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Posts: 3,846
02:26 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
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02:34 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
When you free to play hot shot? I look forward to another lesson.

the__priest I'm not down to play some one called hot shot
never even heard of them

good to see you've been un-muted, must have been your attitude and bad manners, well its what everyone thinks anyway

onevisit Sorry can't you read? When you play? Now?

the__priest I can read that's for sure
no need to be rude and obnoxious

I guess it was a bit of humour you were trying
hot shot isn't really a player

I've got you it was a joke

guess I've got you !
I will send my times within the next few days

onevisit So just to clarify, you are too scared to play me now?

the__priest scared to play you
don't flatter yourself scared of an online game
you truly are a joker
OMG your serious

I went to work some of us do work
its kind of important

my times are

9 am till 1 pm Monday to Friday pre arranged

anytime on a weekend as long as its pre arranged

let me know when your available

I notice you mouth off but give me no times when your available, funny that

onevisit ive been on all day, im on now lets play

the__priest please read the above post

and give times that your available to play

now if you
Deleted User
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02:35 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
you cant do that don't bother me again thanks

onevisit 9 am tomorrow morning?

onevisit that's within your times.

onevisit so with you being to worried to play tonight 9 am tomorrow?

the__priest I asked for times your available to play
it was a simple question

if I don't get times your available to play
I will play this weekend

its a game, I wont be harassed into playing you
Deleted User
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02:36 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
in the first 24 hours of a fixture been released

so either give me times your available to play
and we will mutually agree

which is standard between 2 players
and I am truly looking forward to this game
trust me I am

I've just come in from work and don't really need anymore of your childish comments, I will remind you for the final time its a game

now try not to be rude any longer

onevisit I asked an even simpler question can you play at 9am tomorrow which is within your times you gave me?

the__priest goodnight

see you this weekend

onevisit lol. as long as you pre arrange it and you aren't too scared.
Deleted User
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02:37 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
the__priest last sunday of the fixture

I wont be subbed out count on that

if you cant be reasonable then you will wait

onevisit pmsl you hoping ill be subbed out? and you aren't scared? lol
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02:37 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
There you go Craig laid out for the world to read.
Posts: 3,846
Posts: 7,974
02:57 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
There you go Craig laid out for the world to read.

your point is
this is how to arrange a game

look forward to it
Deleted User
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02:59 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
You gave me times, I asked if you could play at a specific time within your times. That is how to arrange a game.
Posts: 3,846
03:05 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
theres a simple soloution to this, jon knows craigs times and visa versa, jon puts 3 times on this page, within craigs times, and craig picks one
Deleted User
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03:09 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Tomorrow 9 am, Sunday 8 pm, Monday 9 am.
Posts: 7,974
03:15 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
You gave me times, I asked if you could play at a specific time within your times. That is how to arrange a game.

now you know when we play
so all is good
don't understand your posts
we play last Sunday of the fixture
and I wont be subbed out
you cant arrange the game amicably so that's your day
now pick the time
easy really

nothing more to discuss
once I have your time, I will be there
so have a great evening

your posts do not belong on this thread unless of course you now play for PD and are subbing into this game
im sure your not, your mischievous posts are not constructive so please no more
you have a thread of your own please use it

this thread is for people to arrange games and MBz players to chat and be informed of forthcoming events etc
as you are none of these take it to your own thread
Posts: 6,262
03:17 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
jampot 7 - moi 5

very nice games and massive comeback in us9 by Simon !
Posts: 7,974
03:18 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
jampot 7 - moi 5

very nice games and massive comeback in us9 !

very unlucky col
very well played jampot
Posts: 6,262
03:19 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Can I post here not being a monkey ?

And thanks lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:20 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
You gave me times, I asked if you could play at a specific time within your times. That is how to arrange a game.

now you know when we play
so all is good
don't understand your posts
we play last Sunday of the fixture
and I wont be subbed out
you cant arrange the game amicably so that's your day
now pick the time
easy really

nothing more to discuss
once I have your time, I will be there
so have a great evening

your posts do not belong on this thread unless of course you now play for PD and are subbing into this game
im sure your not, your mischievous posts are not constructive so please no more
you have a thread of your own please use it

this thread is for people to arrange games and MBz players to chat and be informed of forthcoming events etc
as you are none of these take it to your own thread
9pm. Sunday nights are good for me as I watch NFL so zero chance of me not being on on a Sunday up till deadline. Consider this arranged.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:21 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Can I post here not being a monkey ?

And thanks lol
nah your alright to post here, Craigs not dodging a game against you.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:24 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
You gave me times, I asked if you could play at a specific time within your times. That is how to arrange a game.

now you know when we play
so all is good
don't understand your posts
we play last Sunday of the fixture
and I wont be subbed out
you cant arrange the game amicably so that's your day
now pick the time
easy really

nothing more to discuss
once I have your time, I will be there
so have a great evening

your posts do not belong on this thread unless of course you now play for PD and are subbing into this game
im sure your not, your mischievous posts are not constructive so please no more
you have a thread of your own please use it

this thread is for people to arrange games and MBz players to chat and be informed of forthcoming events etc
as you are none of these take it to your own thread
9pm. Sunday nights are good for me as I watch NFL so zero chance of me not being on on a Sunday up till deadline. Consider this arranged.

how ridiculous that he is going to leave it until the last sunday yet calls everybody else childish. Pathetic and childish all rolled in one right there.
Posts: 3,846
03:25 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
jammy dodger, what a fitting username that would be
Deleted User
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11:12 Tue 7 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Well ... happy morning MB , hope everyone is ok

Sorry not been on , comp decided to die ...again

Well done jp , great result thanks both of you for getting it played
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Monkey Business (the clan that always have fun)

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