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Posts: 6,417
20:00 Sat 14 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
On a serious note i would like Ash and Craig to run the leagues. At least we can have some fun lol
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20:02 Sat 14 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Keith when you stepping down bud? Ash isn't hally with you running the league when your a player even though he suggested you.
Posts: 6,417
20:04 Sat 14 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Keith when you stepping down bud? Ash isn't hally with you running the league when your a player even though he suggested you.

He cant stand the fact Ubs finished ahead of him so now he wants Keith to quit the clan!! Nice move lmao
Posts: 10,109
20:09 Sat 14 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think the way the leagues have been run by chris has been great, done fairly due to him being a non clan player, all that is needed to keep this going is a non clan player with the same dedication to step into his position, won't be easy to find, I know what the leagues were like previously with clan players running the league and for the good of the leagues I really hope that can be avoided again, my names been mentioned but to be honest I really dont have the time to do this at the moment, I really hope you take your time and make sure you get the right person to ensure the smooth running of the leagues is continued.

I would agree with this post, except that I don't think that person exists if you're ruling yourself out. Becoming runner isn't a reward, it's a sacrifice. Despite Ash's blinkered, irrational outburst - it's clear that the current team backing chris have done a good job, and could keep things ticking over. If they do that, then we should all be grateful to every one of them. If a non playing runner steps up, great, but I can't see it.
Posts: 3,359
20:25 Sat 14 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
look we all know that whoever follows in Chris's footsteps has an almighty job ahead but I wouldn't be quick to rule out an existing clan player and before you say it we all know what has went on before also we shouldn't be quick to tar everyone with the same brush
Posts: 10,109
20:28 Sat 14 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
look we all know that whoever follows in Chris's footsteps has an almighty job ahead but I wouldn't be quick to rule out an existing clan player and before you say it we all know what has went on before also we shouldn't be quick to tar everyone with the same brush

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20:35 Sat 14 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great job Chris mate thanks for giving up your own personal time to give me some games to play.

Ok it's aall well and good posting *this person and that person* should run the leagues now chris has decided to leave. What is needed is people offering themselves up like dgen,horse has. If more i mis-read.

So just put your names down and amongst yourselves then im sure use can keep the leagues going smooth.Simples.
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21:16 Sat 14 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wouldn't rush into things, it's a big commitment for whoever steps up so let the assistants take care of the end of this season and advertise on the threads in the mean time.
The ideal person or persons doesn't have to be the best player, some people won't read this thread at all but will see it if it's on the clan threads even if they aren't a player.
Posts: 3,846
23:54 Sat 14 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
chappy would do a good job
Posts: 38,097
00:07 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Way i got to be runner is i had to go through application process, For example at least two seasons in clans, 3 months on current username etc.

Will try and find thread

Posts: 9,926
02:22 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Chris has passed all the website details onto me and as long as no one has any objections I am happy enough to run until the end of the season, hopefully assisted by the other existing runners.

Having seen all the stuff now in the website and the amount of work that Chris has put into the leagues that we see and in the background is huge, it is such a shame that others on here do not recognise it
Posts: 7,974
10:58 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
some do......
just sure you mean, others in higher places
Posts: 38,097
13:47 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Having seen all the stuff now in the website and the amount of work that Chris has put into the leagues that we see and in the background is huge, it is such a shame that others on here do not recognise it

Yeah i know how much work it takes, with my spreadsheet efforts taking weeks and months, running leagues can be stressful, particularly multiple leagues
Posts: 7,974
14:07 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
with the right team, its doesn't need to be
spreading the load

that's what makes a team
Posts: 38,097
14:16 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah just need to go back to olden days. One/Two official Runners to enforce the Rules and Two/Three updating Results.

One for Players Champ or Individuals if required and General Help would also be the Official Runners duty as well as asking for teamlists

Think we have roughly that balance right now with one official runner down but Keith is more than qualified but next season we may need a Runner or two
Posts: 998
22:43 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
To all Clan players I would like to announce that I am standing down from running the Leagues with immediate effect.

Myself and some Admins have reached the end of the line, and a parting of the ways, over some things.

I thought they should actually be doing something, anything, for the good of the site...

...and they didn't.

I gave four weeks notice as a mod in order to complete the League season in the proper way but unfortunately it seems the concept of notice is not something that gets recognised on here, like quite a few things.

Everything is in place and ready to be taken on by whoever you all agree is/are suitable.

I would like to think over the last few seasons the Clan leagues have been run for the good of, and the promotion of, Funkypool. I would also like to thank every single person that has taken part and the various Captains etc who I have interacted with to keep things running smoothly. Hopefully the same path can be followed.

Hate to see you go chris - you did a great job -not to mention all the time and effort that you devoted to running the leagues and I and the Revolution Clan thank you for all your hard work.
Posts: 9,926
23:54 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL - Fixture Set 6

Games can be found here...

Deadline for all games is Midnight UK on 01st March 2015
Posts: 7,324
02:06 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why Chris took on the task of running these competitions, and did so for as long as he did, I'll never know, I've a lot of respect for him carrying on as long as he did while so many others around him carried on like pre-teens. Also why anyone else would want the thankless and now, in my opinion, nigh on impossible task of following in his footsteps is beyond me. Thanks for your invaluable time and effort Chris.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:29 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why Chris took on the task of running these competitions, and did so for as long as he did, I'll never know, I've a lot of respect for him carrying on as long as he did while so many others around him carried on like pre-teens. Also why anyone else would want the thankless and now, in my opinion, nigh on impossible task of following in his footsteps is beyond me. Thanks for your invaluable time and effort Chris.

Nice words

_niall_ gets my vote!
Posts: 7,324
02:33 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'd rather rejoin UB's than play any part in running this circus

That's a joke before I'm accused of personal abuse!
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