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Pocket Dynamos - FCL 'Division 2' Champions

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Posts: 19,819
17:58 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
hi can someone please get hold of blueberry for me as we can never seem to catch each other unless it has already been played

Emailed him and they go to his phone so if hes near a phone... lol
Posts: 19,819
17:58 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
punkpoet v emmajackson
is now
fastboysam v emmajackson
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19:04 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL vs pocket Dynamos

9us: nathyboy vs onevisit & king8ball1 vs fastboysam

9us: king8ball1 vs onevisit & nathyboy vs fastboysam
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19:28 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
What a farce.
Posts: 10,109
19:29 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
What a farce.

At least he's not just picking on ONE team!!! LOL
Posts: 2,094
19:35 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol take it as a compliment m8, he obviously thinks nathyboy wouldn't stand much of a chance. It seems like he's the only captain that doesn't have faith in half of his team
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19:39 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Ask king8ball1 you idiot! -

I messaged him saying can he log on to play fastboysam as i saw he were online, his reply were:

hi m8. monday - friday i cant until 6:30pm . usa time. due to work hours..

So i made a swap to try and accommodate his hours.

Mind your own god damn business!!!
Posts: 2,094
19:41 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol sorry If I hit a nerve, your the only captain that's constantly making subs and swaps so that speaks for itself
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19:43 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Ask king8ball1 you idiot! -

I messaged him saying can he log on to play fastboysam as i saw he were online, his reply were:

hi m8. monday - friday i cant until 6:30pm . usa time. due to work hours..

So i made a swap to try and accommodate his hours.

Mind your own god damn business!!!
so what time is that? LONG after I am ever on. As for my own business emmmm is it not my game? This sub makes another game harder to play but it's not like you ash. I reiterate.....farce!!!!
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19:45 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol sorry If I hit a nerve, your the only captain that's constantly making subs and swaps so that speaks for itself

You're not even worth me bothering with, a little minion who follows wherever others go - might grow up one day!
Interfere in everything which is NONE of your concern - you dont even Exist!

Edited at 16:48 Wed 06/08/14 (BST)
Posts: 3,846
19:49 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol sorry If I hit a nerve, your the only captain that's constantly making subs and swaps so that speaks for itself

You're not even worth me bothering with, a little minion who follows wherever others go - might grow up one day!
Interfere in everything which is NONE of your concern - you dont even Exist!

Edited at 16:48 Wed 06/08/14 (BST)

Ye fuunky you minnion, until ypu can make your own subs u dont even exist
Posts: 2,094
19:50 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Haha I might grow up? You're supposed to be 33 but act like a 3 year old, you've bin reversing swaps all day over the most pathetic thing ever, and now you can't get your own way you spit the dummy lmao
Posts: 8,315
19:51 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Game
legend_pot 2 - 0 marksmith
Posts: 8,315
20:22 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL vs pocket Dynamos

9us: king8ball1 vs onevisit & nathyboy vs fastboysam
9us: nathyboy vs onevisit & king8ball1 vs fastboysam

I dont see the point in messing 4 players about so i have put it back to what it was ..

Edited at 17:31 Wed 06/08/14 (BST)
Deleted User
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20:28 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol sorry If I hit a nerve, your the only captain that's constantly making subs and swaps so that speaks for itself

You're not even worth me bothering with, a little minion who follows wherever others go - might grow up one day!
Interfere in everything which is NONE of your concern - you dont even Exist!

Edited at 16:48 Wed 06/08/14 (BST)

clearly he does exsist otherwise he wouldnt be saying anything :/
Posts: 8,315
20:36 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL 23 Fixture Set 1 & 2
Unbeatables 36 v 24 Pocket Dynamoes

turtle1560v onevisit
hippesville v fastboysam
mrmagic 8 v 7ang3l
greyhound 4 v 11 garethclin
_marc_ 10 v 5 jasonb
_niall 14 v 1attainable
_egotisticalv askingfan
franer_ vmarksmith

Black Scorpions (65) vs (40) Pocket Dynamos

w_hoolahan 5 v 10 onevisit
walktall 9 v 6 buckjam
silenthill 14 v 1 welshgizy19
lfc12 9 v 6 the__king
raker 10 v 5 blueberry
triple_b 11 v 4 punkpoet
run_outt v garethclin
mikeybboy 7v 8 snoox

format : 5 8US , 5 9US, 5 8UK

Please message your opponant and arrange time /day for game . Thank you..

Deadline 27/7/14 to 8/8/14
Goodluck all

Posts: 8,315
20:37 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Pocket Dynamos 5 v 5 Phoenix Storm

8 US
jasonb 4 v 4 __emz__
buckjam 1 v 5 shadwell17

9 US
onevisit v nathyboy
snoox 5 v 3 friendyboy

8 UK
askingfan 5 v 2 joeyy
blueberry v bigcjl2

marksmith 0 v 2 legend_pot
fastboysam v king8ball1 sub


Pocket Dynamos 1 v 7 Uprising

8 US
red4eva v cgibson92
onevisit 4 v 4sharky89

9 US
garethclin v ritcho
welshgizy19 1 v 5 derik_dalton

8 UK
blueberry 2 v 5 faust
ang3l 0 v 8 r1p0m4n_v2

punkpoet 0 v 2 clifton188
askingfan v pirate_steve

UK and US games are now 'best of 8 racks'. First to 5 wins. At that point there is no requirement to complete any remaining unplayed racks. A game finishing 4-4 is a draw.

Straight games are 2 racks.

Deadline: 17/8/14
Posts: 8,315
20:38 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL set 1
Pocket Dynamos 15 Vs 9 Wolf Pack B

jasonb 9 v 3 deano1888
SUBpunkpoet v emmajackson
blueberry v sfk9
onevisit 6 v 6 thegreatone7 (sub)

Please message your opponant and arrange time /day for games . Thank you..

Format: 4 x 8us, 9us, 8uk (plus bonuses for events)

Deadline 27/7/14 to 10/8/14
Goodluck all..
Posts: 19,819
21:56 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
A bad time to take a nap? Lol.
Lookimg at king8ball1s times i do.t think any of our players would be on at his time ...
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23:24 Wed 6 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL vs pocket Dynamos

9us: king8ball1 vs onevisit & nathyboy vs fastboysam
9us: nathyboy vs onevisit & king8ball1 vs fastboysam

I dont see the point in messing 4 players about so i have put it back to what it was ..

Edited at 17:31 Wed 06/08/14 (BST)

Reversed - king8ball1's online so is onevisit -
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Pocket Dynamos - FCL 'Division 2' Champions

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