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The Unbeatables - another thread!!!

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19:19 Mon 8 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
turtle1560 7-8 miss_harriet

8us 3-2
9us 2-3
8uk 2-3

Can't complain about this as i had chances to take a few more frames but didnt take them. Very good player though.. gl for the season..
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19:29 Mon 8 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
7 is better than none mate well done and unlucky
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21:30 Mon 8 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi Boys n Girls

Im back but i dont know why lol i played my game against eraser147 results as follows:-

9 ball

deejay 2 eraser147 3

8 us

deejay 3 eraser147 2

8 uk

deejay 2 eraser147 3


deejay 7 eraser147 8

im not very happy with that result as he had lady luck on his side in most of the match its frustrating but its a game and there aint much you can do against some players as no matter what they do they cant do no wrong......!

its not much of a contribution but its something my results will get better as the season unfolds team

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21:53 Mon 8 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks deejay 7 will do nicely. Your form will come
Posts: 1,169
00:12 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
thats ok deejay, were off to a good start there, so 7 points is more then fine mate, keep it up and you will be winning soon
Posts: 7,297
01:23 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
23:20 Mon 08/12/14
Won the 8 Ball Tournament, winning 308 TournaPoints!
winner _huts24_
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01:48 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

fran v crazy_greg

In no way do i take all the credit here lads, greg had so many unfortunate times i can't count. I basically cleared his mistakes.
I ran rack in 8us and gave him the last frame in uk after i white screened he replayed and i played wrong ball by accident.Fair dues mate.Unlucky.

Score don't reflect the match.

11-4 UB
Posts: 7,297
01:54 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice win fran
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02:09 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL fixture 1

Unbeatables (19) v (11)F.P.D

raker v buckjam
_huts24_ v kelly1987
deejay (7) v (8) eraser147
t1pster v destroyer27
lateo1993 (12) v (3) canny_miss
poolbiird v sarahh
mikeybboy v kue
x_connor v anoneeemouse (sub)

Unbeatables 18 v 12 Pro

mrmagic v davey_1985
greyhound v jamesmcgarry
turltle1560 (7) v (8) miss_harriet
fran_ (11) v (4) crazy_greg
horse10000 v thegame26
barkley20 v _wales_lad_
onevisit v dvz
sleipnir v beenjammin

Deadline 21st /12

good luck lads..message your players please a.s.a.p

Edited at 00:18 Tue 09/12/14 (GMT)

Edited at 00:19 Tue 09/12/14 (GMT)
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02:12 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Super League

Un'B'eatables 0 v 0 Annihil-8

raker v legend_pot
greyhound v iam_me
poolbiird v friendyboy
_huts24_ v the__priest
onevisit v dark_veqxz

Un'B'eatables 0 v 0 Uprising

raker v davybaumers
greyhound v wonkyshaft
poolbiird v cgibson92
_huts24_ v derik_dalton
onevisit v sharky89

For those who didn't get a game in SL, only 1 team had a fixture so use will get games in the upcoming sets, as some teams had 2 games are we only had one lads.

Deadline 21/12

Good luck lads.get some games won and messages sent!
Posts: 9,926
03:00 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice win fran and a good start by all so far

Keep it up UB
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03:09 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks huts, horse.

True words mate..keep this form going lads..we know you can all produce the goods.

Lets upset the (Big Guns)
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12:41 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Season 12 - Fixture Set 1

Team lists required for the following games due out on Sunday night...

The Professionals v Baize Burners
Unbeatables v XVth Man
F.P.D. v Pool Sharks
Pocket Dynamos v Uprising

Super League VII Group B - Fixture Set 1

Team lists required for the following games due out on Sunday night...

Sev7n 'n' Deadly v Uprising Ultras
Baize Burners v Pocket Dynamos
Pool'Poises v Unbeat'A'bles

Team lists by Sunday afternoon please.

If I have all the team lists, then the games will be released Sunday lunchtime but failing that it will be late Sunday night.

Remember that these are also the 'Christmas' games.
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12:47 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

Please can Captains, Vice Captains or any other nominated rep canvass your team members and let me have a list of all players that wish to take part in this competition this season. This is to reduce unplayed games.

Lists to be provided by 14th December please. Will try and avoid there being any TPC games scheduled over the Christmas/New Year period.

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18:37 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Update: friendyboy has just moved home and unfortunately has no broadband installed till next week. He has a fixture versus poolbiird (offline 10 days) and has mentioned he will be going to visit his parents this coming Sunday and play his matches from there. So far I've arranged his 2 other matches for 5pm and 6pm - maybe 7pm we could get his SL match arranged for too please.

Can we have a player who we can confirm him to play versus asap - then it's done and dusted and at least will happen.

Thank you.
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20:05 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Sub: vs Unbeatables

* Did not want to make any subs so soon BUT Alex nor having broadband is a legitimate reason.

Was: friendyboy vs poolbiird
Is now: hippesville vs poolbiird

* Gaz has stated he can play this evening if that helps.
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20:09 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Please can Captains, Vice Captains or any other nominated rep canvass your team members and let me have a list of all players that wish to take part in this competition this season. This is to reduce unplayed games.

Lists to be provided by 14th December please. Will try and avoid there being any TPC games scheduled over the Christmas/New Year period. Those that want entering, paste your name below:

- sleipnir
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20:11 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
arranged for my pool lesson against beenjammin for tomorrow night...i'll steal as many frames as I can
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20:34 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Drew 3 - 3 with dark_veqxz. Every frame I had a bit of bad luck with position and only missed one pot the whole game which was an up and down the table double so happy with how I played. Best of luck to them for the season ahead, pleasure to play and easy to arrange with.
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21:25 Tue 9 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
About tonight so hopefully try and catch someone
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The Unbeatables - another thread!!!

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