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Posts: 226
01:58 Mon 29 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Killer Pool Ranked - biffyfan wins! (3 lives, potted 15 of 15, safe 6 of 15)
RANKINGS: biffyfan 662.5 (+11.0), poolbiird 686.6 (-4.2), northman 712.1 (-4.7), mindcraft1 599.0 (-2.5), dunkyfool 669.7 (-4.0)


Only 6 of 15 safe mate??? ;-)))

I focus on potting and let everyone else kill each other
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02:08 Mon 29 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
That's what i do - lol
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02:09 Mon 29 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Been asked to set up an Internal Competition so here it is: Round Robin - EVERYONE ends up playing each other. Not sure whether to keep with every 2 weeks or 1 week for deadlines.
Think the first say 1/4 will be EVERY 2 weeks, this is all about fun and format is the same as SL (4 x 8us, 9us and 8uk) however, NO BONUS POINTS but please let us know when the following are achieved:

Golden Break
7- Balling

The Events achieved will be recorded in to their OWN League Table and the winner with the most at the END of the Competition will receive a trophy for their Profile.

We will have an Individual league for Events alongside the Round Robin league itself. Good Luck and let's set this tournament ablaze starting from Saturday 27th September.

Play when you like but Keep to the Round Order please, plus need the results posted to me too. All results will be verified. :)

This is now ACTIVE: GOOD LUCK and MOST of ALL have some FUN!!!

* Please report your results to me via offline message, will edit accordingly on the website directly.
Posts: 4,230
02:21 Mon 29 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
looks good Ash!
Posts: 4,230
02:23 Mon 29 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
looks good Ash!

msg sent to hustler
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02:50 Mon 29 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
looks good Ash!

msg sent to hustler

thanks mate, looks good, will be awesome if all matches were played too. 1 played already - thanks guys.
Posts: 4,230
04:02 Mon 29 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
irrelevant fact- our thread has now 24000 views :)
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05:08 Mon 29 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
irrelevant fact- our thread has now 24000 views :)

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05:13 Mon 29 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Delighted to see 2 matches in the League Competition already been played - 2 close score lines also 3 Run Outs recorded. Well done to all 4 players, no ones a loser as the team in the end wins through match play and time on the baize.

We have a great side here, the league tables does NOT do the team justice so next season I'm sure WE can show what we're truly capable to achieve together. Let's put our trust in Kat our Captain and utilize the FUN in Funkypool. Also I'm sure ALL players will be played as there is NO 'I' in TEAM.

Edited at 02:56 Mon 29/09/14 (BST)
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14:42 Mon 29 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League VI - Fixture Set 6

Games released as per...

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK Monday 13th October
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15:04 Mon 29 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Good Luck to the 4 players selected vs Unbeatables B, some cracking ties, go for it.
Posts: 998
15:18 Mon 29 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fixture 6

Unbeatables B () v () Baize Burners

turtle1560 () v () pocket_power
_egotistical () v () crazy_greg
franer_ () v () nathyboy
braveheart () v () friendyboy

Subs -
veyron , kris, gtav, corruptsec

Format - 4 racks of each total of 12 racks 8Ball, 9Ball, and 8UK

Deadline-13th October, Monday, Midnight UK time

Blaze Burners are blazin
Posts: 998
15:22 Mon 29 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 998
15:23 Mon 29 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
looks good Ash!

Agreed ! A special thanks to Ash for putting the Internal Competition together and for the time it took to organize etc. Very excited to see the outcome - should be very interesting.
Good Luck Baize Burners !!!


Edited at 12:36 Mon 29/09/14 (BST)
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16:41 Mon 29 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I think the job Krazyash_07 did placing the Internal Competition in place is great. It takes so much time to do something like this and to make it run well. He is doing things for the clan above just being a team mate. So my hat off to him, good work and thanks from me and I think the whole clan. And Kat keep up the great work this is a great clan and it could not be without a leader like you. Chaz
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17:00 Mon 29 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks, were no bother. Hopefully all matches will be played and players keep to the Rounds Order. Keep all results posted to myself offline that in itself makes/keeps the Competition exclusive to Baize Burners.

Been pretty impressed with the 2 matches completed thus far and 3 Runouts too, nice start. WD to you Chaz 8us Runout - they aren't easy.

When completed then we can say were successful and great.
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00:43 Tue 30 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
fcl subs

krazyash_07 vs chezz


krazyash_07 vs jack_86

Sorry for delay had inlaws up
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01:48 Tue 30 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
jack_86 messaged.

Playing Wednesday 9:30pm

Edited at 23:00 Mon 29/09/14 (BST)
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04:54 Tue 30 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Been hell of a busy last few days but i am still looking out for my opponents.

Hope the squad are cooking with gas !!!
Posts: 1,040
06:24 Tue 30 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  

kaperisk (wolf pack) vs hustler_1987 (baize burners)


3-2 to kaperisk


4-1 to hustler_1987


4-1 to kaperisk

overal 8-7 to kaperisk

7 balling in 8us for kaperisk

good games mate very close
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