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Phoenix Storm - Tumultus Ruina

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00:34 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done all. Nice one Richie :)

cheers sweetie
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00:35 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
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01:46 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Not sure what i did in this game

I'm ready for clan killer pool Ash, 100 % potted

Killer Pool Ranked - davybaumers wins! (3 lives, potted 60 of 60, safe 6 of 58)
RANKINGS: davybaumers 813.0 (+12.4), w_hoolahan 828.4 (-4.0), silenthill 775.9 (-2.9), turtle1560 847.4 (-4.5), empty1 700.7 (-1.8)

Sorry Harry for beating you in this game
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01:46 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Not sure what i did in this game

I'm ready for clan killer pool Ash, 100 % potted

Killer Pool Ranked - davybaumers wins! (3 lives, potted 60 of 60, safe 6 of 58)
RANKINGS: davybaumers 813.0 (+12.4), w_hoolahan 828.4 (-4.0), silenthill 775.9 (-2.9), turtle1560 847.4 (-4.5), empty1 700.7 (-1.8)

Sorry Harry for beating you in this game

WOW - Awesome that is Davy - 60/60 -
Posts: 4,971
01:49 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Not sure what i did in this game

I'm ready for clan killer pool Ash, 100 % potted

Killer Pool Ranked - davybaumers wins! (3 lives, potted 60 of 60, safe 6 of 58)
RANKINGS: davybaumers 813.0 (+12.4), w_hoolahan 828.4 (-4.0), silenthill 775.9 (-2.9), turtle1560 847.4 (-4.5), empty1 700.7 (-1.8)

Sorry Harry for beating you in this game

WOW - Awesome that is Davy - 60/60 -

What can I say except the potting by every player kept high rates! it came down to 3 left and was neverending, but then silenthill went, and it came down to us 2, showing how high standard phoenix people we are! And davy was never missing, and did a top job. Im surprised I got so far.. 54 of 60 myself!
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01:50 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
You guys be careful - killer might be on the hit list next - Very well played the pair of you.
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02:13 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Killer Pool Ranked - davybaumers wins! (2 lives, potted 18 of 19, safe 3 of 17)
RANKINGS: davybaumers 822.8 (+9.8), empty1 699.2 (-1.5), mark_007 747.7 (-2.2), bob22cat 634.4 (-1.0), beenjammin 896.4 (-5.1)

Only potted 18 of 19
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02:45 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
thegame26 vs anoneeemouse - currently being played just leaving the killers and 1 fix vs Underdogs.

me and sarah played out a exciting match ( too much cider involved

richie (7) v (6) sarah

sarah hit runout in 9us ggs gl

back to the cider for me ladies

Exciting, well done
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06:07 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League 4x8us,9us8uk bonus for GB&R/O

Phoenix Inferno (32) vs (29) Monkey Business

davybaumers (8) vs (4) the__priest
bigcjl2 (6) vs (6) _armsrace_
(s) poolh8r (7) vs (5) triple_b *
friendyboy (8) vs (5) 2awesome2win
(s) krazyash_07 (3) vs (9) t1pster (swp)

Killer 1: (0) vs (0)
Killer 2: (0) vs (0)

Phoenix Inferno (34) vs (26) Underdogsbite

davybaumers (6) vs (6) jame2010s
krazyash_07 (10) vs (2) hardy202 (s)
(s) poolh8r (8) vs (4) mardu0o *
patrick_nl (4) vs (8) aaron1973
(s) bigcjl2 vs mrfent (s)

Killer 1: (4) vs (2)
Killer 2: (2) vs (4)

Raging Phoenix (57) vs (16) Monkey Life - Complete

precision (10) vs (2) kue
legend_pot (9) vs (3) _ice_
shadwell17 (10 vs (2)drewdt3
(s) thegame26 (7) vs (6) anoneeemouse (s)
thanatos (9) vs (3) destroyer_16 (s)

Killer 1: (6) vs (0)
Killer 2: (6) vs (0)

Raging Phoenix (54) vs (24) Pack Attack - Complete

legend_pot (10) vs (2) alex_lewis
thegame26 (8) vs (6) x_connor
shadwell17 (9) vs (3) winter64
precision (5) vs (7) zacky_12
thanatos (6) vs (6) honour

Killer 1: (6) vs (0) 1st: thanatos, 2ns: shadwell17 *
Killer 2: (6) vs (0) 1st: shadwell17, 2nd: thanatos *

Deadline 20th April GL team
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06:11 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Phoenix Storm (7) vs (5) Ballbreakers

8us: shadwell17 (1) vs (1) pool__shark (3-3)
8us: cue_ball/thanatos vs gazbag62
9us: legend_pot (2) vs (0) brooksy1986 (4-2)
9us: thegame26 vs jig_saw
8uk: breksis (0) vs (2) tension (2-4) *
8uk: w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) thegreatone7 (5-1)
Straight: joeyy (2) vs (0) chezz (2-0)
Straight: precision (0) vs (2) mirrrr (0-2) *

Deadline: 27th April 2014

* thanatos has permission to sub in vs gazbag62 should they both be online same time

