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Deleted User
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13:13 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
As clans all seem to like 16 players but we would all like more clans and more teams challenging etc. We could just split all current clans in half to 8 players per clan and play 4 games per fixture so plenty of games for all. Shorter format would mean more upsets but no doubt it would still be the usual suspects who ended up at the top but there would be at least 5 or 6 clans in with a realistic chance of winning the league, maybe more. But the clans once split couldn't swap players between them they would be two separate clans. Just a suggestion to try and spice the clan league up as the majority keep saying it is boring and needs to be changed yet when people suggest change they all then say oh I don't want that!!!

This wouldn't be the worst idea but I imagine you'd get people complaining about the league "not being accurate" and all those old arguments.

People don't seem to like the leagues being unpredictable but then complain that they are repetitive and stale.

Although seeing as the super league more or less works the way above, how about getting rid of one league and just having that and the SL (which could be modified so every clan is split in two and has two standalone teams?).

I think most would agree that there are just too many games on here at the moment, when you are well into the season it can start to feel like a chore to play all these games.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:14 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
^You could also then contemplate cutting clan sizes to 14 with the reduced game load^
Posts: 7,974
14:56 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
^You could also then contemplate cutting clan sizes to 14 with the reduced game load^

good shout
Posts: 7,974
14:58 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree with what has just been said but i read the clans dont have to be involved in the leagues...maybe they are just a entity out there...

In my opinion it defeats the purpose of a clan but hey everyone and lobsters.

welcome back lmao

the question is at the moment, are any of you in any clan league

simple answer no

so why are you posting
Posts: 2,094
15:49 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
The people posting will be playing in the clan leagues again next season, you have already stated your reasons why your clan won't be playing in the leagues next season so there is a bit of a difference.

This thread is for posting your ideas for the new season so that is why people are posting lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:21 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Do people want reduced games? If so a possibility could be to alternate the SL & FBL as two smaller team competitions.

Season A

The FCL 16 player teams and 8 games per fixture
The FBL 8 player teams and 4 games per fixture (1 each of 8 Ball, 9 Ball, 8 UK and Straight)

Season B

The FCL 16 player teams and 8 games per fixture
The SL 8 player teams and 4 games per fixture (each of 12 racks - 4 US9, 4 US8 and 4 UK plus event bonuses)

then back to Season A again.

Or you can just rotate the existing FBL and SL competitions as full events so that you have two 8-a-side leagues running side by side.

Season A FCL & FBL
Season B FCL & SL

Edited at 13:26 Thu 19/06/14 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:25 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Even if people are not going to be in clans, they may still have good ideas.

Up until the point when the team lists are submitted, I think that everyone is entitled to an opinion.
Posts: 2,094
16:29 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Yup I agree. I was answering the_priests post, feel free to correct me if I was in the wrong.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:26 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Do people want reduced games? If so a possibility could be to alternate the SL & FBL as two smaller team competitions.

Season A

The FCL 16 player teams and 8 games per fixture
The FBL 8 player teams and 4 games per fixture (1 each of 8 Ball, 9 Ball, 8 UK and Straight)

Season B

The FCL 16 player teams and 8 games per fixture
The SL 8 player teams and 4 games per fixture (each of 12 racks - 4 US9, 4 US8 and 4 UK plus event bonuses)

then back to Season A again.

Or you can just rotate the existing FBL and SL competitions as full events so that you have two 8-a-side leagues running side by side.

Season A FCL & FBL
Season B FCL & SL

Edited at 13:26 Thu 19/06/14 (BST)

Any change will be appreciated, a break from the norm might entice ALL to enjoy being in clans again. Yes the arguing don't help but maybe this could be the breakthrough we could all prosper from.

Personally think it's a real shame to not see ALL clans entering the leagues, admittedly i ain't been the most of helpful persons but surely we are all adult enough to try rectify any such problems maturely.

Work together instead of trying get one over each other, nothing wrong with being competitive, I'm trying get on with everyone and quite enjoy the pleasantness of late so let's all try maintain it.

Competitiveness is fine if channelled properly.

Edited at 14:56 Thu 19/06/14 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:46 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Personally think it's a real shame to not see ALL clans entering the leagues, admittedly i ain't been the most of helpful persons but surely we are all adult enough to try rectify any such problems maturely.

This is where you're greatly overestimating the population of funkypool.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:57 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Personally think it's a real shame to not see ALL clans entering the leagues, admittedly i ain't been the most of helpful persons but surely we are all adult enough to try rectify any such problems maturely.

This is where you're greatly overestimating the population of funkypool.

Lol Sam.

Most people are adult enough to get on with it.

At the end of day, we are all here because we enjoy playing pool.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:43 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Do people want reduced games? If so a possibility could be to alternate the SL & FBL as two smaller team competitions.

Season A

The FCL 16 player teams and 8 games per fixture
The FBL 8 player teams and 4 games per fixture (1 each of 8 Ball, 9 Ball, 8 UK and Straight)

Season B

The FCL 16 player teams and 8 games per fixture
The SL 8 player teams and 4 games per fixture (each of 12 racks - 4 US9, 4 US8 and 4 UK plus event bonuses)

then back to Season A again.

Or you can just rotate the existing FBL and SL competitions as full events so that you have two 8-a-side leagues running side by side.

