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Posts: 10,109
03:29 Wed 9 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah I don't think he can play in work hours m8. I don't think admin add it to his activity log record either hence the reason he claims not to be on much

We do not want any more wars here please guys, please do not be so quick to make a judgement as to why Ash cannot play a "friendly". Not being funny, but someone should not have to have a reason to not play as long as there is adequate cover and both teams are aware, so its all good.

Please also do not start a war with a teammate that is not here to defend themselves. Talk to him as an adult, or if that is not possible, add to ignore and NEVER have the need to communicate again. No need to bring your handbags to the threads guys.


Your post could've been taken seriously, until you used the the term "<removed>" and then ridiculously and unnecessarily typed "NEVER" in capital letters. Using words in all upper case is called "shouting".

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 13:31 Wed 09/07/14 (BST)
Posts: 10,109
03:30 Wed 9 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Phoenix Storm (2) v (2) Uprising

davybaumers (2) V (0) faust
bacon_butty V scooby

precision V derik_dalton
king8ball1/dv8 V 2andygorams

friendyboy V zantetsukenz
joeyy V sharky89

thegame26 (0) V (2) erigert
legend_pot V clifton188

6 frames if 8US, 9US or 8UK, 3 frames if Straight

Edited at 00:33 Wed 09/07/14 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:31 Wed 9 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
9us: king8ball1 or dv8 vs 2andygorams - Which ever he sees online first -

From prev page.
Posts: 10,109
03:33 Wed 9 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyone in Uprising not involved in the fixture, feel free to sub yourself in if you see an opponent online.
Posts: 10,109
03:44 Wed 9 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Uprising team

1. faust(Captain FCL)
2. erigert (Captain FBL)
3. zantetsukenz (Captain of Uprising Ultras)
4. cgibson92 (vc)
5. pirate_steve
6. clifton188
7. derik_dalton
8. fuunky
9. sharky89
10. r1p0m4n_v2
11. lethal_lures
12. 2andygorams
13. slimeball
14. scooby
15. dark_chocco
16. ritcho

Possibly one more to come in.....
Posts: 2,094
11:39 Wed 9 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't follow our forum rules. Replies may also be deleted.

For more detail see
Posts: 2,094
16:49 Wed 9 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
lol are you bored ab, what's happened to these days...

Enough work keep you going for a week there anyway m8
Posts: 6,417
17:26 Wed 9 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
u cant express yourself anymore on this site
Posts: 3,846
17:32 Wed 9 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
u cant express yourself anymore on this site

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:56 Wed 9 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
u cant express yourself anymore on this site


The snakes are not just hiding in the grass, they are out in plain site also, sneaking up behind you and striking when you when they want.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:04 Wed 9 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyone in Uprising not involved in the fixture, feel free to sub yourself in if you see an opponent online.

Match: joeyy vs sharky89 - would appreciate a sub for your player here please.
Posts: 6,417
21:29 Wed 9 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyone in Uprising not involved in the fixture, feel free to sub yourself in if you see an opponent online.

Match: joeyy vs sharky89 - would appreciate a sub for your player here please.

u have the answer in the post u quoted. Whoever u see online and agrees to play can play in this fixture
Posts: 2,094
21:32 Wed 9 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:33 Wed 9 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyone in Uprising not involved in the fixture, feel free to sub yourself in if you see an opponent online.

Match: joeyy vs sharky89 - would appreciate a sub for your player here please.

u have the answer in the post u quoted. Whoever u see online and agrees to play can play in this fixture

So helpful, as if my players gonna mess about going through your team list to see who's not got another fixture. (NOT!)
Posts: 2,094
21:35 Wed 9 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't think anyone could be anymore helpful than allowing anyone to sub in, why would your player need to go through any team list, I guess that's what captains and vices are there for...
Posts: 6,417
21:38 Wed 9 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyone in Uprising not involved in the fixture, feel free to sub yourself in if you see an opponent online.

Match: joeyy vs sharky89 - would appreciate a sub for your player here please.

u have the answer in the post u quoted. Whoever u see online and agrees to play can play in this fixture

So helpful, as if my players gonna mess about going through your team list to see who's not got another fixture. (NOT!)

thats your job i guess. But anyway me and shadwell agreed to play this friendly in good spirit so if he has anything that concerns he can offline message me as i really dont want to start arguments. No need for you to post here anymore.
Posts: 19,967
23:35 Wed 9 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyone in Uprising not involved in the fixture, feel free to sub yourself in if you see an opponent online.

Match: joeyy vs sharky89 - would appreciate a sub for your player here please.


joeyy vs sharky89

Is now

joeyy vs sharky89/anyone in uprising

If you have king8ball1 In the friendly what's Toluca's username to message to organise kingy's match?

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:23 Thu 10 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyone in Uprising not involved in the fixture, feel free to sub yourself in if you see an opponent online.

Match: joeyy vs sharky89 - would appreciate a sub for your player here please.

u have the answer in the post u quoted. Whoever u see online and agrees to play can play in this fixture

So helpful, as if my players gonna mess about going through your team list to see who's not got another fixture. (NOT!)

Why do you need a sub? I haven't seen a message trying to organise this game yet!
Posts: 3,846
02:35 Thu 10 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyone in Uprising not involved in the fixture, feel free to sub yourself in if you see an opponent online.

Match: joeyy vs sharky89 - would appreciate a sub for your player here please.

u have the answer in the post u quoted. Whoever u see online and agrees to play can play in this fixture

So helpful, as if my players gonna mess about going through your team list to see who's not got another fixture. (NOT!)

Why do you need a sub? I haven't seen a message trying to organise this game yet!

Posts: 10,109
03:12 Thu 10 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyone in Uprising not involved in the fixture, feel free to sub yourself in if you see an opponent online.

Match: joeyy vs sharky89 - would appreciate a sub for your player here please.

u have the answer in the post u quoted. Whoever u see online and agrees to play can play in this fixture

So helpful, as if my players gonna mess about going through your team list to see who's not got another fixture. (NOT!)

Why do you need a sub? I haven't seen a message trying to organise this game yet!

LOL! I recommend you mail shadwell and ask for a sub Dale!
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