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F.P.D. (Devil's Playground)

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Posts: 4,046
00:53 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
played grand slam cup vs i am me

won 3- 2 in each type soo 9 -6 win osssssssssssshhhhhhhhhh

next game haha got 2 more haha

Wp guv. Go get em
Posts: 4,046
00:54 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
oki team i need to apologise for not being on pool as my team on snooker has been very short on players soo been keepin myself on there but now i managed to sort that out i can start playing pool again

if im that bad of a captain i have no problam stepping dow =n as our vices have done a fantastic job and cant thank them enough soo ill let the team decide what they whant me to doo seen as out=r bad rep is MY FAULT

all i can say is sorry and try and move on and up from here


Couldnt be happier with you as our captain as always. No need for you to ask. Playing the X1111 men and the nonce is a stress filled rollercoaster ride as always. Things will get back to normal in the next couple of sets. Lets just get it done and dusted and start again.

I take great offence to that - will report to admin immediately.

Only great offence. Thats a shame i aiming much higher than "great" you pompous idiot
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:04 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
That's enough guys these arguments are pointless lets just play the games ignore the haters and March on as a team... united we stand
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:13 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
That's enough guys these arguments are pointless lets just play the games ignore the haters and March on as a team... united we stand
Yayyyyyyy calm...... happy team
Posts: 5,821
01:26 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well said m 8
Posts: 5,821
01:32 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
oki team i need to apologise for not being on pool as my team on snooker has been very short on players soo been keepin myself on there but now i managed to sort that out i can start playing pool again

if im that bad of a captain i have no problam stepping dow =n as our vices have done a fantastic job and cant thank them enough soo ill let the team decide what they whant me to doo seen as out=r bad rep is MY FAULT

all i can say is sorry and try and move on and up from here

. No happy with. Still being cap beth. Don't worries if u got to run the other team on snooker me a buckjam will keep things going here

Couldnt be happier with you as our captain as always. No need for you to ask. Playing the X1111 men and the nonce is a stress filled rollercoaster ride as always. Things will get back to normal in the next couple of sets. Lets just get it done and dusted and start again.
. No quite happy for u to stay captian beth. Don't listen to. Other. Numptys on here at least we getting games done without mutable subs

I take great offence to that - will report to admin immediately.

Only great offence. Thats a shame i aiming much higher than "great" you pompous idiot
Posts: 5,821
01:39 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Next set will be different. Let's get back to being a happy squad again and if any numptys come on just ignore them
Posts: 38,097
01:49 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL: dgen 11-4 rednose

US: 4-1
9: 3-2
UK: 4-1

Strange game really, he fluked two frames but i won frames i shouldn't have so balanced really but good luck to him and FPD
Posts: 8,885
01:50 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

afther battling in the GSC minutes before i now go on and take on a shark named dave

8 us 4 - 1 him

he played very well here making sure he killed every shot i left him manged a good frame in that

9 us 4 - 1 me

for once 9 ball was kind to me i played well potting and defending i desved the score

8 uk ???

we both played very well in this taking big frames off each other but went down to the final frame were my expertise manged to poke the win away from him JUST 3 - 2 me


8 - 7 win

he was a great player that took me right to the end got me worried in the last frame and was ul in a few frames but glad to keep my winning streak going might be a good season for me who knows

Posts: 4,046
01:53 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Next set will be different. Let's get back to being a happy squad again and if any numptys come on just ignore them

Ok cabbie. I promise
Posts: 8,885
01:55 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Next set will be different. Let's get back to being a happy squad again and if any numptys come on just ignore them

Ok cabbie. I promise

i promise 2
Posts: 4,046
01:55 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

afther battling in the GSC minutes before i now go on and take on a shark named dave

8 us 4 - 1 him

he played very well here making sure he killed every shot i left him manged a good frame in that

9 us 4 - 1 me

for once 9 ball was kind to me i played well potting and defending i desved the score

8 uk ???

we both played very well in this taking big frames off each other but went down to the final frame were my expertise manged to poke the win away from him JUST 3 - 2 me


8 - 7 win

he was a great player that took me right to the end got me worried in the last frame and was ul in a few frames but glad to keep my winning streak going might be a good season for me who knows


Great couple of matches today. Brilliant.
Posts: 8,885
01:56 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks jamie on form on pool atm haha
Posts: 4,046
02:15 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks jamie on form on pool atm haha

Great pool results and recruitment drive as well. Very good day i would say.
Posts: 212
02:39 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

r08 vs _Aquarius12_
8us 1-4
9ball 2-3
8UK 0-5

one word to describe him
true good player gl in rest mate
Posts: 8,885
03:29 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
ul rob thanks for getting it done
Posts: 8,885
04:00 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
likeing my golden cue stats before these games played played 30 frames won 20 thats as good as im getting not bad for me haha
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:11 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
GSC: Would you like us to complete the remaining fixtures for the GSC or leave them? Entirely up too yourselves.
Posts: 8,885
04:18 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
GSC: Would you like us to complete the remaining fixtures for the GSC or leave them? Entirely up too yourselves.

will play them but got no one online but see who comes on tomorrow
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:20 Sun 18 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
GSC: Would you like us to complete the remaining fixtures for the GSC or leave them? Entirely up too yourselves.

will play them but got no one online but see who comes on tomorrow

Okay kool, Deadline's next Sunday so all good.
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F.P.D. (Devil's Playground)

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