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Pocket Dynamos - Chapter 8

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10:21 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
got a reply

Good, I was panicking there for a moment...
Posts: 8,315
11:51 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 4

Unbeatables 8 v 4 Pocket Dynamos

8 US onevisit 1 v 5 triple_b
8 US mikeybboy 5 v 1 the__king
9 US raker 3 v 5 hamburgerboy
9 US _huts24_ v hustler_1987
8 UK poolbiird 6 v 2 askingfan
8 UK x_connor 6 v 2 blueberry
STR turtle1560 2 v 0 punkpoet
STR mrmagic v fastboysam (sub)


F.P.D. 0 v 14 Pocket Dynamos

8 US jimmyd_86 2 v 6 jasonb
8 US just_lucky 2 v 6 chapster_7
9 US _jesus_ 1 v 5 kaperisk
9 US buckjam 3 v 5 welshgizy19
8 UK thegreatone7 v ang3l
8 UK jacksealey21 0 v 5 fastboysam
STR rednose 0 v 2 silenthill
STR bonfireheart 0 v 2 triple_b

8 racks of 8b 9b 8buk or 2 racks of str8
8th Feb

Gdluck all ...

Edited at 10:36 Wed 04/02/15 (GMT)
Posts: 8,315
11:51 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Pocket Dynamos 0 v 0 Pool Sharks

FCL askingfan v dazpolz
FCL (swap) chapster_7 v crazzymadman
SL the__king v _dave_
SL (swap) triple_b v ronalddw
8 US jasonb v liam_scfc
9 US welshgizy19 v red4eva
8 UK ang3l v andyw1
STR fastboysam v kingdadcool

FCL- 5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
SL - 4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk (bonus for "events")
8b - 10 racks of 8b
9b - 12 racks of 9b
8buk - 10 racks of 8buk
str8 - 4 racks of str8

15th Feb
Gdluck all..

15th Feb
Posts: 8,315
11:53 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 5

Pocket Dynamos 0 v 0 The Revolution

askingfan v myrddin
chapster_7 v who_me
hustler_1987 v vlad_putin
kaperisk 6 v 9 kris
silenthill v veyron
triple_b v mad_matt
the__king v sillybilly
punkpoet 4 v 11 drewdt3

5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
15th Feb
Gdluck all..
Posts: 8,315
11:58 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Morning all ..
Posts: 8,315
12:33 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 4

Unbeatables 8 v 4 Pocket Dynamos
STR mrmagic v marksmith
STR mrmagic v fastboysam
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:52 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Morning all ..

Posts: 8,315
12:54 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi jamie , hope you are well..
Posts: 8,315
12:58 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have asked FPD if they have anyone who can play beths game.. ,just now.., she is not available till after thursday ..
Posts: 8,315
13:04 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posted Image
Posts: 19,819
17:51 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

TINY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ang3l thanks for doing he sub for mark, I meant to do it but forgot lol.
I hear Man Untd won a game so Marks probably drunk somewhere most likely wearing ladies clothes
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:01 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

TINY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ang3l thanks for doing he sub for mark, I meant to do it but forgot lol.
I hear Man Untd won a game so Marks probably drunk somewhere most likely wearing ladies clothes

All that when they beat a crap team, imagine if they beat a top 4 team
Posts: 4,046
18:04 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
punkpoet said:
Its just that you haven't given ang3l a proper time Beth, I mean after friday isn't an exact time... I don't want to seem rude but could you give her a time like friday 9pm?
That moment when you think you sound like a tool lol, sorry just unsure how else to phrase it.

Throwing insults around is not getting you anywhere and coming from one of the biggest tools on here i find it laughable.And i knew exactly how to phrase it!

I was going to sort out a sub for Saturday if Beth couldnt make it on. She says she will and there will be 3 days to get the fixture done. If Ang is expecting to be off over the weekend then a sub will be required from your side not ours.As for a time? It is not always possible to give a time 24-36hrs before an event. Its called life buddy, maybe you should have a look for one!

Using that kind of language is not necessary from a captain of your ability so go and have a chat with yourself.

