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Pocket Dynamos - Chapter 8

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Deleted User
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13:51 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
blimey..... so much unnecessary negativity. friendyboy did message me, and game is arranged so end of conversation. Being played 25th january 2pm

in this circumstance i do not mind playing last minute as it is arranged.... no problem. It is when I have hardly any contact and after stressing for a long period of time on whether the game will get played or not.... under perform when i am forced to rush a game just so it can get played. Very frustrated with how yesterday orchestrated and if this repeats the it's ciao from me i'm afraid.
Posts: 19,819
15:49 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Killer Challenge Cup - Season 2

Round 1

FPD v Pocket Dynamos v Pool Sharks

The winners of this match go to Round 2

Sunday 25th January 2015 at 8pm (UK)

Please can you have your players ready and available to play by at about 7:50pm.

Posts: 19,819
15:50 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 3
The Professionals 2 v 0 Pocket Dynamos

8 US beenjammin 5 v 1 the__king
8 US crazy_greg v triple_b
9 US _wales_lad_ v hamburgerboy
9 US thegame26 v silenthill
8 UK jamesmcgarry v blueberry
8 UK tinie_v17 v jasonb
STR dvz v fastboysam
STR mattywellie v punkpoet


The Revolution 0 v 0 Pocket Dynamos
8 US myrddin v welshgizy19
8 US buzzboxxuk v kaperisk
9 US sillybilly v hustler_1987
9 US kris 7 v 1 chapster_7
8 UK ld1987 v ang3l
8 UK pointless v bigcjl2
STR communist v hamburgerboy sub
STR vlad_putin 0 v 2 silenthill

8 racks of 8b 9b 8buk or 2 racks of striaght
25th Jan

gdluck all ..
Posts: 19,819
15:51 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Grand Slam
Uprising 8 v 2 Pocket Dynamos

FCL derik_dalton 9 v 6 punkpoet
FCL cgibson92 v bigcjl2
SL lll1lll1lll v kaperisk
SL r1p0m4n_v2 10 v 2 hustler_1987
8 US funk_is_bk 2 v 7 triple_b
9 US zantetsukenz 8 v 4 the__king sub
8 UK _niall_ 7 v 3 ang3l
STR clifton188 v fastboysam

2 x FCL format games - a maximum of 15 racks in total and 5 racks of each game type (8 Ball, UK8 and 9 Ball)
2 x Super League format games - a maximum of 12 racks in total and 4 racks of each game type (8 Ball, UK8 and 9 Ball) with 'Event Bonuses' available for any Golden Break or Run Out achieved.
1 x FBL format 8 Ball game - a maximum of 10 racks in total
1 x FBL format UK8 Ball game - a maximum of 10 racks in total
1 x FBL format 9 Ball game - a maximum of 12 racks in total
1 x FBL format Straight game - a maximum of 4 games in total

25th Jan
Gdluck all ...
Posts: 19,819
15:51 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fixture Set 3

Sev7n 'n' Deadly 4 v 3 Pocket Dynamos

iam_me 4 v 3 triple_b
ooo_u_tap_2 v chapster_7
friendyboy v jasonb
jittzdulay v kaperisk
lfc12 v bigcjl2


Uprising Ultras 17 v 7 Pocket Dynamos

r1p0m4n_v2 4 v 2 the__king
clifton188 v silenthill sub
dv8 3 v 3 hamburgerboy
]zantetsukenz 5 v 1 hustler_1987
lll1lll1lll 5 v 1 blueberry

2 racks of 8b 9b 8buk (Bonuses for "events")
25th Jan

Gdluck all...
Posts: 8,315
17:24 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
blimey..... so much unnecessary negativity. friendyboy did message me, and game is arranged so end of conversation. Being played 25th january 2pm

in this circumstance i do not mind playing last minute as it is arranged.... no problem. It is when I have hardly any contact and after stressing for a long period of time on whether the game will get played or not.... under perform when i am forced to rush a game just so it can get played. Very frustrated with how yesterday orchestrated and if this repeats the it's ciao from me i'm afraid.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:00 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Revs made a sub in FBL

im now playing Marblewood although they haven't posted here for a sub but it shows on their thread :/
Posts: 998
18:16 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture 3

The Revolution v Pocket Dynamos
communist v hamburgerboy
marblewood (s) v hamburgerboy

Edited at 16:33 Sun 18/01/15 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:51 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Played Mike (Marblewood)

1st match

Wasn't in it at all playing poop lol, 35-7 good game well done there pal

2nd match

Was playing normal again in this one thankfully xD 35-25 good game ul here mate

Final score 1-1 :D
Posts: 19,819
20:34 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Played Mike (Marblewood)

1st match

Wasn't in it at all playing poop lol, 35-7 good game well done there pal

2nd match

Was playing normal again in this one thankfully xD 35-25 good game ul here mate

Final score 1-1 :D

Nice result against Mike, he can be very good at str8, wd.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:13 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
got a message back of bigcj he can play mon-fri 19-00 ---21-00 i wont be able to make these times this week due to my shifts so its best if ya sub me out or swap

as posted on my own thread
Posts: 19,819
22:38 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fcl fixture set

