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02:48 Wed 15 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL vs Pros

ritcho 8-6 davey_1985

8US 4-1 ritcho (+1 r/o ritcho)
9US 2-2
8UK 3-2 davey (+1 r/o ritcho)

Very good games, would normally be pleased with this result but gutted I couldn't keep it up and get the draw, well played mate good luck for the rest of the season
Posts: 6,417
03:34 Wed 15 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyone watched Serbia-Albania tonight?
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15:27 Wed 15 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice result ritcho

I've seen the aftermath Eri, what the hell happened?
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15:38 Wed 15 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Well i don't mean to be disrespectful to the Albanians but it was completely their fault, why would the brother of the Albanian prime minister have it organised for an Albanian flag to fly around the belgrade stadium knowing the political hostility between Serbia and Albania.
Posts: 6,417
18:20 Wed 15 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Well i don't mean to be disrespectful to the Albanians but it was completely their fault, why would the brother of the Albanian prime minister have it organised for an Albanian flag to fly around the belgrade stadium knowing the political hostility between Serbia and Albania.

Think u took the information on serbian journal as i can assure u nothing ofthe above is correct. Olsi Rama, who is the brother of the prime minister came back in Albania and was here on the airport with our national team. Surely if they found him guilty he should have been in Jail right now and not move freely. They also didnt write his name right but said he was called Orfi Rama lol. That should tell how proffesional their journals are.

On the other hand i dont agree with what was done with that drone but surely it is the serbians who were hosting the game and surely it is them not to let that incident happen.

Also serbians were singing during all the game 'we will kill the Albanians', didnt sold tickets to our football federation so no Albanian could watch the match, stewards in the stadium hit our players. This isnt racism, its genocid.
The person who burned the Albanian flag 4 years ago in Italy-Serbia in Genoa was on the pitch yesterday without even being bothered from the caps lol. If these facts make Albanians guilty, so be it.
Posts: 10,109
19:24 Wed 15 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Well i don't mean to be disrespectful to the Albanians but it was completely their fault, why would the brother of the Albanian prime minister have it organised for an Albanian flag to fly around the belgrade stadium knowing the political hostility between Serbia and Albania.

Olsi Rama was only there because it is alleged that
Aleksandar Mitrovic stole his favourite goat. Rama hired a high tech "goat seeking" drone - which homed in on Mitrovic, who obviously was covered in goat dna. This is why Mitrovic attacked the drone - to try and hide his guilt.

I don't blame the Albanians for refusing to come back on. The Slavs refused to hand the goat back, and their fans looked rabid.

In seriousness Eri - why do Serbs hate Albanians so much? Wasn't it the Albanians that was getting slaughtered in Kosovo? Is it nationalistic, religious or cultural reasons?
Posts: 6,417
19:38 Wed 15 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
They dont have problems only with Albanians. They also have a feeling of hate on Bosnians, croatians, macedodians. Dont think the problem is religious or cultural, but nationalistic. They still learn on their history books about the great Yugoslavia and want to be recognised like that again. 97% of Kosovo's population is Albanian, and tbh there shouldnt be two different states as Kosovo was part of Albania before 1912. Just to prove it, 7 of 11 players who played yesterday are from Kosovo, some of them had tbeir family members killed during the Kosovo war. So if there was someone who could have felt this match more were the Albanians not the Serbs. Really disgusted form their behaviour yesterday, something should be done about these primitive actions.
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19:38 Wed 15 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 6,417
19:40 Wed 15 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
But on the other hand some players like Ivanovic or Kolarov proved why they play on the higher levels, great proffesionalism from them
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19:43 Wed 15 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
What eventually enabled Albanians to start fighting openly was the brutal policy of Milosevic in 1989 who was a Serbian radical nationalist and as the president of the republic he had the military and the police on his side. Because of that, Kosovo declared its independence in 1990 (as most of the other Yugoslav republics) but was recognised only by Albania. When the war in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina ended, the fighting in Kosovo escalated into a guerrila conflict between the Serbian security forces and the OVK ("Oslobodilacka Vojska Kosova"= "Kosovo Liberation Army"). The western intervention was triggered by the event known as the Racak Massacre (when 40- 45 Albanians were killed).

The situation leading to the conflict was accompanied by tensions provoked from both sides. By the Serbs feeling threatened because of their numerical inferiority in the area which was considered as the "craddle of their state" and Albanians who wanted their independence in the very same area in which they constituted the majority

The conflict itself happened relatively recently so the wounds haven't healed yet. Atrocities were commited by both sides so many Serbs feel that the current state of things is unfair since the Albanians actually gained what they wanted (their independence) while the Albanians justify this by the fact that they were the ones who were initially oppressed.

Too many greedy Eri"s running around with ak 47s
Deleted User
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19:45 Wed 15 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
but to be fair serbs even hate themselfs.. there not very social
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19:48 Wed 15 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
They call him Davey 'the historian' 1985

copy and paste job? lol
Deleted User
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19:52 Wed 15 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
haha i kinda knew abit about it as i had a project at school years ago.. and with me been brought up in an army orientated family ive always been interested in all this stuff. but yer instead of writting it all out i copy and pasted the bits i thought were important..
Posts: 6,417
19:52 Wed 15 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
but to be fair serbs even hate themselfs.. there not very social

Couldnt have said it better lol
Posts: 19,967
21:17 Wed 15 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Sounds like the English tbh
Posts: 3,846
22:49 Wed 15 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
dalton 4 dvz 11

2 3
1 4
1 4

all i did was pick up pieces, apart from 8 ball where i got control of couple er games, rest er time, he was in from first shot and i had to hope he was ul, or missed, which he dosent

ggs mate vwp
Posts: 19,967
22:58 Wed 15 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
unlucky mate, can't help it when dvz is on song
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01:31 Thu 16 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Was 6-3 up against 2a2w and he left game, not sure if he had to rush off or got d/connected. Hopefully catch him and finish up soon.
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02:15 Thu 16 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Sharky89 8 - 4 Lateo1993

Couldve had a couple more could've had a couple less. No complaints but he wasn't at his best. Ul bud, ggs and gl.
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03:22 Thu 16 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
cgibson92 11-2 joeyy

8US: 2-2
9US: 4-0
8UK: 5-0

score isnt a fair reflection on the game he had some tough luck in a lot of the frames.
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