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Posts: 2,463
00:11 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
No because if you beat them yourselves then whatever their default in the other game caused can be rendered irrelevant. You win all your team matches any other default in any other team match is 100% irrelevant.

I cant really make it any plainer than that

what if the default happened between the 2 top teams? I'll tell you what, the whole season decided by a default. But "so be it" you say?
Deleted User
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00:13 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
But at least your team was 100% in control of the default and the way it went. Even if you had a vacant player and no subs you were still in control of that situation and how it came about. Do you not see that?
Posts: 2,463
00:19 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Youre' right there I guess. But it still affects all teams, unless if and only if ,a team wins all their team matches, then for them yes its rendered irrelevant, but that's just because it's lost within the inaccuracy of the scoring system!
and besides,
Don't you see that with frame count, that's not a problem to begin with? Losing one team match can be made up for over the course of the season, with great play.

Edited at 22:25 Wed 19/11/14 (GMT)

Edited at 22:25 Wed 19/11/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
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00:27 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol circles again - no because you lose control of your own destiny and its because its a frame count that the problem even exists in the first place!!

Name any other game where you must routinely rely on goings on elsewhere to be successful?

Anyway I have had enough now.

Anybody can arrange the frame count trophy as the League table will show how many frames and default points have been earned by each team in a season. Assuming as well that it will be for separate divisions as the second division has sometimes had more matches than the first division.

Edited at 22:32 Wed 19/11/14 (GMT)
Posts: 2,463
00:33 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I wouldn't say its a must with frame count, but with any competition anywhere, how well your opponents do directly affects how well you need to do in order to win. to name one, golf
Posts: 2,463
00:40 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

Anyway I have had enough now.

Anybody can arrange the frame count trophy as the League table will show how many frames and default points have been earned by each team in a season. Assuming as well that it will be for separate divisions as the second division has sometimes had more matches than the first division.

Great, I have too, stop asking me questions and I'll shut-up

But you said you were happy to do it....
You're the guy announcing the others anyway, the guy with the variety of trophy pics
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00:41 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'll have a look around for something suitable.
Posts: 2,463
00:51 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good man, I appreciate you letting us frame count lovers have a little bit of recognition
Probably shouldn't bother picking out a trophy, we're 2 for 2 seasons where one wouldn't have been needed anyway. Odds are it'll be 2 more seaosns before we need a trophy picked out
Deleted User
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01:03 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Should it only be on a percentage of racks played - surely you wouldnt want it potentially decided by defaults.
Posts: 2,463
01:17 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I wouldn't, but that's a possibility with this, the main title, or any other proposed scoring system.
It would be unfair not to include the default scores though, could punish the team that wasn't at fault.
I say keep them in.
Posts: 6,417
10:18 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

On the other hand, can we implement a penalty in points for a clan who makes a specific number of defaults during the season? That for me would be a good thing, and will also make certain captains not play for defaults.

Edited at 20:08 Wed 19/11/14 (GMT)

Make a proposal then!!

Ok here is an example:

5-8 defaults ----- 10 points reduction
8-10 defaults ----- 15 points reduction
10+ defaults----- 20 points reduction
15+ defaults ----- remove the clan from competition
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:41 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

On the other hand, can we implement a penalty in points for a clan who makes a specific number of defaults during the season? That for me would be a good thing, and will also make certain captains not play for defaults.

Edited at 20:08 Wed 19/11/14 (GMT)

Make a proposal then!!

Ok here is an example:

5-8 defaults ----- 10 points reduction
8-10 defaults ----- 15 points reduction
10+ defaults----- 20 points reduction
15+ defaults ----- remove the clan from competition

Does this only apply to the losing side of a default score?

Because one team might be making all the effort, but be against a clan with only a few active members.
Posts: 6,417
11:05 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
No it applies to both sides, but the side who has done the more effort will win the default score
Deleted User
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11:53 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
No it applies to both sides, but the side who has done the more effort will win the default score

It doesn't seem very fair that mate, if one side is clearly making effort, then it seems harsh to potentially remove some of their points..
Deleted User
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13:34 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
5-8 defaults: did anyone get that last season? You seriously can't deduct points that way, you give licence to a team to achieve 4. Losing the default is the consequence, I think a default panel (impartial) needs to be drafted up and made transparent. Also no league runners within the top sides only as they have licence and feel they can dictate and act superior when comes to completing fixtures. (not on our watch)

I like the idea of no subs till second week, we will not be making any only if essential. The Friendlies we are currently playing are to utilise all players, probably final time will experience a sub this season.

Posts: 6,417
13:41 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Also no league runners within the top sides only as they have licence and feel they can dictate and act superior when comes to completing fixtures. (not on our watch)

Tell me a case when this happened, but like always u dont know what u talk about.
Posts: 10,109
13:45 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
5-8 defaults: did anyone get that last season? You seriously can't deduct points that way, you give licence to a team to achieve 4. Losing the default is the consequence, I think a default panel (impartial) needs to be drafted up and made transparent. Also no league runners within the top sides only as they have licence and feel they can dictate and act superior when comes to completing fixtures. (not on our watch)

I like the idea of no subs till second week, we will not be making any only if essential. The Friendlies we are currently playing are to utilise all players, probably final time will experience a sub this season.

So effectively when we play your team, we'll have a week to get games played instead of two? So if we implement a silly self imposed rule saying we'll only sub in the first week - then no games get played?

Flexibility is the name of the game in clans, and all the flexible teams last - and usually have a good relationship with one another.
Deleted User
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13:49 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Read the thread is all I'll say. We have said subs will be made as a last resort unless absolutely essential.
Deleted User
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13:49 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
5-8 defaults: did anyone get that last season? You seriously can't deduct points that way, you give licence to a team to achieve 4. Losing the default is the consequence, I think a default panel (impartial) needs to be drafted up and made transparent. Also no league runners within the top sides only as they have licence and feel they can dictate and act superior when comes to completing fixtures. (not on our watch)

I like the idea of no subs till second week, we will not be making any only if essential. The Friendlies we are currently playing are to utilise all players, probably final time will experience a sub this season.

I suggested a default panel last season, but it was not liked.

Even though I was open to suggestions on how to score the defaults.

But a default panel would only be fair if it had a member from every team, regardless of their position in the league.
Posts: 6,417
13:49 Thu 20 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
No it applies to both sides, but the side who has done the more effort will win the default score

It doesn't seem very fair that mate, if one side is clearly making effort, then it seems harsh to potentially remove some of their points..

If one side makes the effort than it will get the points on the default score. The situation im proposing its to prevent clans playing tactical subs or swaps, and to make the league fairer by giving the clans the incentive to get games played rather than playing for default.

Also the numbers i wrote above are just as an example but can be open for discussion.

Edited at 11:53 Thu 20/11/14 (GMT)
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