Pocket Dynamos 0 v 0 Unbeatables

jasonb v fran_
askingfan v horse10000
punkpoet v mikeybboy
ang3l v turtle1560
hustler_1987 v lateo1993
kaperisk v x_connor
the__king v _huts24_
triple_b v onevisit


Pocket Dynamos 0 v 0 The Professionals

bigcjl2 v beenjammin
chapster_7 v tinie_v17
hamburgerboy v w_hoolahan
blueberry v dvz
fastboysam v potlimit
kaperisk v crazy_greg
silenthill v _wales_lad_
welshgizy19 v jamesmcgarry

5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
1st Feb

Edited at 20:46 Sun 18/01/15 (GMT)
Posts: 19,819
22:41 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 3
The Professionals 4 v 0 Pocket Dynamos

8 US beenjammin 5 v 1 the__king
8 US crazy_greg v triple_b
9 US _wales_lad_ v hamburgerboy
9 US thegame26 5 v 1 silenthill
8 UK jamesmcgarry v blueberry
8 UK w_hoolahan v jasonb
STR dvz v fastboysam
STR mattywellie v punkpoet


The Revolution 3 v 3 Pocket Dynamos
8 US myrddin v welshgizy19
8 US buzzboxxuk v kaperisk
9 US sillybilly v hustler_1987
9 US kris 7 v 1 chapster_7
8 UK ld1987 v ang3l
8 UK pointless v bigcjl2
STR marblewood 1 v 1 hamburgerboy sub
STR vlad_putin 0 v 2 silenthill

8 racks of 8b 9b 8buk or 2 racks of striaght
25th Jan

gdluck all ..

Edited at 22:54 Sun 18/01/15 (GMT)

Edited at 23:13 Sun 18/01/15 (GMT)
Posts: 19,819
22:41 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Grand Slam
Uprising 8 v 2 Pocket Dynamos

FCL derik_dalton 9 v 6 punkpoet
FCL cgibson92 v bigcjl2
SL lll1lll1lll v kaperisk
SL r1p0m4n_v2 10 v 2 hustler_1987
8 US funk_is_bk 2 v 7 triple_b
9 US zantetsukenz 8 v 4 the__king sub
8 UK _niall_ 7 v 3 ang3l
STR clifton188 v fastboysam

2 x FCL format games - a maximum of 15 racks in total and 5 racks of each game type (8 Ball, UK8 and 9 Ball)
2 x Super League format games - a maximum of 12 racks in total and 4 racks of each game type (8 Ball, UK8 and 9 Ball) with 'Event Bonuses' available for any Golden Break or Run Out achieved.
1 x FBL format 8 Ball game - a maximum of 10 racks in total
1 x FBL format UK8 Ball game - a maximum of 10 racks in total
1 x FBL format 9 Ball game - a maximum of 12 racks in total
1 x FBL format Straight game - a maximum of 4 games in total

25th Jan
Gdluck all ...
Posts: 19,819
22:42 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fixture Set 3

Sev7n 'n' Deadly 4 v 3 Pocket Dynamos

iam_me 4 v 3 triple_b
ooo_u_tap_2 v chapster_7
lfc12 v jasonb
jittzdulay v kaperisk
friendyboy v bigcjl2


Uprising Ultras 17 v 7 Pocket Dynamos

r1p0m4n_v2 4 v 2 the__king
clifton188 v silenthill sub
dv8 3 v 3 hamburgerboy
]zantetsukenz 5 v 1 hustler_1987
lll1lll1lll 5 v 1 blueberry

2 racks of 8b 9b 8buk (Bonuses for "events")
25th Jan

Gdluck all...

Edited at 22:57 Sun 18/01/15 (GMT)
Posts: 1,029
00:11 Mon 19 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
friendyboy vs jasonb
lfc12 vs bigcjl2


friendyboy vs bigcjl2
lfc12 vs jasonb

Thanks for the sub Ang3l, appreciated.
Have sent you a quick email Jason to keep you informed, still at the agreed time we had mate on Sunday :)
Posts: 4,971
00:32 Mon 19 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL: Professionals v Pocket Dynamos

8uk: tinie_v17 v jasonb

is now

8uk: w_hoolahan v jasonb
Posts: 19,819
00:47 Mon 19 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Killer Pool Ranked - punkpoet wins! (2 lives, potted 27 of 30, safe 8 of 24)
RANKINGS: punkpoet 747.9 (+38.3), hippesville 762.8 (-4.0), the__priest 735.2 (-3.5), kronos 698.9 (-2.7), turtle1560 819.2 (-5.1), sergiov27 685.6 (-2.6), lfc12 746.5 (-4.1)

Posts: 785
01:04 Mon 19 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

thegame26 vs silenthill

5-1 loss.
Posts: 19,819
01:12 Mon 19 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

thegame26 vs silenthill

5-1 loss.

ul pal
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Pocket Dynamos - Chapter 8

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