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Baize Burners

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14:06 Sat 26 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Baize Burners-Team List

1. black_shadow (Captain)
2. miss_scarlet (Co-Captain)
3. jimmyd_86 (Vice Captain)
4. pocket_power (Vice Captain)
5. powea012
6. kris
7. dynamite_dan
8. dvae
9. santosh_nema

SUB: _noodles_
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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:06 Sat 26 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SO ME AND Miss_Scarlet decided we was gonna play 5 games of each straight, 8 us, 9 us and 9 uk

8 ball (us)
_Jesus_ (5) - (0) Miss_Scarlet

9 ball (us)
_Jesus_ (3) - (2) Miss_Scarlet

8 ball (uk)
_jesus_ (4) - (1) miss_Scarlet

_jesus_ (12) - (3) Miss_Scarlet

Straight results
_jesus (3)- (2) Miss_Scarlet

Thanks Kat for the games, i started off kinda of ruff but still stayed up on top and and once i got started i played very very well considering that i have just returned back after being off for 5 or 6 months and i will say prolly would of been different if kat didn't have so much bad luck and on top of her bad luck i also was on point and didn't give her much room to play with or many shots all together but where very fun to play and am looking foward to the great sesason here with all you guys/gals and those games will deff help me out with the season getting ready to start and was a very good warm up match for fcl again thanks for the games and better luck next time Kat
Posts: 10,109
16:45 Sat 26 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
From the FCL thread....

FCL 23

It has been necessary to amend the fixture schedule. The first games are now...

Baize Burners v The Professionals
Uprising v Wolf Pack
Unbeatables v Pocket Dynamos
Black Scorpions v Phoenix Storm
Baize Burners v Uprising
The Professionals v Phoenix Storm
Unbeatables v Wolf Pack
Black Scorpions v Pocket Dynamos

Team lists are required by Sunday lunchtime. Any teams that submitted teams for previous opponents are free to resubmit.

Team lists required from Baize Burners, Black Scorpions and Wolf Pack
Deleted User
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07:02 Sun 27 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
i would like to dedicate these tourny's to the team

Won the 8 Ball Arcade Speed Tournament, winning 112 TournaPoints!

Won the 8 Ball UK Tournament, winning 238 TournaPoints!

Won the (PENDING CHANGE)9 Ball Arcade Speed Tournament, winning 42 TournaPoints!

Won the 9 Ball Arcade Marathon, winning 224 TournaPoints!
Posts: 1,040
07:18 Sun 27 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
i would like to dedicate these tourny's to the team

Won the 8 Ball Arcade Speed Tournament, winning 112 TournaPoints!

Won the 8 Ball UK Tournament, winning 238 TournaPoints!

Won the (PENDING CHANGE)9 Ball Arcade Speed Tournament, winning 42 TournaPoints!

Won the 9 Ball Arcade Marathon, winning 224 TournaPoints!

Nice wins keep it up bro
Deleted User
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07:19 Sun 27 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
blimey Sean so in total u got 616 that's really good your TheMaN very well done mate
Deleted User
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07:26 Sun 27 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Well its the 1st day off season I wanna say good luck every1 and we may have a hard start but don't let that get to us we can still do this *\/* com on the baize burners lets get blazing
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:33 Sun 27 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
i would like to dedicate these tourny's to the team

Won the 8 Ball Arcade Speed Tournament, winning 112 TournaPoints!

Won the 8 Ball UK Tournament, winning 238 TournaPoints!

Won the (PENDING CHANGE)9 Ball Arcade Speed Tournament, winning 42 TournaPoints!

Won the 9 Ball Arcade Marathon, winning 224 TournaPoints!

Yeee Haaa well done there podner, keep up the good work cuz season starts tomorrow wooo weee
Deleted User
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23:20 Sun 27 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
i would like to dedicate these tourny wins to the team

Won the Straight Pool Speed Tournament, winning 56 TournaPoints!

Won the 8 Ball Tournament, winning 210 TournaPoints!
this tourny is dedicated to dark_shadow she got soooo unlucky she did amazing to get to the final, i am very proud of her

i would also like to dedicate my first 8 ball arcade runout to the team as well
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:40 Mon 28 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL 23 - Fixture Set 1

Please see here for the released games...

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK Sunday 10th August

Please note that due to a shortage of time I have not checked any of the lists provided to ensure all named players are correctly eligible. It is up to each team to check their opponents out for themselves if they have any concerns as the result of any played game will stand.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:26 Mon 28 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League VI - Fixture Set 1

After many dramas, please see here for the released games...

