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F.P.D. (Devil's Playground)

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22:31 Mon 8 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Meedo (eraser147) wanted me to post as he's new. Wish he could have done it tbh.

9 ball deejay 2 v 3 eraser147
8 us deejay 3 v 2 eraser147
8 uk deejay 2 v 3 eraser147

deejay 7 v 8 eraser147

Its a fantastic result against a quality player.

I dont have the words. All choked up

Seriously, well done buddy and thanks for playing.
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02:14 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can we have a sub (unbeatables) in the FCL fixture..

Use have canny down to play twice..and she has already lost..

so o_connor v ??


see it now

but be nice if it was on our thread so we know lol


Edited at 00:18 Tue 09/12/14 (GMT)
Posts: 8,885
02:47 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
great result meedo hes a force on here 2 one to watch out for folks
Posts: 5,821
03:35 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
SUPER LEAGUE VII - FIXTURE SET 1 (7/12/14 to 21/12/14) GROUP A
Professionals(0) v(0) F.P.D.

dvz v buckjam
beenjammin v eraser147
miss_harriet v kue
jamesmcgarry v blackcabman7
crazy_greg v jimmyd_86
F.D.P(0) v(0) Annihil-8

thegreatone7 vs legend_pot
destroyer27 vs iam_me
jack_86 vs friendyboy
sarahh vs the_priest
kelly1987 vs dark_veqxz
Posts: 5,821
03:39 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Unbeatables (19) v (11)F.P.D

raker v buckjam
_huts24_ v kelly1987
deejay(7) v(8) eraser147
t1pster v destroyer27
lateo1993 (12) v (3) canny_miss
poolbiird v sarahh
mikeybboy v kue
x_connor v anoneeemouse

Pocket Dynamos (12) v (3) F.P.D.

ang3l v thegreatone7
punkpoet v sarahh
chapster_7 v jacksealy21
marksmith v blackcabman7
askingfan v destoyer27
kaperisk v jack_86
the__king (12) v (3) jimmyd_86
welshgizy19 v kue

5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk

Deadline 21st December

Gl guys and girls.

Any problems let Beth or me know asap

Edited at 01:54 Tue 09/12/14 (GMT)

Edited at 02:47 Tue 09/12/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:48 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

Edited at 01:59 Tue 09/12/14 (GMT)
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(IP Logged)
11:48 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
jack_86 vs friendyboy

He's been offline 4 days, just so u know
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12:00 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
jack_86 vs friendyboy

He's been offline 4 days, just so u know

Message from friendyboy: He can play jack_86 or anyone on Sunday PM/Evening as he's going to play it from his parents house whilst his broadband will be installed the following week at new home.

So if anyone here or even jack_86 can confirm they can play him that would be greatly appreciated say 5pm or 7pm as he's hopefully playing his other FCL fixture inbetween.

Deleted User
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12:17 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
jack_86 vs friendyboy

He's been offline 4 days, just so u know

Message from friendyboy: He can play jack_86 or anyone on Sunday PM/Evening as he's going to play it from his parents house whilst his broadband will be installed the following week at new home.

So if anyone here or even jack_86 can confirm they can play him that would be greatly appreciated say 5pm or 7pm as he's hopefully playing his other FCL fixture inbetween.


yeah can do if i remember lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:19 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Which time best suits you mate?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:20 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Which time best suits you mate?

&pm mate i will come str8 over from playing carom mara on snooker, will probably remember then
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:21 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
if not jack , i will be on tonight for carom tournament (ripped_rank) i can swap fixture and play you if its easier
Deleted User
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12:23 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
If thats ok with your boss mate nps
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:24 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
i'm sure ash can finalize it , i could of played you yesterday when you was on , but today around 10 or 5pm bud? i go on the carom tourney aswell
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12:27 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
After 5pm carom tourny mate
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12:27 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah sure, only if ash says yes though
Deleted User
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12:28 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
No guys the whole point were to arrange a match for friendyboy not make unnecessary swaps and start from square one with destroyer27. Jack has said Sunday will be fine, let's keep with that.

Thanks for offering John but not necessary just yet.

I'll go with 5pm of okay with you? So he can play his Fcl (vs BBs) Straight after then get back to his partner before she finishes work.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:30 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
No guys the whole point were to arrange a match for friendyboy not make unnecessary swaps and start from square one with destroyer27. Jack has said Sunday will be fine, let's keep with that.

Thanks for offering John but not necessary just yet.

I'll go with 5pm of okay with you? So he can play his Fcl (vs BBs) Straight after then get back to his partner before she finishes work.
Bit of a problem pal , i already said , he comes on in mornings and late afternoons and i come on at night, we said about weekend but i got work then so i can't really come on tbh , so i need to try sort that out
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12:31 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah okies not fussed either way
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12:40 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Season 12 - Fixture Set 1

Team lists required for the following games due out on Sunday night...

The Professionals v Baize Burners
Unbeatables v XVth Man
F.P.D. v Pool Sharks
Pocket Dynamos v Uprising

Super League VII Group B - Fixture Set 1

Team lists required for the following games due out on Sunday night...

Sev7n 'n' Deadly v Uprising Ultras
Baize Burners v Pocket Dynamos
Pool'Poises v Unbeat'A'bles

Team lists by Sunday afternoon please.

If I have all the team lists, then the games will be released Sunday lunchtime but failing that it will be late Sunday night.

Remember that these are also the 'Christmas' games.
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F.P.D. (Devil's Playground)

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