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F.P.D. (Devil's Playground)

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Posts: 7,974
00:20 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who. Ok the sub cause don't see it posted on form kue vs the priest

look above
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00:21 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who. Ok the sub cause don't see it posted on form kue vs the priest

look above

Just posted on relevant thread which kue forgot - no drama - all good.
Posts: 4,046
00:22 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
No more players or matches will be swapped with out instruction of either Beth or myself. There is a purpose to a captain and vice captain and one of those is to decide which players to use as subs and when.

I have seen other captains give permission for anyone free to sub in. That instuction will be given when it suits us as a team. Certainly not 6 days before a deadline.

This is not a competition to finish the fixture least for this team. Its supposed to fun for us ....................organized fun .........but fun all the same.
Posts: 7,974
00:26 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
No more players or matches will be swapped with out instruction of either Beth or myself. There is a purpose to a captain and vice captain and one of those is to decide which players to use as subs and when.

I have seen other captains give permission for anyone free to sub in. That instuction will be given when it suits us as a team. Certainly not 6 days before a deadline.

This is not a competition to finish the fixture least for this team. Its supposed to fun for us ....................organized fun .........but fun all the same.

super league doesn't need permission
he should be applauded for playing
don't make a big thing out of it

your other player dumped on me twice but is on snooker
all the time
Posts: 5,821
00:33 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

Edited at 22:51 Mon 15/12/14 (GMT)
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00:38 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fix Set 1
Annihil-8 v F.P.D.

kue 0 vs the_priest 6

lost all 6 sorry

u were very unlucky m8 keep ya chin up ur an excellent player
Posts: 5,821
00:40 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
He want to leave the clan
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00:42 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
The SL Rules are different to any other league, any player can make a sub - when them deem fit and right.

FCL and FBL all require the action to be done by The Captains or Vices. Best way to counteract this in future is to ask all your players to ONLY allow those with a role to make necessary changes.

In kue's defence - he's done nothing wrong - you just slated him publicly for no reason, leaving is a result of that.
Posts: 4,046
00:54 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I dont give a monkeys what the rules say. This is a team that is run by a Cpatain and Vice captain. There was information not in the hands of our player when he decided to play. I was clear that the result was not important but that consulting with one of us was. Him leaving is a direct result of prima donnas believing they are more than they are dictating when matches get played. This will not be happening in this clan.

FCL and FBL all require the action to be done by The Captains or Vices. Best way to counteract this in future is to ask all your players to ONLY allow those with a role to make necessary changes.

And the above is pretty much what i said in my post. But thankyou for reiterating for me.
Posts: 6,417
01:37 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
The SL Rules are different to any other league, any player can make a sub - when them deem fit and right.

FCL and FBL all require the action to be done by The Captains or Vices. Best way to counteract this in future is to ask all your players to ONLY allow those with a role to make necessary changes.

In kue's defence - he's done nothing wrong - you just slated him publicly for no reason, leaving is a result of that.

Just WOW!! U once removed chapster from your team only because he made a sub without your approval. And he was even a vice at the time lol. U will never fail to impress me Ash.
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01:44 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Offline message me erigert if you feel it necessary to continue this pointless, unnecessary drivel.


On a serious note: Can we have a sub please for destroyer27 - he cannot play matches in the evening - we spoke earlier, he's fully aware about this request. (Ref: SL vs dark_veqxz)
Posts: 3,846
02:11 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Offline message me erigert if you feel it necessary to continue this pointless, unnecessary drivel.


On a serious note: Can we have a sub please for destroyer27 - he cannot play matches in the evening - we spoke earlier, he's fully aware about this request. (Ref: SL vs dark_veqxz)

how is it drivel, hes telling the truth, are u an only child by the way?
Posts: 4,046
03:09 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Offline message me erigert if you feel it necessary to continue this pointless, unnecessary drivel.


On a serious note: Can we have a sub please for destroyer27 - he cannot play matches in the evening - we spoke earlier, he's fully aware about this request. (Ref: SL vs dark_veqxz)

Everything i have posted on here has been serious. I am sure if one of your players had subbed in to play a game without your say so, you would have serious words aswell. I would point out that i didnt rip the lad a new backside. Just pointed out who his captatin and vice were and that we should have been consulted. He has asked to be released. If hes reads this post i want him to reconsider. If he won't then he is released.

As for a sub. I will have word with Beth and sort one out.
Posts: 5,821
03:32 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
sub destroyer27 vs dark_veqxz

is now

blackcabman7 vs dark_veqxz
with captians ok to sub in
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12:38 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey i am here! :-)

Apologies for missing a couple of matches!

All good fun anyway

Posts: 7,974
15:10 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
im gutted about a very good friend leaving this clan
or should I say, he had no choice but to leave after the
message he received from buckjam
unreal really that a new captain with very little experience should be allowed to walk all over some one then try and blame some one else

the events last night were simple really
both myself and 2 FPD players were chatting
I suggested kue subs in
he then said he would check
he then said would I post the sub on our thread
and he will post on FPD
this was done
no pressure was applied at anytime
this can easily be checked by FPD player

so please buckjam, get a grip of yourself, less the dictatorship, you signed 3 MBz players Kue happens to be one of them

that team was easy going win, loose or draw it was a team
you've shown the lack of managing players let alone people

as ive already said you yourself could've easily subbed in. but you didn't, he did and should be applauded

I was sat waiting on 2 separate occasions for hours
you never apologised for that

and if it wasn't for anonneeemouse messaging beth or yourself, you still wouldn't have answered
why I ask do it then, you had so much to say on this thread and via offline

why not post and sort it out, when your player bumped me twice
concentrate on good reliable players and not energy sappers

learn to chill, or is clan pool to taxing for you
its these reasons why new captains or vices shouldn't be allowed to do these jobs without experience
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15:21 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Unreal really that a captain who has had more clans fold mid season than pretty much anyone on here has the temerity to slate how this clan chooses to run itself. Erigert hit the nail on the head when he said if it was the other way round there would be an uproar.
Posts: 10,109
15:23 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.
2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.
3. an act or instance of hypocrisy.
Posts: 7,974
15:27 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
the cheat and the walkaway king

what a duo, expected to see you !
only two more then its a full house
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15:31 Tue 16 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
the cheat and the walkaway king

what a duo, expected to see you !
only two more then its a full house
we still referring to me walking way until I got a private and public apology from admin which they duly obliged haha. sorry us pointing out the truth upsets you half a story.
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F.P.D. (Devil's Playground)

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