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Pocket Dynamos - FCL 'Division 2' Champions

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Posts: 19,819
01:09 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL 23 Fixture Set 1 & 2
Unbeatables 22 v 23 Pocket Dynamoes

turtle1560v red4eva
hippesville v fastboysam
mrmagic 8 v 7ang3l
greyhound 4 v 11 garethclin
_marc_ 10 v 5 jasonb
_niall_ v attainable
_egotisticalv askingfan
franer_ vmarksmith

Black Scorpions (58) vs (32) Pocket Dynamos

w_hoolahan 5 v 10 onevisit
walktall 9 v 6 buckjam
silenthill 14 v 1 welshgizy19
lfc12 9 v 6 the__king
raker 10 v 5 blueberry
triple_b 11 v 4 punkpoet
run_outt v garethclin
mikeybboy v snoox

format : 5 8US , 5 9US, 5 8UK

Please message your opponant and arrange time /day for game . Thank you..

Deadline 27/7/14 to 8/8/14
Goodluck all

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01:10 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Drew 4-4 with Sharky89 in FBL. Was a very good standard and had to do a bit of thinking in them. Was 4-2 up but didn't get a genuine chance at the win in the last two. Lovely run out by sharky as well. First two I won with two awesome shots I must say.
Posts: 19,819
01:11 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL set 1

Pocket Dynamos 16 Vs 20 Wolf Pack A

onevisit 8 v 4 x_connor
askingfan 4 v 8 chapster_7
snoox 4 v 8 alex_lewis
fastboysam v rosie

Pocket Dynamos 15 Vs 9 Wolf Pack B

jasonb 9 v 3 deano1888
attainable v emmajackson
blueberry v sfk9
onevisit 6 v 6 thegreatone7 (sub)

Please message your opponant and arrange time /day for games . Thank you..

Format: 4 x 8us, 9us, 8uk (plus bonuses for events)

Deadline 27/7/14 to 10/8/14
Goodluck all..
Posts: 19,819
01:12 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Pocket Dynamos 0 v 2 Phoenix Storm

8 US
jasonb v __emz__
buckjam 1 v 5 shadwell17

9 US
the__king v krazyash_07
snoox v friendyboy

8 UK
askingfan v joeyy
attainable v bigcjl2

marksmith v legend_pot
fastboysam v buzby_


Pocket Dynamos 1 v 3 Uprising

8 US
red4eva v cgibson92
onevisit 4 v 4sharky89

9 US
garethclin v ritcho
welshgizy19 v derik_dalton

8 UK
blueberry v faust
ang3l 0 v 8 r1p0m4n_v2

punkpoet v pirate_steve
askingfan v clifton188

UK and US games are now 'best of 8 racks'. First to 5 wins. At that point there is no requirement to complete any remaining unplayed racks. A game finishing 4-4 is a draw.

Straight games are 2 racks.

Deadline: 17/8/14

Edited at 00:31 Tue 05/08/14 (BST)
Posts: 19,819
01:13 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Drew 4-4 with Sharky89 in FBL. Was a very good standard and had to do a bit of thinking in them. Was 4-2 up but didn't get a genuine chance at the win in the last two. Lovely run out by sharky as well. First two I won with two awesome shots I must say.

Well done, thanks for getting played quickly :)
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(IP Logged)
03:08 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL vs Pocket Dynamos
Sub: 9us:
Was: obnoxious vs snoox
Is now: friendyboy vs snoox
Deleted User
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04:33 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  

snoox 8-7 mikeybboy
Posts: 8,315
13:19 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Well Done Onevisit .. Well Done Snoox..
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13:29 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks ang3l, nice win snoox.
Posts: 19,819
15:52 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done both.
Any problems with the unplayed games ? There are a few
Deleted User
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19:59 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
just played derik_dalton

welshgizy19 1 - 5 derik_dalton
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20:22 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
well done for getting games played everyone
Posts: 19,819
20:51 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Ul Chris :)
Posts: 19,819
22:39 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL 23 Fixture Set 1 & 2
Unbeatables 22 v 23 Pocket Dynamoes

turtle1560v onevisit
hippesville v fastboysam
mrmagic 8 v 7ang3l
greyhound 4 v 11 garethclin
_marc_ 10 v 5 jasonb
_niall_ v attainable
_egotisticalv askingfan
franer_ vmarksmith