Season A FCL & FBL
Season B FCL & SL

Edited at 13:26 Thu 19/06/14 (BST)

There was quite a lot of discussion about the want to cut a league at the start / during last season because a few voiced concerns about there being too many games, coupled with the fact that those few clans were also struggling for players.

My suggestion was simply if there is also the majority voicing for reduced clan sizes, you obviously have to cut game sizes. Cutting a league is the simplest way and kills two birds with one stone.

The rotation suggestion seems decent enough
Posts: 2,463
22:24 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
My suggestion was simply if there is also the majority voicing for reduced clan sizes, you obviously have to cut game sizes. Cutting a league is the simplest way and kills two birds with one stone.

I disagree, if reducing to 12 maybe, but 14 is plenty enough people to man 8 indiv fixtures.
Yes, theoretically, it slightly increases the potential for defaults, but when a default happens it isn't because the team wasn't big enough, it's because too many of them weren't active.
and I was under the impression people wanted to cut clan sizes in hopes of more clans forming, not in order to have less games to play.
If you're now considering less games, I suggest making sure that's what the majority wants first.
Posts: 2,463
22:31 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not bothered either way, 2 or 3 leagues, but 1 and a half leagues (the first of chris's options if I understood correctly) isn't enough.

If the FBL still counted frames I'd hate to see it go, but the way it is now I don't care. No preference between it and SL.

Edited at 19:36 Thu 19/06/14 (BST)
Posts: 10,109
22:42 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Who are all these people complaining about the current format? I'm sure the majority are happy enough. If any of our guys feel there's too many games, I'll leave them out some fixtures!
Posts: 7,297
22:47 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
If it ain't broke, don't fix it keep it how it is i say .
Posts: 2,463
23:01 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
A little change of subject.
I'd like to remind everyone that last time it was discussed, the majority of people posting seemed to be in favor of 10 bonus points for a team fixture win in FCL, not 20.
I want 0, but like 20, that wasn't the majority either.

Before someone brings it up, I already know the reason behind some wanting it to be 20, I disagree. Please don't go there, I'll be forced to explain the reason why I disagree, and that debate never gets anywhere for either side of it.
Posts: 9,926
23:36 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
A little change of subject.
I'd like to remind everyone that last time it was discussed, the majority of people posting seemed to be in favor of 10 bonus points for a team fixture win in FCL, not 20.
I want 0, but like 20, that wasn't the majority either.

Before someone brings it up, I already know the reason behind some wanting it to be 20, I disagree. Please don't go there, I'll be forced to explain the reason why I disagree, and that debate never gets anywhere for either side of it.

Last season i posted the league table with each game in FCL having the same importance and winning 2 points for your team and then if you win 5 out of the 8 fixtures your clan wins the fixture. This format requires 0 bonus points and always guarantees that the best 'clan' will win the league and not one great individual who can beat most opponents 10-5 and above thus scoring so much points his games mean far more to his team than the player who wins 8-7.

I done the same for this season and instead of a close league it shows that uprising were the best 'clan' by a mile, yet as professionals had players who can win by large margins they were able to close the gap up due to the individual large wins:-

Uprising 21 points
Professionals 14 points
Unbeatables 14 points
Phoenix 13 points

Or if you want to take it a step further where each individual clan game is worth 2 points for the team and this goes to the league position:-

Uprising 146
Professionals 122
Unbeatables 108
Phoenix 102

Again the league table from a 'clan' being a collective group of players doesn't lie and Uprising are again champions by a mile. As the clan league stands currently with 15 frames a top player can totally distort the results between teams and each individual game does not have the same reward attached to it when they should all stand for the same. A football team gets the same points for winning 1-0 or 10-0 it should be the same on here which isn't the case. I am not a fan of bonus points but if we want to continue with the same format they require to be there and set at 20. If clans and players will get away from the ability to beat people by as many frames as possible and accept that all games should share the same reward for the team then you can easily have a league where no bonus points are require and the best 'clan or team' always wins the league.
Posts: 2,463
23:49 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I know you feel that way, I disagree. I think 10-5 should mean more than 8-7. A 15-0 should be more important, it's the most decisive score possible, an 8-7 is all but a tie, to give one side 100% of the points is extremely inaccurate of what happened.
I agree that all games should mean the same., but I see frames as games. Approach it with my view, and counting only indiv match wins leaves a lot of games uncounted.

You say that your format has no bonus points, technically that's true, and easy to agree with if you see indiv fixtures as games the way you do. Seeing frames as games the way I do, I could argue that your format is nothing but bonus points because it doesn't count the games. It counts a group of games, just like the bonus points for team fixture wins.

If you see frames as games like me, the football comparison isn't applicable, it becomes: Points in a game are like balls potted in a game of 8ball.

Really didn't want to get into this again, just wanted to remind everyone what the majority seemed to be in favor of (a bonus of 10).

Edited at 21:05 Thu 19/06/14 (BST)
Posts: 3,250
23:59 Thu 19 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I think 14 would work aswell without having to change 8 individual fixtures in a match. Wouldn't make much difference to most teams as I'd say very few truly have 16 active players lasting a whole season.

I think FCL format is grand though, 10 bonus points for a win and all that. FBL however i think would need a change from last season. If you still want to count fixture wins, then make it individual wins instead of overall fixture wins. Then every last game really does make a difference. I would prefer purely frames counted in this format though, no win bonuses at all.
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