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22:19 Thu 18 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL jimmyd_86 v shadwell17
Total: shadwell17 won 5 - 1 ggs he played well i just get ul these days
Posts: 19,819
22:21 Thu 18 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
grand slam
FCL garethclin v biffyfan
is now
FCL jasonb v biffyfan
Posts: 4,230
00:02 Fri 19 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
9 Ball Tournament was won by kris. The tournament start time was at 20:00 Thu 18 Sep 14.
Total TournaPoints: 300 including 60 bonus points

heres another one. Quietly thinking about my first day-event win...
Currently at the top but im sure daveybaumers might wake up and jimfaebod has probably different ideas also lol
We will see what happenz ;)

BB are burning hot!!!!! So lets ..rock? hahahahaa
Posts: 226
00:03 Fri 19 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
grand slam
jasonb 12 - 3 biffyfan

Think I need training to improve my clan games
Posts: 4,230
00:18 Fri 19 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
grand slam
jasonb 12 - 3 biffyfan

Think I need training to improve my clan games

you are doing good mate. Jason is a top player so no shame there bud. Keep up the good wrk!
Posts: 226
04:13 Fri 19 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Welcome friendyboy, emz, gtav, and Ash
Deleted User
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04:18 Fri 19 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I want to welcome the new players krazyash_07, gtav, friendyboy, and __emz__ to the clan. Glad your aboard and Good Luck !.
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04:22 Fri 19 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Thank you much appreciated, here to help not hinder.
Pleasure be in same team as you pocket_power mate - we go quite a way back but shhhh lol - biffyfan - keep doing what you're doing - learn more in defeat than in victory - your time to shine will come.

Posts: 226
04:33 Fri 19 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks Ash

I just figured out I'm crap at mutitasking. Trying to play pool and watch the referendum results and the same time aint easy lol
Deleted User
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04:53 Fri 19 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks Ash

I just figured out I'm crap at mutitasking. Trying to play pool and watch the referendum results and the same time aint easy lol

LOL - fair enough mate - i'm watching it too - but not staying up till 4am-5am - stuff that idea lol.
Posts: 226
06:12 Fri 19 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks Ash

I just figured out I'm crap at mutitasking. Trying to play pool and watch the referendum results and the same time aint easy lol

LOL - fair enough mate - i'm watching it too - but not staying up till 4am-5am - stuff that idea lol.

I'm gonna attempt to see it out 'til the end - the final result could be anytime between 6am - 9am. Better get the Red Bull out lol
Posts: 278
06:29 Fri 19 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Big welcome to the new playas on the block krazyash_07, gtav, friendyboy, and __emz__ ! Have fun, and if you can kick some butt along the way, even better!
Posts: 1,040
20:12 Fri 19 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Hello to all new players, we are building up a great team

Emz and friendyboy
Deleted User
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21:06 Fri 19 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Cheers veyron & hustler_1987 - Thanks for the welcome, hopefully can add to the array of talent already present.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:11 Sat 20 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Cheers veyron & hustler_1987 - Thanks for the welcome, hopefully can add to the array of talent already present.

Any chance i can join?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:11 Sat 20 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Cheers veyron & hustler_1987 - Thanks for the welcome, hopefully can add to the array of talent already present.

Any chance i can rejoin?
Posts: 4,230
08:46 Sat 20 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
8 Ball UK Tournament was won by kris. The tournament start time was at 05:00 Sat 20 Sep 14.
Total TournaPoints: 120 including 20 bonus points

just a night-time one. But its never easy when ur quite drunk so i take it lol. Dedicated to our team :)
Posts: 226
09:23 Sat 20 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
wd kris

06:21 Sat 20/09/14 - Won the 9 Ball Speed Tournament, winning 84 TournaPoints!

Decided to reset again

9 Ball Billiards Newbie
Ranked Games 20 / 50
Ranking 699.0 (1,578th)
Maximum 699.0
Wins 15 (75.0%)
Losses 5 (25.0%)
Tournament Wins 1

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:59 Sat 20 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi team it has been a while since I have been on the forum and I see many changes. I would like to welcome Ash gtav emz and friendyboy and also some more that I am sure I missed. It is great to have you all with us. I am sure that we are going to win some games with this great team.
Deleted User
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01:12 Sun 21 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi played my two straight games against 2awesome2win. The results were
who_me 1
2awesome2win 1
He played very well but gave me to many chances in the second game. Good luck the rest of the games and thanks for getting them played.
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