Black Scorpions (65) vs (40) Pocket Dynamos

w_hoolahan 5 v 10 onevisit
walktall 9 v 6 buckjam
silenthill 14 v 1 welshgizy19
lfc12 9 v 6 the__king
raker 10 v 5 blueberry
triple_b 11 v 4 punkpoet
run_outt v garethclin
mikeybboy 7 v 8 snoox

format : 5 8US , 5 9US, 5 8UK

Please message your opponant and arrange time /day for game . Thank you..

Deadline 27/7/14 to 8/8/14
Goodluck all

Edited at 22:13 Tue 05/08/14 (BST)
Posts: 19,819
22:40 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL set 1

Pocket Dynamos 19 Vs 29 Wolf Pack A

onevisit 8 v 4 x_connor
askingfan 4 v 8 chapster_7
snoox 4 v 8 alex_lewis
fastboysam 3 v 9 rosie

Pocket Dynamos 15 Vs 9 Wolf Pack B

jasonb 9 v 3 deano1888
attainable v emmajackson
blueberry v sfk9
onevisit 6 v 6 thegreatone7 (sub)

Please message your opponant and arrange time /day for games . Thank you..

Format: 4 x 8us, 9us, 8uk (plus bonuses for events)

Deadline 27/7/14 to 10/8/14
Goodluck all..
Posts: 19,819
22:42 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Pocket Dynamos 0 v 2 Phoenix Storm

8 US
jasonb v __emz__
buckjam 1 v 5 shadwell17

9 US
the__king v krazyash_07
snoox v friendyboy

8 UK
askingfan v joeyy
attainable v bigcjl2

marksmith v legend_pot
fastboysam v buzby_


Pocket Dynamos 1 v 7 Uprising

8 US
red4eva v cgibson92
onevisit 4 v 4sharky89

9 US
garethclin v ritcho
welshgizy19 1 v 5 derik_dalton

8 UK
blueberry v faust
ang3l 0 v 8 r1p0m4n_v2

punkpoet 0 v 2 clifton188
askingfan v pirate_steve

UK and US games are now 'best of 8 racks'. First to 5 wins. At that point there is no requirement to complete any remaining unplayed racks. A game finishing 4-4 is a draw.

Straight games are 2 racks.

Deadline: 17/8/14

Edited at 20:42 Tue 05/08/14 (BST)
Posts: 19,819
22:53 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
turtle1560v red4eva
is now
turtle1560 v onevisit
Posts: 10,109
23:04 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Swap

punkpoet v pirate_steve
askingfan v clifton188

is now

punkpoet v clifton188
askingfan v pirate_steve
Posts: 19,819
23:40 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
clifton188 (1) 43-13 (0) punkpoet
clifton188 (2) 35-32 (0) punkpoet

He got a 30+ in first rack, in second I got a 23 and thought I'd get the win but didn't quite get there. ggs.
Posts: 10,109
23:45 Tue 5 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
UL Zak.

Before I start, I'll let you know that this isn't a complaint...

That reprobate Colin arranged to play me last night after I made the sub. He then asked me if I minded waiting until he finished the matchplay 9ball tourney. He got to the semis, then asked if I minded playing today instead as he was going out. I had little choice, so reluctantly agreed.

Today I asked him at 6 if he could play, and he said is 8pm ok. I said that's fine, and now *looks at watch*'s 20.43!!!!

I will carry on waiting, and not get angry at Col. Just so you know next time you post on your thread about getting "unhappy replies"
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Pocket Dynamos - FCL 'Division 2' Champions

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