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03:59 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
You smarmy little beep, ang3l were online this evening, meant to be a Co-Captain. I (just a player) saw the post our player made and saw it blatantly ignored. Only for your so called Co-Captain to conveniently use the easiest excuse in the book. (i'm tired - but can still stay on the server and pee about)

Don't worry Zacary, I'll speak with my Captain and see what she suggests especially with your PLAYER refusing to play.

Maybe default could be an option. Who knows, watch this space.

Oh and if you think that's dictating jeez you need go back Primary School, it's called suggesting and assisting a fixture to get completed.

Firstly thats a horrible spelling ive my Christian name Ashley lol
Name calling ... yeah thats mature lol.
Ignored.... or didn't see, how are you to know, i rmemeber once you said i ignored you yet I'd fallen asleep lol.
And playing for defaults :) least we got that out there that that is what you are trying to do.
I mean your posts were badly rehearsed.
And tbh if I was your captain I'd be annoyed at you for acting like you were the captain lol just me.
I have no reason to think the game wont get played gtav has said he will be on saturday 11.... So nothing we can do, if we will have an eligible playing on there I don't know till i ask onevisit :)
night night BBS

PS ash you still havent replied to my message....
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03:59 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Well another unproductive night here trying to get clan match played.
I have stated on Pocket Dynamos thread the times I can be online over the next 3 days and will do so here also.

Friday no go
Saturday 11pm UK time at the earliest
Sunday no go
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04:24 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I try to help and get it all turned back on me, you know what from now on...I know I'm just a player and that is what i'll continue to be.

Played who_me in 'Revel & Burn' earlier, guy can pot just a few adjustments to his game and he'll be awesome. Good Games mate, you deserved more than the 3 you got.

Edited at 01:31 Fri 03/10/14 (BST)
Posts: 6,417
06:45 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I knew it wouldnt last long
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15:36 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Afternoon all
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15:46 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
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18:35 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL vs turtle1560

8us 2-2
9us 0-4
8uk 1-3

3 - 9 loss, not much in 9 ball i only played one shot really rest was snookered very well played turtle1560
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19:21 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Good 3 points mate, Sean's class - still 3 more points more than you started with. Nice one. Probably get moaned at for posting this next lol. 'You ain't no Captain blah blah blah!'

Posts: 4,230
21:12 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
All good Michael. The guy is class as u know. Thanks Ash for your help also
Posts: 4,230
21:54 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
onevisit v gtav -

gtav will be on afer 11 pm on saturday. Onevisit will be on constantly. So all seems to be good with this game or have i missed something?

Lets all calm down, enough of all this bickering and insults
Posts: 4,230
21:55 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
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23:35 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Been asked to set up an Internal Competition so here it is: Round Robin - EVERYONE ends up playing each other. This is all about fun and format is the same as SL (4 x 8us, 9us and 8uk) however, NO BONUS POINTS but please let us know when the following are achieved:

Golden Break
7- Balling

The Events achieved will be recorded in to their OWN League Table and the winner with the most at the END of the Competition will receive a trophy for their Profile.

We will have an Individual league for Events alongside the Round Robin league itself. Good Luck and let's set this tournament ablaze starting from Saturday 27th September.
All results will be verified. :)

This is now ACTIVE: GOOD LUCK and MOST of ALL have some FUN!!!

* Please report your results to me via offline message, will edit accordingly on the website directly.

Good to see a few being played, hopefully more will be shortly.
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03:17 Sat 4 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
One flew over the cuckoos nest - good film...sort of like being on here lol.

This team's toooooo quiet!!

Edited at 03:10 Sat 04/10/14 (BST)
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15:42 Sat 4 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Helloooooo anyone there?
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15:46 Sat 4 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Posted Image
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15:52 Sat 4 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fixture 5

Uprising (19) v (18) Baize Burners

cgibson92 () v () pocket_power
pirate_steve (10) v (3) friendyboy (Pirate Steve runout)
davybaumers (6) v (6) crazy_greg
sharky89 (3) v (9) kris

Professionals (19) v (5) Baize Burners

barkley20 (8) v (4) biffyfan
im_crap_alot () v () todd2000
davey_1985 (11) v (1) who_me
miss_harriet () v () pocket_power

Format: 4 games of each (12 racks total) 8Ball, 9Ball and 8UK

DEADLINE: October 5th, Sunday midnight UK time TOMORROW!!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:54 Sat 4 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture 5

Pocket_dynamos (53) v (52) Baize Burners

bigcjl2 (s) (5) v (10) veyron
jasonb (8) v (7) friendyboy
snoox (8) v (7) krazyash_07
welshgizy19 (4) v (11) kris
askingfan (15) v (0) _equality_ (sub)
chapster_7 (5) V (10) crazy_greg
blueberry (8) v (7) who_me
onevisit ( ) v ( ) gtav

Baize Burners (58) V (32) Wolf Pack

crazy_greg (11) v (4) pointless
kris (9) v (6) x_connor
friendyboy () v () v alex_lewis
gtav (11) v (4) brooksy1986
biffyfan (11) v (4) dark_shadow
krasyash_07 (9) v (6) jack_86(sub)
todd2000 () v () deano1888
hustler_1987 (7) v (8) kaperisk

Format: 5 games of each (15 racks total) 8Ball, 9Ball and 8UK

DEADLINE: October 5th, Sunday midnight UK time TOMORROW!!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:57 Sat 4 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fixture 6

Unbeatables B (15) v (9) Baize Burners

turtle1560 (9) v (3) pocket_power
_egotistical () v () crazy_greg
franer_ () v () nathyboy
braveheart (6) v (6) friendyboy

Subs -
veyron , kris, gtav, corruptsec

Format - 4 racks of each total of 12 racks 8Ball, 9Ball, and 8UK

Deadline-13th October, Monday, Midnight UK time

Blaze Burners are blazin!!!

Edited at 13:08 Sat 04/10/14 (BST)
Posts: 4,230
15:57 Sat 4 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
better be quiet then cause riot eh :)
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16:00 Sat 4 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
And join all the other gagged players, teams thrive on vibrancy. I'm only person to post in 13 hours apart from buzzing Kenny lol.

Nowt wrong with posting

Edited at 13:04 Sat 04/10/14 (BST)
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