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK Sunday 10th August

Please note that due to a shortage of time I have not checked any of the lists provided to ensure all named players are correctly eligible. It is up to each team to check their opponents out for themselves if they have any concerns as the result of any played game will stand.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:26 Mon 28 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture set 1:

Baize Burners vs The Professionals

pocket_power vs davey_1985
black_shadow vs _wales_lad_
dynamite_dan vs dvz
why_spin vs liam_scfc
dvae vs __james__
cheeseburger vs sixty_plus
hustler_74 vs m0nster
jimmyd_86 vs barkley

Baize Burners vs Uprising

pocket_power vs derik_dalton
black_shadow vs erigert
kris vs ritcho
santosh_nema vs cgibson92
dark_shadow vs lethal_lures
scarface_ vs pirate_steve
classified24 vs dark_chocco
_jesus_ vs clifton188

Format: 5 x 8us, 8uk, 9us
Deadline: 8th of August

Message your players asap to get your game arranged, good luck and have some fun

Edited at 02:46 Mon 28/07/14 (BST)
Deleted User
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05:37 Mon 28 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fix set Set 1

Baize vs monkey business

black_shadow v jittzdulay
jimmyd_86 v the__priest
powea012 v the_incal
dvae v jam_pot

SL Fix Set 1

Baize Burners vs Wolf Pack

Kris v Deano1888
_jesus_ v Emmajackson
clissified24 v sfk9
why_spin v emo148

Deadline 10 th August 2014
format 4 off each 8us 9us 8uk

please message your players asap to get the games done as quick as pos enjoy your games lets blaze the balls in

Edited at 02:52 Mon 28/07/14 (BST)

Edited at 02:54 Mon 28/07/14 (BST)

Edited at 03:11 Mon 28/07/14 (BST)

Edited at 03:20 Mon 28/07/14 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:45 Mon 28 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL vs Uprising

black_shadow (6) vs (9) erigert

it should of been closer as i should of had a runout in 9us but messed up and i potted black and white on first frame of 8uk, he played very well got runout in 8us and 9us so was good games, we both did get unlucky at times but ah well
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:50 Mon 28 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture set 1:

Baize Burners (7) vs (8) The Professionals

pocket_power vs davey_1985
black_shadow (7) vs (8) _wales_lad_
dynamite_dan vs dvz
why_spin vs liam_scfc
dvae vs__james__
cheeseburger vs sixty_plus
hustler_74 vs m0nster
jimmyd_86 vs barkley

Baize Burners (11) vs (19) Uprising

pocket_power vs derik_dalton
black_shadow (6) vs (9) erigert
kris (5) vs (10) ritcho
santosh_nema vs cgibson92
dark_shadow vs lethal_lures
scarface_ vs pirate_steve
classified24 vs dark_chocco
_jesus_ vs clifton188

Format: 5 x 8us, 8uk, 9us
Deadline: 8th of August

Message your players asap to get your game arranged, good luck and have some fun

Edited at 17:23 Mon 28/07/14 (BST)
Posts: 4,231
19:49 Mon 28 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL fixture set 1 game Kris-Ritcho 5-10

8us 4-1
9us 1-4
8uk 0-5

good games against good player. after being 5-1 up things started to get wrong for me and lost 9 in a row :(
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:27 Mon 28 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL vs The Professionals

black_shadow (7) vs (8) _wales_lad_

was very hard games i did get a cheeky golden break in 9us though but they was very hard but good games, i won more than what i was expecting, he was a decent player and was a pleasure to play against him
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:38 Mon 28 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL fixture set 1 game Kris-Ritcho 5-10

8us 4-1
9us 1-4
8uk 0-5

good games against good player. after being 5-1 up things started to get wrong for me and lost 9 in a row :(

very unlucky mate atleast you got 5 frames against a top player
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:24 Mon 28 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL bazie burners vs The Professionals
Jimmyd_86 vs barkley20

8us 4 - 1 to barkley20
9us 3 - 2 to barkley20
8uk 5 - 0 to barkley20

Total 12 -3 to barkley20

sorry team barkley20 was on fire lol

Edited at 20:28 Mon 28/07/14 (BST)

Edited at 20:28 Mon 28/07/14 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:39 Mon 28 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture set 1:

Baize Burners (10) vs (20) The Professionals

pocket_power vs davey_1985
black_shadow (7) vs (8) _wales_lad_
dynamite_dan vs dvz
why_spin vs liam_scfc
dvae vs__james__
cheeseburger vs sixty_plus
hustler_74 vs m0nster
jimmyd_86 (3) vs (12) barkley

Baize Burners (11) vs (19) Uprising

pocket_power vs derik_dalton
black_shadow (6) vs (9) erigert
kris (5) vs (10) ritcho
santosh_nema vs cgibson92
dark_shadow vs lethal_lures
scarface_ vs pirate_steve
classified24 vs dark_chocco
_jesus_ vs clifton188

Format: 5 x 8us, 8uk, 9us
Deadline: 8th of August

Message your players asap to get your game arranged, good luck and have some fun
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