Game Freezing.

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:28 Sun 23 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Does anyone have the same problem as me?
When my opponent takes their shot, my game often freezes for up to 30 seconds and I can't do anything or type anything.

Does anyone know what causes this or how to fix it?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:56 Sun 23 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's called lagging, happens a lot with online gaming coz you're constantly projecting an image back to one another, also you're all connecting to one server so when it gets busy it causes you to lag. It's mainly to do with your internet speed, but can also be caused by an overloaded modem (a lot of people using it at the same time) junk on your laptop slowing it down, running various applications simultaneously or malware. Best bet is to plug it in using an ethernet lead, that will give you a more stable connection. If that doesn't work also try deleting some of your unwanted, unneeded programs, give it a clean using a program called CCleaner, that deletes all your unnecessary files, run a virus check to make sure you're clean, and you should be good :)
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