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F.P.D. (Devil's Playground)

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Posts: 5,821
18:19 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
GRAND SLAM CUP - ROUND 1 (11/1/15 to 25/1/15)
F.P.D. (0) v (6) XVth Man

FCL thegreatone v iam_me
FCL r08 v _aquairus12_
SLbuckjam vs legend_pot
SL canny_miss(0) v(2) gillings (8)---(4)
8 US moonbeam06 v friendyboy
9 US jacksealy21(0) v(2) dgeneratio (7)---("2)
8 UK blackcabman7(0) v(2) the__priest (6)----(3)
STR anoneeemouse(0) (2)v joeyy ------(3)----(0)

message your opponents asp
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18:23 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
No cabbie I'd like too play FCL format. Me and r08 have spoken and looks like we will be playing over the weekend.

There's a little update for you.
Reverse it and i'll simply sub out.

You moan when I don't play so now I've kept myself in a match just in a more suitable format for my first match of the season.

Edited at 14:25 Fri 16/01/15 (GMT)
yup I was rite sub urself out lol mikee jr....

If you applied as much effort and time on your own team as you do on other teams threads then you wouldn't make silly mistakes with ineligible players. Just a tip! Look and act closer too home.
iF u were little bit smarter then mikee shall of know andyw1 wasn't eligible lol
Posts: 5,821
18:27 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Revolution (3) v (5) F.P.D.
F .B .L

8US veyron (0) V (2) thegreatone
vlad_putin (0) V (2) r08
communist () V () jimmy_86
who_me () V () canny_miss
ld1987 () V () jacksealy21
myrddin () V () rednose1987
sillybilly (2) V (0) blackcabman7
marblewood (1) V (1) anoneeemouse
Unbeatables (4)v (2) F.P.D.

8 US
lateo1993(0) v(2) buckjam
mikeybboy v moonbeam06
9 US
deejay v rednose1972
_huts24_ v just_lucky
8 UK
poolbiird v blackcabman7
x_connor v kelly1987
turtle1560 (2)v(0) anoneeemouse
mrmagic(2) v(0) r08

Game Format: 8 racks or 1st to 5 racks / Straight 2 racks
Deadline: January 25th, Sunday. midnight UK time
Please message your opponent and arrange a time to play
Posts: 5,821
18:29 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Vth Man(75) vs (30) F.P.D

reminiscent(11) v(4) buckjam
mirrr(14) v(1) jacksealey21
ifc12 (9)v (6)anoneeemouse
friendyboy(13) vs(2) jimmy_86
iam_me(9) v(6) blackcabman7
ooo_u_tap_2(9) v(6) just_lucky
gillings(10) v(5) r08
jittzdulay v moonbeam06

F.P.D (22) vs (53) Pool Sharks
thegreatone7 v red4eva
rednose192(0) v(15) dazpolz
destroyer27(3) v(12) andyw1
anoneeemouse(7) v(8) keaneo16
kelly1987(7) vs(8) any1left
just_lucky(5) v (10)ronalddw
jacksealey21 v cannibals
moonbeam06 v _dave_

Deadline for games is Midnight UK on 18th January 2015
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18:47 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Vth Man(75) vs (30) F.P.D

reminiscent(11) v(4) buckjam
mirrr(14) v(1) jacksealey21
ifc12 (9)v (6)anoneeemouse
friendyboy(13) vs(2) jimmy_86
iam_me(9) v(6) blackcabman7
ooo_u_tap_2(9) v(6) just_lucky
gillings(10) v(5) r08
jittzdulay v moonbeam06

F.P.D (22) vs (53) Pool Sharks
thegreatone7 v red4eva
rednose192(0) v(15) dazpolz
destroyer27(3) v(12) andyw1
anoneeemouse(7) v(8) keaneo16
kelly1987(7) vs(8) any1left
just_lucky(5) v (10)ronalddw
jacksealey21 v cannibals
moonbeam06 v _dave_

Deadline for games is Midnight UK on 18th January 2015

Hi Guys just played my games against cannibals.

8US - I won 4-1
9US - I lost 3-2
8UK - I won 4-1

Final score:
Jacksealy21 10-5 cannibals

A Pleasure to play against.
Posts: 4,046
19:32 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi Guys just played my games against cannibals.

8US - I won 4-1
9US - I lost 3-2
8UK - I won 4-1

Final score:
Jacksealy21 10-5 cannibals

A Pleasure to play against.

And a 7-2 earlier i think. So are you still questioning your new role as "SUPERMAN" . I think not

Excellent results and thanks for getting them played before you are off.
Posts: 1,029
19:53 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey guys,

Any chance of a sub for moonbeam06 tonight? wanna get it played :)
Posts: 38,097
20:01 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey guys,

Any chance of a sub for moonbeam06 tonight? wanna get it played :)

If you mean the FCL 18/1 mate they subbed in canny_miss
Posts: 1,029
20:03 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
no mate for the fbl 8us match, dw I saw that sub :)
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20:21 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL - Fixture Set 4 - last one before the Split

Team lists required for the following games by Sunday afternoon (UK) please.

