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XVth Man: 'What doesn't kill us, makes us Stronger'

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Deleted User
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14:36 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes. Both clans were at fault for the game not being played, but one more than the other across the whole of the two weeks and two days.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:38 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
So in other words when he were unable to log back on we should have acted more appropriately and subbed out our player there and then?

If that's the case then fair enough, lesson learnt.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:47 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I wont normally do this - but on this occasion it is relevant...

The original fixture swap was made by XV in a belief that it made completion of two games easier.

The remaining swapped fixture could not then be played at a suitable time due to a XV interclan spat leading to a deactivation.

It was clear that the PD player was only available to play on that day (having been available for most of the two weeks) and yet instead of subbing in an available/active player to play, an inactive player was subbed in for a further two days.

Given those circumstances, PDs were within their rights to refuse to make an enforced sub on the last day, simply to get a game played, in the knowledge that this would also go against them in respect of their own default score.
Deleted User
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14:54 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks for that, Im not sure how they can say their player were active throughout when that clearly were not the case but for the sake of 2 points I accept your judgement and decision.

Lesson learned and we move on, next time we will make and show more effort with all our matches. You are clearly judged on the whole 14 days so our players will be advised on that aspect.
Posts: 7,974
15:07 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ash its always been that way
and its very fair

you've said lesson learned, lets move on
Chris has surpassed himself with the information supplied
I never doubted any of it

thanks Chris and for the observations made also
Deleted User
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15:09 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 4 - 18/01/15 - 01/02/15 - DEADLINE

XVth Man (32) vs (28) Pool Sharks

(swp) crazykid (8) vs (7) dazpolz
(s) ooo_u_tap_2 vs liam_scfc
(swp) reminiscent vs crazzymadman (Fri/Sun if Poss)
lfc12 (6) vs (9) kingdadcool
(s) the__priest vs steventait88/funky_king (swp) (messaged)
(swp) friendyboy vs chillibeef (ASAP)
(s) dgeneratio (6) vs (9) andyw1 (swp)
(swp) legend_pot (12) vs (3) red4eva

XVth Man (29) vs (61) Professionals

reminiscent (7) vs (8) beenjammin
iam_me (3) vs (12) jamesmcgarry (sub)
crazykid (6) vs (9) dvz
legend_pot vs crazy_greg
trats vs potlimit(next week)
joeyy (6) vs (9) w_hoolahan
the__priest (2) vs (13) miss_harriet (sub)
dgeneratio (5) vs B(10) dbno

Format: 5 x 8us, 9us and 8uk

Good Luck guys -

Guys we NEED get some played vs POOL SHARKS FCL asap.

Edited at 14:08 Fri 30/01/15 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:10 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 4

XVth Man (0) vs (6) Pros

8us: (swp) reminiscent vs miss_harriet
8us: (s) the__priest (0) vs (2) beenjammin (3-5)
9us: joeyy vs dbno
9us: (swp) trats vs crazy_greg
8uk: ooo_u_tap_2 (0) vs (2) w_hoolahan (1-5)
8uk: friendyboy vs jamesmcgarry
Str: legend_pot vs dvz
Str: (swp) (s) lfc12 (0) vs (2) davey_1985 (s)

XVth Man (8) vs (2) Revolution

8us: lfc12 (2) vs (0) kris (5-1)
8us: reminiscent (1) vs (1) sillybilly (4-4)
9us: dgeneratio (1) vs (1) vlad_putin (4-4)
9us: legend_pot vs veyron
8uk: (s) trats vs myrddin
8uk: (s) the__priest (2) vs (0) who_me (5-0)
Str: (s) ooo_u_tap_2 (2) vs (0) _equality_
Str: joeyy vs jampot

Deadline: 8th February 2015
Format: 8 x Game Type or 2 Frames of Straight

PLAYOFF Super League

Match: Annihil-8 (4) vs (2) Sev7n 'n' Deadly

legend_pot vs trats
(s) iam_me vs joeyy
dgeneratio vs friendyboy
the__priest (4) vs (2) lfc12
reminiscent vs ooo_u_tap_2

Good Luck to both Teams, let's have some fun.

Deadline: 8th Feb 2015

Edited at 15:05 Fri 30/01/15 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:25 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
i can sub in on any of this two matchs if they can play now ill be online for like an hour or so thanks.
(s) the__priest vs steventait88 (swp) (messaged)
reminiscent vs chillibeef (ASAP)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:30 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
i can sub in on any of this two matchs if they can play now ill be online for like an hour or so thanks.
(s) the__priest vs steventait88 (swp) (messaged)
reminiscent vs chillibeef (ASAP)

Apologies my fixtures didn't show the swap, you're best of playing Craig mate as friendyboy cannot get online atm. Reminiscent vs crazzymadman is the other fixture, they have been in contact.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:31 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
if he is up to play me let me know trying to pms him but wont let me
Posts: 7,974
15:34 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
if he is up to play me let me know trying to pms him but wont let me

im in 9arc
then im off to work

if you want to play tomorrow between 9 am to 1 pm give me a shout

if not weekend is best
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:41 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thats the thing i cant play on the weekend m8 ill leave it as its see if ma guys can get this fixture done thanks
Posts: 7,974
15:47 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thats the thing i cant play on the weekend m8 ill leave it as its see if ma guys can get this fixture done thanks

ive messaged steven, if not Toluca, depending what im like after work we could get it played tonight

im normally online around 11 but 12 ish would be better

is that any good for you
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:49 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:53 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
No worries cheers guys sorted one way or another.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:55 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
After fixtures have been released, please can you ensure this is followed/maintained:

* immediately offline message your opponent (s)
* allow them 48 hours too reply, doesnt matter if are online they are not obligated to reply immediately.
* IF no reply, let myself, Alex, Karl or Joeyy know.
* We will address any issues offline with their respective Captain(s)
* Send another message offline emphasizing the suitable times YOU can play.
* Allow another 48 hours and so on.
* keep to the same offline message

IF your player has been OFFLINE for the first 4 days from the Fixture Release (does not matter if been offline beforehand) then we will request a sub or a swap.

From now on ANY swaps we make will be requested with our oppositions Captain via offline first. IF they agree then and only then will it be posted.

ALL messages are to be kept and sent to your Captain/Vice (s) in case a fixture goes to default.

Thanks, hopefully all our matches will be played in the right spirit, amicably and competitively.

Have Fun.

(This is hopefully a fresh start - I want to do things the right way just as much as anyone else).
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:01 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tappy 2-0 kat

2nd one was scrappy could have gone either way I went in off about 6 times in that 1 frame lol but had a lucky shot in the final run too.
good games unlucky kat good luck to revolution in the season
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:03 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well played matey - nice result - Cheers for playing the match - (i subbed you in)
Posts: 1,111
17:20 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
well played tappy
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:32 Fri 30 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
reminiscent vs crazzymadman

3-2 us8 - Runout for me
5-0 us9 - Ratted 9 for a runout
5-0 uk8 - Underhit last ball by about 2 mm's for a runout.

13-2 me.

He didn't have any luck at all really, was shooting very well in us8, but come 9 ball he had a few unlucky in offs and lapses of concentration rattling easy pots. UK I was just on fire really and he unluckily ran outta position in 1 game.

Good games pal, was a pleasure as always. Good luck for the season.
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XVth Man: 'What doesn't kill us, makes us Stronger'

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