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Deleted User
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20:13 Fri 26 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link] you just sound creepy...

i hope ur not scared mate

Neck, wind it in.

Speak about my captain like that again I really won't happy.

Don't forget, we are all user of this great site, no need to degrade any member.

Ash will let you know that I mean well, have a word with him before you open your trap again :)
Posts: 19,819
21:49 Fri 26 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Okay !!!!!
Unsure what was said but judging by Jamies reaction best I didn't see it or know what it was.
Lets cut the crap and get games played, the game should be sorted tonight and I assume jason and friendy have been messaging and will look at it if it continues to be unplayed
PDS leave this thread for now.
Posts: 4,230
22:14 Fri 26 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link] you just sound creepy...

i hope ur not scared mate

Neck, wind it in.

Speak about my captain like that again I really won't happy.

Don't forget, we are all user of this great site, no need to degrade any member.

Ash will let you know that I mean well, have a word with him before you open your trap again :)

threats will never work with me.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:34 Fri 26 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
appreciate not being messed about guys, this was a good clan to get along with then this happens...... hmmmmmm i wonder why that has happened? No idea.

why agree to play me for you to whine about it ash?

what is your problem in playing me ash?

trying to get a game played and now that's such a crime is it?

The best part was when you were all nicey, nicey to me, until you asked why the sub was made and as soon as I told you the reason, you started crying about it and did everything in your power to prevent us playing even though as you have clearly stated yes we would play and accordingly you don't care who you play and yet you still feel the need to avoid me...... Again no idea why?

UTTER JOKE GUYS, sort yourselves out and claim your clan back Baize Burners.... it isn't Phoenix Storm anymore..... grow a pair.

Rant over, have been pretty active so actually message me please friendyboy as I know you have been online. Many thanks
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:55 Fri 26 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Result & DONE: krazyash_07 (7) vs (8) snoox

8us: 2-3
9us: 4-1
8uk: 1-4

I gifted 6 frames by over hitting using this touchpad, final frame had easy finish only for me to pot my last ball and his on the rebound - were an absolute joke.

Speaking of jokes, this whole site seems to be full of them so let them have their wish, I'm not well, i don't need to justify anything to anyone so on that note....I'M DONE!

I don't need daily abuse, ridicule, belittling, so quite frankly I don't this this site.

Sorry kat, still a good mate same with others I'm had the fortune to call my mates on here but enough is enough. This is not a rage quit quite pleased with 7 points should have been 13 to be completely honest. He were not at the races and he'll be the first to admit it.

Think time for me to go - and deactivate.

Edited at 20:59 Fri 26/09/14 (BST)
Posts: 2,717
23:58 Fri 26 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Result & DONE: krazyash_07 (7) vs (8) snoox

8us: 2-3
9us: 4-1
8uk: 1-4

I gifted 6 frames by over hitting using this touchpad, final frame had easy finish only for me to pot my last ball and his on the rebound - were an absolute joke.

Speaking of jokes, this whole site seems to be full of them so let them have their wish, I'm not well, i don't need to justify anything to anyone so on that note....I'M DONE!

I don't need daily abuse, ridicule, belittling, so quite frankly I don't this this site.

Sorry kat, still a good mate same with others I'm had the fortune to call my mates on here but enough is enough. This is not a rage quit quite pleased with 7 points should have been 13 to be completely honest. He were not at the races and he'll be the first to admit it.

So long...see ya.

see ya tomorow.
Posts: 19,819
00:01 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Result & DONE: krazyash_07 (7) vs (8) snoox

8us: 2-3
9us: 4-1
8uk: 1-4

I gifted 6 frames by over hitting using this touchpad, final frame had easy finish only for me to pot my last ball and his on the rebound - were an absolute joke.

Speaking of jokes, this whole site seems to be full of them so let them have their wish, I'm not well, i don't need to justify anything to anyone so on that note....I'M DONE!

I don't need daily abuse, ridicule, belittling, so quite frankly I don't this this site.

Sorry kat, still a good mate same with others I'm had the fortune to call my mates on here but enough is enough. This is not a rage quit quite pleased with 7 points should have been 13 to be completely honest. He were not at the races and he'll be the first to admit it.

Think time for me to go - and deactivate.

Edited at 20:59 Fri 26/09/14 (BST)

Unlucky ggs bye
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:04 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
You know what _equality_ - sub me out versus chezz please, not getting anywhere with this particular fixture. Won't give others the satisfaction to see me deactivate but I'm taking a break.

Postponing the Internal Competition for 1 week too.

Catcha laters. Good luck with all the matches - will be back but in 1 weeks time.
Posts: 2,717
03:21 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
u couldnt last one night away!!

addiction is brutal.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:18 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
wel im sorry if im letting the team down with my results but im been getting good players in the past and im just getting unluckly but yeah thanks for letting me b on the team good blaze burners for the rest off the season
Posts: 998
05:16 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
u couldnt last one night away!!

addiction is brutal.

If you have team business regarding a game, sub etc then post on thread otherwise please take your comments else where - Baize Burners are not interested your personal opinions.

Posts: 2,717
05:45 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
u couldnt last one night away!!

addiction is brutal.

If you have team business regarding a game, sub etc then post on thread otherwise please take your comments else where - Baize Burners are not interested your personal opinions.


He can't help himself..,,,he woundnt play jason cause he tot he wud beat other guy tonight he lost 7-8 lol...,,,wuda been worse if it were jason , he quits..then edits....then comes back....he cant help himself..he worse than a gambler...addicted to funky lmao. get a grip or a life.
Posts: 998
07:44 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Enough is enough -

If you have a specific game involving a Baize Burner player that directly involves you then by all means post. BUT if you are here to post something negative or scarstic which is a personal opinion you have on issues that do not concern you we are not interested in hearing it. If you do have an issue and are discruniled then show some maturity and respect and off line message.