XVth Man v Pool Sharks
Uprising v F.P.D.
The Revolution v Unbeatables
Pocket Dynamos v The Professionals
XVth Man v The Professionals
Uprising v Pool Sharks
The Revolution v F.P.D.
Pocket Dynamos v Unbeatables
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02:25 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
After reading through the Unbeatables thread I agree that clan games are genuinely being ruined by subs n swaps being taken place way too early in fixtures without valid excusable reason. Therefore, I believe that the idea put in by horse10000 should be drafted in to avoid the randomness of clan games being rendered useless.
Initial fixtures being given a time frame of 12/14 days to get done and then subs n swaps to be taken place during the final weekend of the fixture if the game is incomplete. Also subs and swaps can be opposed by the opposition if they feel they have been messed around to avoid initial fixture which in turn shall lead to an uncontested default situation provided suitable evidence is put forward.
I also feel that in the case a player is either banned or offline for more than 7 days then there should be a clause allowing a sub to take place without any reason.
Would love to hear from all clan players regarding this situation.. And then implemented given the outcome of the reaction. Thank you and cheers for reading.

Posts: 5,821
04:20 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Vth Man(75) vs (30) F.P.D

reminiscent(11) v(4) buckjam
mirrr(14) v(1) jacksealey21
ifc12 (9)v (6)anoneeemouse
friendyboy(13) vs(2) jimmy_86
iam_me(9) v(6) blackcabman7
ooo_u_tap_2(9) v(6) just_lucky
gillings(10) v(5) r08
jittzdulay/dgeneratio vs canny_miss

F.P.D (32) vs (58) Pool Sharks
thegreatone7 v red4eva
rednose192(0) v(15) dazpolz
destroyer27(3) v(12) andyw1
anoneeemouse(7) v(8) keaneo16
kelly1987(7) vs(8) any1left
just_lucky(5) v (10)ronalddw
jacksealey21(10) v(5) cannibals
moonbeam06 v _dave_

Deadline for games is Midnight UK on 18th January 2015

ok guys need to try get theses games done by sunday
so if u see any of the opponents online u can sub yourself in if u not played if u played in one game and not the other game sub in permision granted to sub in

Edited at 02:37 Sat 17/01/15 (GMT)

Edited at 02:41 Sat 17/01/15 (GMT)
Posts: 5,821
04:23 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
F .B .L
The Revolution (3) v (5) F.P.D.
8US veyron (0) V (2) thegreatone
vlad_putin (0) V (2) r08
communist () V () jimmy_86
who_me () V () canny_miss
ld1987 () V () jacksealy21
myrddin () V () rednose1987
sillybilly (2) V (0) blackcabman7
marblewood (1) V (1) anoneeemouse
Unbeatables (6)v (2) F.P.D.

8 US
lateo1993(0) v(2) buckjam
mikeybboy v moonbeam06
9 US
deejay v rednose1972
_huts24_ v just_lucky
8 UK
poolbiird v kelly1987
x_connor] (2)v (0) blackcabman7
turtle1560 (2)v(0) anoneeemouse
mrmagic(2) v(0) r08

Game Format: 8 racks or 1st to 5 racks / Straight 2 racks
Deadline: January 25th, Sunday. midnight UK time
Please message your opponent and arrange a time to play

Edited at 02:28 Sat 17/01/15 (GMT)

Edited at 02:29 Sat 17/01/15 (GMT)

Edited at 02:47 Sat 17/01/15 (GMT)

Edited at 03:41 Sat 17/01/15 (GMT)
Posts: 5,821
04:30 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
GRAND SLAM CUP - ROUND 1 (11/1/15 to 25/1/15)
F.P.D. (0) v (6) XVth Man

FCL thegreatone v iam_me
FCL r08 v _aquairus12_
SLbuckjam vs legend_pot
SL canny_miss(0) v(2) gillings (8)---(4)
8 US moonbeam06 v friendyboy
9 US jacksealy21(0) v(2) dgeneratio (7)---("2)
8 UK blackcabman7(0) v(2) the__priest (6)----(3)
STR anoneeemouse(0) (2)v joeyy ------(3)----(0)

message your opponents asp
Posts: 5,821
04:46 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
swap 8 UK
poolbiird v blackcabman7
x_connor v kelly1987

is now

blackcabman7 vs x_connor
kelly1987 vs poolbird

reason for swap me and connor was on line
Posts: 5,821
05:44 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
blackcabman7 vs x_connor F B L


Posts: 775
05:51 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks james class act as always good luck for rest!.
Posts: 4,046
06:24 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Having read Imrans post i totally agree. However lets not overlook the central problem. I play this game for fun. I , and a lot of players are not good enough for it to be more. So for us we want it simple and easy to play.Even the quality players dont want to be sifting through all the subs and swaps to see who they are playin today.
Cabbie does all of our updating on a daily basis and to be quite honest i dont know how. Its a nightmare. And the central problem i mention is one guy. You are looking to change the rules for one unscrupulous person. I had an issue in the first set i played against his team (not the players of course). The fixtures came out out and there were subs within 24 hrs. Why? Because he can. Cheating has many faces, legal or not. Like pushing out in snooker. You can lose 4 points not the game.

Its a shame but change the rules to thwart him................more defaults i think but at least he will have to win fairly.
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06:39 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Whatever Jamie,

Cheating LOL - Cheating is when you are in breach of the rules - that you'll find we weren't. Just because you have a team who prefer Offline than Online doesn't mean we cant exercise the freedom to make subs as and when we like. It's UNLIMITED - or is that too difficult to understand?

The sub we made were to add another player - funny how it's totally fine and acceptable when others do it.

The truth of the matter is, subs are allowed, there's no limit on them, whether you like it or not they will be made and as for tactics - who cares - we have a very strong team and if can achieve as many points as possible - so what.

Keep your rancid comments to yourself and if you have something to say about how we operate, take a look at your own side first.

What you do is none of my concern or interest - keep your nose out of ours!

Edited at 04:58 Sat 17/01/15 (GMT)
Posts: 4,046
08:38 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yep....bend the rules.......just dont break em!

What a role model on this family site!
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F.P.D. (Devil's Playground)

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