Format: 6 of Game Type and 2 of Straight ONLY
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06:15 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fix 5
Deadline: 4th May 2014

Phoenix Inferno (5) vs (8) Pros B

precision vs diamond_v2
w_hoolahan vs _redherring_
shadwell17 vs dvz
davybaumers (5) vs (8) onevisit
thanatos vs scott7a

Killer 1: (0) vs (0)
Killer 2: (0) vs (0)

Ragin' Phoenix vs Underdogs

friendyboy vs puddling
thegame26 vs aaron1993
cue_ball vs aces_back
poolh8r vs mrfent
joeyy vs cke1982

Killer 1: (0) vs (0)
Killer 2: (0) vs (0)

Good Luck to ALL & let's try get these killers played asap.
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06:23 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Team: Phoenix Storm

krazyash_07 (Capt)
shadwell17 (Co-Capt)
thanatos (V/C)
thegame26 (V/C)
vegeta (FBL Only)
funky_foo (FCL & SL)
legend_pot (away)
patrick_nl (away)

FCL = 15, FBL = 16, SL = 16 (inc _pro__frog_)
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07:12 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Havin' read some of the comments from previous pages,

1. Ash is a great captain
2. You guys/girls are claimin he takes it too serious, when your previous comments, could bore anyone up to a standard of a Jane Austin novel.
3. get off our threaddddd

Posts: 1,029
11:16 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Havin' read some of the comments from previous pages,

1. Ash is a great captain
2. You guys/girls are claimin he takes it too serious, when your previous comments, could bore anyone up to a standard of a Jane Austin novel.
3. get off our threaddddd

Simple words from.a legendary guy ;) lol come back tombooooo!!! Miss ya man
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15:21 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree Alex but with the current state things are at this present time he's best of exempt from it, then he can/will return.

Come on team we need to get this last killer played and the match vs mrfent. Ill post up in a minute who is eligible to play him so we can keep a look out.

Happy Easter to you ALL, Easter's meant to represent a New lease of life, so lets do exactly that and try to enjoy what we all joined this site for.

We are a GREAT Team first and foremost, great team ethic and support each other 100%. Lets carry that on and remember the Spirit of a Phoenix NEVER quits, be Resilient till the End.

Pleasure to have you ALL here.
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15:31 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Vs mrfent: friendyboy, _sachibub, _pro__frog_ you are eligible to play him, should either of you see mrfent online permission sub yourselves in.


Edited at 13:14 Sun 20/04/14 (BST)
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16:39 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Happy Easter all :)
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22:05 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League 4x8us,9us8uk bonus for GB&R/O

Phoenix Inferno (32) vs (29) Monkey Business

davybaumers (8) vs (4) the__priest
bigcjl2 (6) vs (6) _armsrace_
(s) poolh8r (7) vs (5) triple_b *
friendyboy (8) vs (5) 2awesome2win
(s) krazyash_07 (3) vs (9) t1pster (swp)

Killer 1: (0) vs (0)
Killer 2: (0) vs (0)

Phoenix Inferno (34) vs (26) Underdogsbite

davybaumers (6) vs (6) jame2010s
krazyash_07 (10) vs (2) hardy202 (s)
(s) poolh8r (8) vs (4) mardu0o *
patrick_nl (4) vs (8) aaron1973
(s) bigcjl2/friendyboy vs mrfent (s)

Killer 1: (4) vs (2)
Killer 2: (2) vs (4)

Raging Phoenix (57) vs (16) Monkey Life - Complete
Raging Phoenix (54) vs (24) Pack Attack - Complete

Deadline 20th April GL team
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22:06 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Phoenix Storm (7) vs (5) Ballbreakers

8us: shadwell17 (1) vs (1) pool__shark (3-3)
8us: cue_ball/thanatos vs gazbag62
9us: legend_pot (2) vs (0) brooksy1986 (4-2)
9us: thegame26 vs jig_saw
8uk: breksis (0) vs (2) tension (2-4) *
8uk: w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) thegreatone7 (5-1)
Straight: joeyy (2) vs (0) chezz (2-0)
Straight: precision (0) vs (2) mirrrr (0-2) *

Deadline: 27th April 2014

* thanatos has permission to sub in vs gazbag62 should they both be online same time

Format: 6 of Game Type and 2 of Straight ONLY
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22:07 Sun 20 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fix 5 *** NEW ***
Deadline: 4th May 2014

Phoenix Inferno (5) vs (8) Pros B

precision vs diamond_v2
w_hoolahan vs _redherring_
shadwell17 vs dvz
davybaumers (5) vs (8) onevisit
thanatos vs scott7a

Killer 1: (0) vs (0)
Killer 2: (0) vs (0)

Ragin' Phoenix vs Underdogs

friendyboy vs puddling
thegame26 vs aaron1993
cue_ball vs aces_back
poolh8r vs mrfent
joeyy vs cke1982

Killer 1: (0) vs (0)
Killer 2: (0) vs (0)

Good Luck to ALL & let's try get these killers played asap.
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Phoenix Storm - Tumultus Ruina

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