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XVth Man: 'What doesn't kill us, makes us Stronger'

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23:58 Sun 22 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deadline: 01st March 2015 which is loads of time .

So not sure why it was necessary for a swap and me to be subbed out . As the above message said due to me unwell i wanted a few days to get abit better then me and funky could of played , i also mentioned friday .

game got played but i dont feel it should of been rushed.
why not reply yesterday then? You obviously seen my post which is why you edited your one. I said you could play if you got it touch and you chose not to answer me either. You were giving the clan a bad name by lying and I'm pretty sure by now most folk know I do not abide liars. Glad your time with the clan in up as I actually had to bite my tounge a lot this season with you and that doesn't suit me!

You know he dodges games, fran had arranged with him to sub in an hour before the game and as soon as I logged in he logged out.
Fran messaged me apologising as he had seen it and his exact words were 'ffs what is his problem it's only a game and he only needs 1pt or 2'
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:01 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deadline: 01st March 2015 which is loads of time .

So not sure why it was necessary for a swap and me to be subbed out . As the above message said due to me unwell i wanted a few days to get abit better then me and funky could of played , i also mentioned friday .

game got played but i dont feel it should of been rushed.
why not reply yesterday then? You obviously seen my post which is why you edited your one. I said you could play if you got it touch and you chose not to answer me either. You were giving the clan a bad name by lying and I'm pretty sure by now most folk know I do not abide liars. Glad your time with the clan in up as I actually had to bite my tounge a lot this season with you and that doesn't suit me!

You know he dodges games, fran had arranged with him to sub in an hour before the game and as soon as I logged in he logged out.
Fran messaged me apologising as he had seen it and his exact words were 'ffs what is his problem it's only a game and he only needs 1pt or 2'
if someone makes a comment about someone on my team I don't feel they merited I will always post, regardless of who it is. I know you have been active and I know you don't dodge games. i just think the comment wasn't needed as at the end of it it's not his fixture.
Posts: 9,926
00:04 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deadline: 01st March 2015 which is loads of time .

So not sure why it was necessary for a swap and me to be subbed out . As the above message said due to me unwell i wanted a few days to get abit better then me and funky could of played , i also mentioned friday .

game got played but i dont feel it should of been rushed.
why not reply yesterday then? You obviously seen my post which is why you edited your one. I said you could play if you got it touch and you chose not to answer me either. You were giving the clan a bad name by lying and I'm pretty sure by now most folk know I do not abide liars. Glad your time with the clan in up as I actually had to bite my tounge a lot this season with you and that doesn't suit me!

You know he dodges games, fran had arranged with him to sub in an hour before the game and as soon as I logged in he logged out.
Fran messaged me apologising as he had seen it and his exact words were 'ffs what is his problem it's only a game and he only needs 1pt or 2'

Huts could easily have had other things on as we all have life's away from here. You logged off when greyhound logged in today as you have a life away from here. We could accuse you of the same avoidance but I wouldn't as I would never do that to anyone as this is an online pool game, not life or death and we all have far more important things than a game on here.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:22 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL League Split Fix 1

XVth Man (46) vs (74) Uprising - Complete

SL Semi Final

Sev7n 'n' Deadly (9) vs (15) Unbe'A'tables

(s) trats (1) vs (5) turtle1560 (swp)
ooo_u_tap_2 vs greyhound(4) (s)
lfc12 (3) vs (3) onevisit
joeyy (2) vs (4) horse10000
hippesville (3) vs (3) fran_ (swp)

Deadline: 22/02/2015

FCL - Final Fixtures: 15/02/15 >>>>> 01/03/15

XVth Man (23) vs (22) Unbeatables

reminiscent vs barkley20
(swp) joeyyvs mikeybboy
hippesville (11) vs (4) onevisit
lfc12 (7) vs (8) raker
(swp) the__priest (5)vs (10)turtle1560
trats vs mrmagic ---(3)--(8) tbc
(s) ooo_u_tap_2 fran_
legend_pot vs horse10000

XVth Man (6) vs (9) Pros

hippesville vs w_hoolahan
ooo_u_tap_2 vs potlimit
friendyboy vs jamesmcgarry
dgeneratio (6) vs (9) crazy_greg
legend_pot vs beenjammin
reminiscent vs miss_harriet
joeyy vs dvz
the__priest vs tinie_v17

Good Luck Team let's finish on a high, let's fight for 3rd place ALL the way
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:38 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
No you couldn't accuse me of the same avoidance Keith because you know full well that I didn't log off when greyhound logged in at all today, you're just doing your usual default crap.
You make out like it doesn't matter to you but if that were true then you would have subbed in x_connor, huts or deejay who were all playing games Friday night whilst you and turtle were also on to make the sub but no it had to be greyhound who played it, not caring that you left us no time to arrange it.
End of the day you've got your default point, we don't get the outside possibility of winning the game by it being played and i've not got to play despite being the most active player in the whole fixture.
Posts: 9,926
00:45 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
No you couldn't accuse me of the same avoidance Keith because you know full well that I didn't log off when greyhound logged in at all today, you're just doing your usual default crap.
You make out like it doesn't matter to you but if that were true then you would have subbed in x_connor, huts or deejay who were all playing games Friday night whilst you and turtle were also on to make the sub but no it had to be greyhound who played it, not caring that you left us no time to arrange it.
End of the day you've got your default point, we don't get the outside possibility of winning the game by it being played and i've not got to play despite being the most active player in the whole fixture.