The continous hateful sarcastic badgering that goes on is horrible and is only distructive to the team,individual people, as well as the Funky Pool site. It takes the fun totally out of what this is supposed to be- enjoyable. These threads are for team realated business and are for their team players to conduct team business and to build team comrodary. If you look at these theads then you will see that if an issue developes and a post is made it quickly becomes a personal attack to see who can get the best of who AND the initial issue that started the whole thing is total lost and forgotten about. Then it becomes viral and people come out of the wood work to join in on the hateful sarcastic badgering that has absolutely NOTHING to do with them.These people that show this type of conduct ( I am speaking of anyone that fall into that catagory) use these threads as personal WAR zone for humilitating, harassing, making hateful comments to see who can be the biggest and baddest.(Ego issues) Its just horrible. cruel. mean and TOTALLY not necessary and has to stop.

Edited at 05:09 Sat 27/09/14 (BST)
Posts: 998
07:50 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I dont go onto other team threads and conducted myself in this hateful distructive manor. I do try to be professional. Some people need to follow this lead and show some maturity, respect, kindness and COURAGE and turn this virus - virus of meanness - around. and stop this type of behavior
What happened to people being NICE and KIND to each other and working together to get an issue handled. And people sit around in the chat room wonder why the population of funky pool has deminished. Its because of people like i have just mentioned, And will continue to diminish if we all dont try to be kind to one another and stop this meanness.

I want to say this - As we all know and I am reminded of DAILY- I deactivated after the season had started simple because of what i have just mentioned and for lack of support, As i have said to many- that was a hasty BAD decision on my part and if i could undo that by all means i would. I have reaped the havic from people on here and have been ridiculed, slammed and humiliated by many. I was asked to come back by BAIZE BURNER PLAYERS. Even tho what i did was NOT the best decision the players are the ones that wanted me back - That should say something. There are several good respected players on the team that have be very loyal to me as well as the team. That should say something. I have struggled with keeping the team together because of unexperience players to the clan world .
Posts: 998
07:56 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I have seen 32 players come and go because of all the unkindness that goes on in the clan world. I have struggled with unreliable players (as i am sure we all have) I have tried and worked very hard, put my heart in to it (before and after my deactivation) to do all that i needs to be done as a captain . A learning captain at that. I have never pretended to be anything else different, I seek out help if i dont know an answer because my ego is not too big to admit that i am learning and need help. Most of all i dont go around talking bad about other captain because i try my best to have a Professional attitude. Maybe i havent made all the best desision but i do learned from my mistakes and i am only human. I have never not welcomed constructive criticism and try my best to look at it in a positive way. BUT I have had enough of the hateful mean opinionated remarks and the badgering. If you have a negative judgmental personal opinion of me or about me KEEP it to yourself - I am sick to death of it- I have had enough. I have endure enough of the HATERS of funky so PLEASE go else where and let me do my job and stop judging me. Trust me you are no better than i am, AND leave the Baize Burners out of this War Zone. We have more class and respect for each other than that- I speak for ALL the baize Burners players !!! Enough is Enough !!!

Posts: 998
08:00 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
u couldnt last one night away!!

addiction is brutal.

If you have team business regarding a game, sub etc then post on thread otherwise please take your comments else where - Baize Burners are not interested your personal opinions.


He can't help himself..,,,he woundnt play jason cause he tot he wud beat other guy tonight he lost 7-8 lol...,,,wuda been worse if it were jason , he quits..then edits....then comes back....he cant help himself..he worse than a gambler...addicted to funky lmao. get a grip or a life.

AND THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT perfect example - And there you have it people the virus at work !!

Franer take it elsewhere

Edited at 05:05 Sat 27/09/14 (BST)
Posts: 1,029
11:39 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
It's people like you, the arrogant, hypocritical mugs that are not mature enough to not get bleeping involved. Nothing to do with you, a loyal funky captain and player has taken a break, and you STILL can't wind your neck in.

You are nothing more than an online bully picking at a player you know nothing about. You hide behind a screen and send mean pixels to undeserving people. Get a grip.

This has all come up over an issue to do with subs. Not being funny, but an obvious one where ash was well within his rights to hold fire. If this happened to tour holy clan, Jack all would been said. You and your little freakish bullies need to grow the bleep up. If you can do that, then good. If you idiots can not respond to this, then maybe you can do it. You call my mate an addict but that is so rich coming from your awesome clans where a lot of you play hours a day. Hot kettle black nails that one. You cannot even go a day without following every post ash makes and trying to start an attack. Let's see who reacts to this and proves what a bunch of mugs you really are. I can guess now who will have a bite, predictable.

This is our thread so if you wanna have a rant at me for sticking up for my mate, then do it via pm. But show some self control, integrity and be mature, like an adult should and let things REST.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:01 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
jasonb vs friendboy scheduled for tuesday 30th 6.30pm / 7pm
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:07 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
oh and after calming down about last night to hear about the potential
"I will claim a default unless I play Snoox" simply because you had arranged to play Snoox previously, even though none of us knew that fact......

so a couple of seasons ago when pocket dynamos were actually beating phoenix storm..... FACT, I had arranged to play your player.... and yet for no reason, you made a substitution 3 times in a matter of days just so I had to play one of the top players at the time.....

What a weak argument to be honest, but hey ho, the game got played.

Oh and finally to hear what messages what one of your players sent to Ang3l..... Utterly disgraceful and shame on you. Should be banned for such vileness

good day to you
Posts: 226
18:59 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
wow what's with all the keyboard warriors coming on to our thread lol

Afternoon clan. How is everyone?
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