:36 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
erigert v kingdadcool
davybaumers v chillibeef
Erigert v chillibeef
davybaumers v kingdadcool

Davy will never make the same times as kingdadcool mate. He's only on late at night!
Posts: 6,417
21:58 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
erigert (7) - (8) chillibeef

8us: 3-2 (2 runouts for me, one for him)
9us: 2-3 (runout for me)
8uk: 2-3 (runout for him)

Definitely one of the best clan matches i have been involved in. 8us was great play from both of us, cant remember a pot being missed. 9us was great too, apart the 4th frame where i missed an easy 9. 8uk he did the same by missing a simple black in the second frame. Other than that, were good frames including a run out from him. Ggs m8, vwp.

Sorry team, but not much i could have done, was at my best form and still lost I dont know how u managed a 6-0 against him funk_is_bk lol

Edited at 20:02 Fri 23/01/15 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:11 Fri 23 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ohhh wow m8 sounds like good match to watch 4 run outs that is something, he is an old school player mate we have our moments once we heat it up we play like a pros lol, ul thanks for playing :p.
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Uprising XII - Boring and Soulless 'No success for substitutions!'

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