What I said was accurate and I don't want the game not to be played. Greyhound has been on both nights on deadline weekend, it is unfortunate that you have not been on at the same time. Sleipnir being in an accident is unfortunate as well for this fixture I have posted saying that anyone else can sub in so not really sure what else we could do on deadline weekend.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:03 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sick of clan leagues to be honest guys, players aren't active enough to arrange games properly with anymore.
Everyone is busy in the real world but takes 5 minutes to log in on your phone and send a message, still nobody seems willing to arrange properly.
I'm done with wasting my time with them, it's not specifically this game either it's pretty much every game that's hassle to arrange these days.
Posts: 7,974
01:11 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Edited at 23:26 Sun 22/02/15 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:38 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

What I said was accurate and I don't want the game not to be played. Greyhound has been on both nights on deadline weekend, it is unfortunate that you have not been on at the same time. Sleipnir being in an accident is unfortunate as well for this fixture I have posted saying that anyone else can sub in so not really sure what else we could do on deadline weekend.

greyhound offline 3 days, if he's not back this evening can I have a sub for Super League? Need to get game arranged, thanks

No probs mate, if he doesn't come on tonight I will sort something

Can we have this actioned please, thanks.

I messaged you Friday daytime, you could have given me a sub Friday evening as you had agreed to do and I could have arranged the game.
Greyhound didn't reappear till 7pm on Saturday night, yet funnily enough there was no sub from you? Not Friday evening, not Saturday day despite the reminder!
I had no clue he would be on Saturday at 7pm as he was 4 days offline at that left us no time to arrange the game.
It shouldn't have even been about deadline weekend at all, I would never have arranged the game for any weekend, I work 45 hours a week i'd rather have my weekends free.
Posts: 9,926
01:43 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

What I said was accurate and I don't want the game not to be played. Greyhound has been on both nights on deadline weekend, it is unfortunate that you have not been on at the same time. Sleipnir being in an accident is unfortunate as well for this fixture I have posted saying that anyone else can sub in so not really sure what else we could do on deadline weekend.

greyhound offline 3 days, if he's not back this evening can I have a sub for Super League? Need to get game arranged, thanks

No probs mate, if he doesn't come on tonight I will sort something

Can we have this actioned please, thanks.

I messaged you Friday daytime, you could have given me a sub Friday evening as you had agreed to do and I could have arranged the game.
Greyhound didn't reappear till 7pm on Saturday night, yet funnily enough there was no sub from you? Not Friday evening, not Saturday day despite the reminder!
I had no clue he would be on Saturday at 7pm as he was 4 days offline at that left us no time to arrange the game.
It shouldn't have even been about deadline weekend at all, I would never have arranged the game for any weekend, I work 45 hours a week i'd rather have my weekends free.

You have been advised that any available sub can play and you have also had greyhound on both nights over the weekend, don't try blaming me if the game is not played. There was nothing stopping xvth man subbing in someone to play any of our players if they saw them online at the weekend if they wanted to as well.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:06 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why should I get subbed out when i've been available 14 days of the fixture Keith?

Sleipnir active 0 hours out of 168
Greyhound active 7 hours out of 168

Unbeatables active for 7 hours out of 336

No I wasn't advised that any available sub could play, funnily enough fran 'forgot' to send that message until greyhound was back online on Saturday eveing, whereupon he sent permission for me to play x_connor which was instantly cancelled with an 'Oh look greyhound is on message'
Posted Image
Of course you also knew that x_connor was unavailable by then as he is moving house which Ash has just found out from facebook but you were well aware of.
Only 'available sub' I had a chance to actually play I tried to and he dodged it.
Posts: 9,926
02:19 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol tappy stop trying to justify why you are so hard done by, this isn't the first game that has ended up going to default and it won't be the last.

I am more than happy to extend deadline for 24 hours so hopefully the game gets won on the table. greyhound should be able to get on between 9 and 10 pm tomorrow as long as his work doesn't call him out. You also have huts and deejay who can sub in if they are on. Connor only messaged this morning so not sure what your point above is. Up to xvth man and yourself if you wish to accept the extension or not or if you wish the game to go to default, I am not bothered either way.
Deleted User
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02:26 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I work nights as everyone knows so 9-10pm is no good to me whatsoever.
Posts: 9,926
02:28 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh well hopefully you can meet one of the others or default it is.
Deleted User
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16:01 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey ash do you need me? , if not , ill go somewhere smaller , as i think i'm not the best player but might want to go to a smaller clan , just for a bit

Up to you guys really
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:36 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
reminiscent vs miss_harriet

1-4 us8
2-3 us9
4-1 uk8


Overall I could have taken my chances a lot better in the us games, but in Uk Harriet wasn't all that great fouling in 3 of the games I think. So probably about right maybe I got 1 or 2 more than I should have.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:39 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Very nice Mich well done
Deleted User
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21:19 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
nice remi well done m8
Posts: 38,097
21:24 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
well done apple
Posts: 14,736
21:34 Mon 23 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
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XVth Man: 'What doesn't kill us, makes us Stronger'

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