Deleted User
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18:10 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Woah dude, sit down and read what Zac wrote again, nowhere is he being rude to you.

Just a time slot when your player can be on, as not everyone can be sat here for 72 hours waiting on your player.
Posts: 19,819
18:10 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
punkpoet said:
Its just that you haven't given ang3l a proper time Beth, I mean after friday isn't an exact time... I don't want to seem rude but could you give her a time like friday 9pm?
That moment when you think you sound like a tool lol, sorry just unsure how else to phrase it.

Throwing insults around is not getting you anywhere and coming from one of the biggest tools on here i find it laughable.And i knew exactly how to phrase it!

I was going to sort out a sub for Saturday if Beth couldnt make it on. She says she will and there will be 3 days to get the fixture done. If Ang is expecting to be off over the weekend then a sub will be required from your side not ours.As for a time? It is not always possible to give a time 24-36hrs before an event. Its called life buddy, maybe you should have a look for one!

Using that kind of language is not necessary from a captain of your ability so go and have a chat with yourself.


Erm where did I insult anyone. if YOU READ!!!! I refer to myself as a tool as i felt I sounded like one.
Im actually having a good day so I will ignore this as I think you just misread though folks Im getting tired of people misreading crap and having a go.
Posts: 19,819
18:13 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Woah dude, sit down and read what Zac wrote again, nowhere is he being rude to you.

Just a time slot when your player can be on, as not everyone can be sat here for 72 hours waiting on your player.

Ive read it like 4 times I dont see where I insulted anyone, but please send to admin buckjam.
Thanks for ruining my good mood.
Posts: 19,819
18:37 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Im logging off if he has I was waiting for an apology, at least when I do something wrong I say sorry. Most of this lot on here don't bother. If not insulting them gets me in bother I may insult next time who knows may get the reverse effect.
Posts: 4,046
19:01 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I didn't call you a tool i referred to myself as a tool... please reread and refrain from in future of jumping the gun.
Tbh i was having a good day before this, wonder why i log in.

I apologise if i got the wrong end of the stick. I know why you log in and you do it well. However, Ang had already posted this morning in ref to this game and Beth had answered. So why 5hrs later are you involved in the last game of the fixture with 4 days to go. Not neccesary.

Again i apologise and will read posts much more closely in future

Ps. I have only just got back in so hence the delay in due apology. I am big enough to say sorry when im wrong. If it helps i have smacked meself in the nuts with some 2 x4 (no nails though) hope that sufices
Deleted User
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19:11 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just finished my games (SL i think) with crazzymadman, what a pleasure to play against.

Even though I lost (lapse of concentration in the 8us) the games were of a high standard.

3-1 to CMM in 8us, I had my chances, but was a bit distracted and lost a frame because of it, and I gifted another by leaving the black over the pocket

9us 2-2, very fair here, could have taken another, but that would be unfair as we both had some good shots.

8uk 2-2, both 7 balled each other, both played very well here. Could have won this, but was playing a very delicate flick off his colour to slow white down, but it never flicked and game him a free ball.

Apart from a few moment sof madness, there were some quality pots, epic positional and great clearances.

7-5 to CMM

Hope I play you again at some point mate, was epic
Posts: 7,297
20:33 Wed 4 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
punkpoet 4 v 11 drewdt3

ridiculous game.
1st rack i messed up an easy clear, 3rd i fouled black, 4th, i fouled leaving him with black and ball in hand. 5th he missed and covered the pocket.
6th he fluked 2 pots to leave himself on the 9... Rest of 9b he played well but the damage was done at this point and i was feeling crap by the bad luck.
He got ul in one of the 8buk racks and i managed to get a couple racks but when the lucks against you like that.
I'm sure he'll even admit it that i had horrible luck though he did play well, very good potter.
anyways ggs gl in the rest, lets forget this one.

Obviously a lot of luck was involved but fair dues when dues are well deserved?

drewdt3 deserves credit ! sounds all sour grapes on zac part .
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Pocket Dynamos - Chapter 8

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