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Posts: 1,986
23:58 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
As Toluca said download mozzila firefox,that's what i use as well.
Posts: 4,230
23:59 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Got it for a tenor off local smack head

theres a reason why it wont work then ;)
Posts: 1,986
00:07 Tue 2 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
funky_king;Team Sheet

fatmikee Captain
funky_king Captain 8us, 8uk str8 if need it :
tronk789 V/C
ronalddw- Ron
king8ball1 8us,str8
dazpolz- Darren
Posts: 4,230
00:08 Tue 2 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
oh, mr flukealot. never prasied u for the friendly games we had. u played really well. but i hope i never have to play u again :) and this is not ment in a bad way by any means.
if i may say it, then u must be one of the slowest player there is. i mean every single shot right down to 5 sec or less. i managed to grow a small stubble while waiting
but it clearly works for you and i wish the very best of luck to you!
Theres a snooker player who springs to mind- Rory McLoud (the Grinder), hes playin tonight in UK champs. hes doin a mighty job with this :)

I was sooo dissapointed after tht game tht i just posted the score without any comments. But yea, ur a class player, without a shadow of doubt.
Posts: 1,986
00:08 Tue 2 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Baize Burners (11) v (14) Pool Sharks
kris (5)vs(10) Flukealot
pointless (6)vs(4) _psmon_= TBC
veyron ()vs() Kingdadcool
sillybilly ()vs() dazpolz
who_me ()vs ()Conch212
marquis ()vs() Aces_back
_equality_ ()vs() Craig_afc
buzzboxxuk ()vs() keaneo16

5 frames of 8US,9US,8UK, deadline Dec 7
Please get those messages sent out ASAP And have Fun
Deleted User
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00:20 Tue 2 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Still need to play the US9 Games.This is FCL Games.
5 Frames of each.

Edited at 23:49 Sun 30/11/14 (GMT)

we do know meant to be finnishing tonight
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00:22 Tue 2 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
oh, mr flukealot. never prasied u for the friendly games we had. u played really well. but i hope i never have to play u again :) and this is not ment in a bad way by any means.
if i may say it, then u must be one of the slowest player there is. i mean every single shot right down to 5 sec or less. i managed to grow a small stubble while waiting
but it clearly works for you and i wish the very best of luck to you!
Theres a snooker player who springs to mind- Rory McLoud (the Grinder), hes playin tonight in UK champs. hes doin a mighty job with this :)

I was sooo dissapointed after tht game tht i just posted the score without any comments. But yea, ur a class player, without a shadow of doubt.

slow??? I want 25 seconds a shot, not twenty!!! I need beer and nicotine when I play!!! if a twenty second count is not fast enough for you then go play tennis, or darts or something!!!

rules are same for both players, pretty much a standard twenty seconds!!!!

sour grapes because you got hammered!!!!!
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00:24 Tue 2 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
lets change the format to ten seconds to suit kris!!!
Posts: 4,230
00:31 Tue 2 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
lets change the format to ten seconds to suit kris!!!

im sorry, u got it the wrong way mate. I said u played really well, u were the better player. no sour grapes here. obviously ur allowed to take as long as you wish, thats all good! all i said was that it was new to me! wich is grand also. u deserved the win, calm down now :)
Posts: 4,230
00:35 Tue 2 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
oh, mr flukealot. never prasied u for the friendly games we had. u played really well. but i hope i never have to play u again :) and this is not ment in a bad way by any means.
if i may say it, then u must be one of the slowest player there is. i mean every single shot right down to 5 sec or less. i managed to grow a small stubble while waiting
but it clearly works for you and i wish the very best of luck to you!
Theres a snooker player who springs to mind- Rory McLoud (the Grinder), hes playin tonight in UK champs. hes doin a mighty job with this :)

I was sooo dissapointed after tht game tht i just posted the score without any comments. But yea, ur a class player, without a shadow of doubt.

slow??? I want 25 seconds a shot, not twenty!!! I need beer and nicotine when I play!!! if a twenty second count is not fast enough for you then go play tennis, or darts or something!!!

rules are same for both players, pretty much a standard twenty seconds!!!!

sour grapes because you got hammered!!!!!

did u miss that sentence in bold?
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00:45 Tue 2 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I hope I never have to play kris again.... I don't mean any disrespect to him because he is a good player but I felt pressured by how quick he was to shoot the balls... I rushed my shots and i made too many errors...

I need to learn from this and slow my game down I think!!!
Posts: 1,986
01:30 Tue 2 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Never be rushed my good man.always take all the time allowed as i have seen great player's lose over not taking all the time.
Kris be glad you didn't ever play a player named Ucyforit as he would make a 60 sec table.
But tbh you both are very good player's hope there are no hard feelings.
Posts: 4,230
02:27 Tue 2 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
i never, ever rushed him my friend Mikey. All i freakin said was that he was the slowest player i have met. And thats ok as he made the most off it! all good!!!
If i would be a slow player, i wouldve took tht as a praise. He didnt.
I have nothing else but good intentions, ive also apologised few TOO bloody many times because of the fact that he didnt understand my intentions or chose to to take it as an insult.

And u Mikey, need to know the line between the good and bad.

Its grand to protect your players, but if they did wrong then you will become the villain yourself by protecting them.

peace, kris
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02:41 Tue 2 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
afternoon ppl, hows everyone doing? nice win flukie, ul kris, any update on the rest of the matches guys? ?? lets trying and get em played as soon as we can please....
Posts: 1,986
16:06 Tue 2 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
funky_king;afternoon ppl, hows everyone doing? nice win flukie, ul kris, any update on the rest of the matches guys? ?? lets trying and get em played as soon as we can please....
Message i posted on BB'S Thread
If are FCL friendly is to be continued we need a sub for.

buzzboxxuk-off 6 days need a sub.

marquis off 6 days need a sub
Thanks Mikee
Posts: 998
23:47 Tue 2 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
sent about 8 hours ago
fatmikee said:
If are FCL friendly is to be continued we need a sub for.

buzzboxxuk-off 6 days need a sub.

marquis off 6 days need a sub
Thanks Mikee
sent about 3 hours ago (posted on BB thread)
I have messaged both players and hopefully will here from them soon. If not in the next day - I will sub some players in.
Just FYI -
buzzboxxuk was online today and said he would take care of getting games played. Still waiting on response from marquis.

Posts: 1,489
00:07 Wed 3 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:08 Wed 3 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
i'm still waiting to complete match with veyron, lost connection, but still need to play 8uk,
6-4 to him at moment
Posts: 1,986
02:27 Wed 3 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
buzzboxxuk 7-8 andyw1, Very good games Andy and thanks for getting it played.
Posts: 1,986
02:31 Wed 3 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Baize Burners (24) v (26) Pool Sharks
kris (5)vs(10) Flukealot
pointless (6)vs(4) _psmon_= TBC
veyron (6)vs(4) Kingdadcool=TBC
sillybilly ()vs() dazpolz
who_me ()vs ()Conch212
marquis ()vs() Aces_back
_equality_ ()vs() Craig_afc
buzzboxxuk (7)vs(8) andyw1

5 frames of 8US,9US,8UK, deadline Dec 7
Please get those messages sent out ASAP And have Fun
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