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The Unbeatables - another thread!!!

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22:10 Mon 5 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
up to you if you want to play mate or we can wait and see if anyone logs in later

Edit: Sebs said we should have some guys on at 10

Edited at 20:21 Mon 05/01/15 (GMT)
Posts: 19,819
22:26 Mon 5 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey folks silenthill has just told me barkley hasn't replied to him yet, can someone have a word? Messages from here go to his phone so even though hes offline he will see them, cheers.
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22:32 Mon 5 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Jimmy must of missed his message mate..he will repsond as soon as barkley20 sees this.
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22:49 Mon 5 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Unfortunately a busy week for clans coming up!!

FBL Season 12 - Fixture Set 3

Unbeatables v Uprising
Unbeatables v F.P.D.

When providing FBL lists please can we assume you have your players in the correct order for each game type (8US, 9US, 8UK and Straight), and with no numbers, so that you can just provide one list of players that can be easily cut and pasted into the fixtures, ie:-




Super League VII Group B - Fixture Set 3 (Final Set)

The Revolution v Unbeat'A'bles
Sev7n 'n' Deadly v Unbeat'A'bles

Grand Slam Cup Round 1

The Revolution v Unbeatables

Team lists for all of these games required by Sunday afternoon please.

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23:07 Mon 5 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
lost in fbl lads to communist.

i just wasnt at it..missed a 9..usual stuff.

well played communist. (im not drunk enough)
Posts: 9,926
23:37 Mon 5 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Unlucky fran
Posts: 9,926
23:38 Mon 5 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL - Fixture Set 2

The Professionals 4 v 2 Unbeatables

8 US beenjammin (4) v (4) onevisit
8 US mattywellie v horse10000
9 US dbno (5) v (1) mikeybboy
9 US thegame26 v mrmagic
8 UK crazy_greg v sleipnir
8 UK w_hoolahan v barkley20
STR dvz v turtle1560
STR tinie_v17 (1) v (1) fran_

The Revolution 5 v 3 Unbeatables

8 US sillybilly v lateo1993
8 US Veyron (4) v (4) raker
9 US communist (5) v (3) fran_
9 US vlad_putin v _huts24_
8 UK myrddin v poolbiird
8 UK kris (5) v (3) x_connor
STR marblewood (0) v (2) turtle1560
STR jampot v deejay

Deadline: January 11th

Edited at 21:42 Mon 05/01/15 (GMT)
Posts: 9,926
23:38 Mon 5 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Super League Fixture 2 - Group B

Uprising Ultras 9 v 10 Unbeat'A'bles

funk_is_bk v sleipnir
erigert (4) v (2) turtle1560
r1p0m4n_v2 (3) v (3) fran_
dv8 (2) v (5) raker
lll1lll1lll v barkley20

Pocket Dynamos 4 v 14 Unbeat'A'bles

blueberry (3) v (3) sleipnir
punkpoet (1) v (5) turtle1560
silenthill v barkley20
welshgizy19 (0) v (6) raker
kaperisk v fran_

Deadline: January 11th
Posts: 9,926
23:39 Mon 5 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Super League Fixture 3 - Group A

Un'B'eatables 8 v 4 F.P.D.

lateo1993 v jacksealey21
deejay v jimmy_86
mikeybboy v r08
x_connor (4) v (2) rednose1972
_huts24_ (4) v (2) kelly1987

Un'B'eatables 3 v 3 Pool Sharks

lateo1993 (3) v (3) aces_back
deejay v fatmikee
mikeybboy v red4eva
x_connor v ronalddw
_huts24_ v any1left

Deadline 18/1/2015
Posts: 9,926
23:39 Mon 5 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL - Fixture Set 3

XVth Man 14 v 16 Unbeatables

the__priest v raker
iam_me (8) v (7) sleipnir
trats v poolbiird
legend_pot v turtle1560
jittzdulay v mrmagic
joeyy v fran_
hippesville v horse10000
dgeneratio (6) v (9) onevisit

Uprising 9 v 6 Unbeatables

dv8 v barkley20
erigert v onevisit
cgibson92 (9) v (6) turtle1560
corsair v mrmagic
r1p0m4n_v2 v fran_
clifton188 v horse10000
derik_dalton v raker
funk_is_bk v sleipnir

Deadline 18/1/2015

Edited at 21:49 Mon 05/01/15 (GMT)

Edited at 22:34 Mon 05/01/15 (GMT)

Edited at 22:58 Mon 05/01/15 (GMT)
Posts: 9,926
23:40 Mon 5 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Players Championship Rnd 2

barkely20 v thegame26
fran_ v vixen_xox
sleipnir v punkpoet
onevisit v marksmith
horse10000 v andyw1
x_connor v corsair
lateo1993 v veyron
poolbiird v clifton188
_huts24_ v gillings
raker v kingdadcool
turtle1560 v flukealot

4 racks of 8us 9us 8uk. No bonuses.

Deadline 18/1/15
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23:44 Mon 5 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL - Fixture Set 2

The Revolution v Unbeatables

8 US veyron (4) v (4) raker

Not sure how i got a draw,both let each other off the hook too many times.

ggs veyron.
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23:45 Mon 5 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi,Keith can you untag me m8.

Edited (spelt Keith wrong...)
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00:06 Tue 6 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Jimmy must of missed his message mate..he will repsond as soon as barkley20 sees this.

Nah I hadn't missed it, just seen he hadn't been on in 2 days so not bothered.
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00:37 Tue 6 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
sleipnir 7 vs 8 iam_me

us8 3-2, good stuff from both
us9 1-4, I lagged on 2 easy 9s cause avg scan popped up
sp should hve been 3-2 to me
uk8 3-2 epic decisive frame, he knicked it with a kick to win it after a 10 shot snooker exchange.

I did enough to win but luck wasnt in me all throughout 9ball, but he was also ul in 2 frames of uk. Cant be too disappointed...hes a top player
Posts: 9,926
00:40 Tue 6 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good 7 points mate
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00:40 Tue 6 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
sleipnir 7 vs 8 iam_me

us8 3-2, good stuff from both
us9 1-4, I lagged on 2 easy 9s cause avg scan popped up
sp should hve been 3-2 to me
uk8 3-2 epic decisive frame, he knicked it with a kick to win it after a 10 shot snooker exchange.

I did enough to win but luck wasnt in me all throughout 9ball, but he was also ul in 2 frames of uk. Cant be too disappointed...hes a top player
you sir are a great player and enjoyed all frames except that 8 us which lasted 5 seconds (i fouled on black)

However was amazing and your a good player

Gl in rest

UB you have a superb player here
Posts: 3,250
00:54 Tue 6 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
turtle1560 6-9 cgibson92

8us 3-2
9us 1-4
8uk 2-3

Sorry guys, not going to make excuses here, he was far better than me and the frames i did get was from him getting unlucky.. Could easily have been so much worse.

ggs mate
Posts: 10,109
00:56 Tue 6 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
turtle1560 6-9 cgibson92

8us 3-2
9us 1-4
8uk 2-3

Sorry guys, not going to make excuses here, he was far better than me and the frames i did get was from him getting unlucky.. Could easily have been so much worse.

ggs mate

You're a legend Sean. I told him if he won 10 frames I was gonna walk to Glasgow and buy him a pint. I was sweating like junkie in that last frame! :P
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00:57 Tue 6 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sean you have done wonders for this team...the best players dont win everything.

well done getting 6 when things dont go ur way.all good mate.
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The Unbeatables - another thread!!!

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