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Bring back friendlies for newbies

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Deleted User
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17:17 Thu 10 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
This is killing this site we want to play tornys for building rank and fun not to only gain 0.2 there too many newbies in tornys.

bring back friendly's for newbies and ban newbies from playing in the ranked tornys tray it for 4 weeks guarantee this site will get lots more busy.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:19 Thu 10 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I have said this! fake newbies too often reset and just hit the tourneys as they know that they will get lots of ranking points.

Its a farce.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:21 Thu 10 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I have said this! fake newbies too often reset and just hit the tourneys as they know that they will get lots of ranking points.

Its a farce.

SOO TRUE ban newbies from ranked tornys will improve and increase numbers on site i know of several players that thinking of leaving through it and i all so know a few that will come back.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:23 Thu 10 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
like ^^^
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:42 Thu 10 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
If newbies were not allowed to play in tourneys, then they would have to create games rooms, and actually play.

The only downside to this is, that fake newbs may end up battering the actual newbs, maybe making them not like the site.

Either that, or make them more determined to play to a level where they can beat anyone.

Thats my view, please discuss.
Posts: 785
19:17 Thu 10 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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19:22 Thu 10 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
they know that they will get lots of ranking points.

That's what you want them to do though (if they win).

What you don't want is to be losing any points to them. Instead of the newbie modification just have any loss to a newbie in a tournament worth zero points to the loser.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:08 Thu 10 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
they know that they will get lots of ranking points.

That's what you want them to do though (if they win).

What you don't want is to be losing any points to them. Instead of the newbie modification just have any loss to a newbie in a tournament worth zero points to the loser.

The main thing I am getting at, is if a high ranked player, resets, they just enter tourneys to gain advantage of gaining double points playing mediocre players like myself.

I for one, have stopped playing tourneys now, due to the amount of fake newbs in there, and if you do win, you don't get any reward for it.

I do think that the tourneys were better when no newbs were allowed, i know that it made me play loads of games against randomers so i could eventually join a tourney for the first time!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:16 Thu 10 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
they know that they will get lots of ranking points.

That's what you want them to do though (if they win).

What you don't want is to be losing any points to them. Instead of the newbie modification just have any loss to a newbie in a tournament worth zero points to the loser.

The main thing I am getting at, is if a high ranked player, resets, they just enter tourneys to gain advantage of gaining double points playing mediocre players like myself.

I for one, have stopped playing tourneys now, due to the amount of fake newbs in there, and if you do win, you don't get any reward for it.

I do think that the tourneys were better when no newbs were allowed, i know that it made me play loads of games against randomers so i could eventually join a tourney for the first time!

Very well said!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:18 Thu 10 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I think the main thing is trying to stop players from gaining an advantage by using the tourneys as an easy entry to gaining lots of ranking points.

If they won there first 50 games against similar ranked opposition in tourneys, they gain 100 points.
Whereas if they were to play those same 50 and win 50, but not in tourneys, they would gain 50 ranking points.

i know a lot of people like taking points from the really good players, but if they are resetting all the time, then it takes the pleasure of taking their hard earned points away.

I would like to know what other people think, like you silenthill, you enjoy a nice reset every now and again.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:57 Thu 10 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  

The main thing I am getting at, is if a high ranked player, resets, they just enter tourneys to gain advantage of gaining double points playing mediocre players like myself.

But what have they actually gained from it? Nothing. They are still below where they should be probably so there's nothing to recognise or salute!!

What have you actually lost? At the moment very little but ideally nothing.

In a perfect funky world you would have a tournament ranking system completely different to what exists now - probably more akin to those in real life sports like golf, tennis and snooker - based on tournament achievements as a whole not each individual rack. Outcomes weighted by the strength of the entrants in each tournament and the numbers of entrants.

The existing ranking system could then be confined purely to 'ranked' games. That would allow players to go for high scores like previously but in terms of a site ranking would have little credibility.

The credible ranking system for the site would be from the tournament ranking system.

Unlikely to ever happen unfortunately.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:21 Thu 10 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I completely understand where you are coming from, as long as we allow people to reset, no system will be perfect. But stopping resets, will just have an influx of new site members.

Ranking systems are a very hard system to put into context, because even if you are a mediocre player, you could technically choose who you play to achieve a great ranking.

A ranking system that goes off tournaments is also skewed by the people who play the site more, so therefore could achieve numerous tournament wins in a day and be ranked number 1.

I know this has moved topic slightly, but I shall continue.

I am trying to think about what happens in real life, and I think it was something that onevisit said, when he first started, he got beat, then he practised, got beat less, practiced more, starting winning more and eventually got to a state where he is happy with his play.

In the real world, people who play pool don't go in with handicaps, they will more often that not get beat loads, before practice and hard work makes them a better player. So maybe newbie tags could be got rid of? Allow a player to find their own ability level and practice to achieve better results.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:34 Thu 10 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
A ranking system that goes off tournaments is also skewed by the people who play the site more, so therefore could achieve numerous tournament wins in a day and be ranked number 1.

No it wouldn't be based on a cumulative basis but on an average basis weighted, in addition to the strength and numbers in every tournament as I mentioned above, also on the more recent tournament results and diminishing the further back you go. That stops anyone from being able to stop playing and sit at a certain position.

However another, and potentially far easier, change is simply to split the tournament ranking from the rest and keep the whole current scoring system.

Edited at 18:37 Thu 10/04/14 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:13 Thu 10 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
its only points jesus not going to buy you anything or get to go to an awards ceremony its an online game site where it should be fun and if you win a tornament here and there so be it
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:30 Thu 10 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Instead of changing the points systems, get rid of newbie tags! Or at least get rid of this whole double points effect on a newbie tag. I hope that makes sense.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:04 Fri 11 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
If I hear it's an online game one more time ill hunt the person down and give them a wet willy in their sleep. Yes it's an online game but it's important enough for you to read the forums and comment so maybe pipe down and let people have there say. If you don't like it don't read threads.

Why not go back to no ranking points for tourneys and only for set up rooms as a trial basis, say maybe a month and maybe see it this creates more activity as I suspect. If it doesnt go back to how it is if you like or try somwthing elsw. That's one for Admin to ponder and decide though. If you enter a tournament you should expect to play anyone. If you don't like who you MIGHT play don't enter.

I have been quoted, I can die happy.
Posts: 7,940
00:43 Fri 11 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I say bin the rank system and the ranked frames in tournies, make it closer to real life where players earn their ranking through tournaments, could use the tournapoint system where enough points could be made available to give out points from round 2 or 3, for example you could earn say 3 or 4 points for each round you get through, thats probably more than some get now, this way the amount of points available in a tourney is the same for everyone, obviously the points available would vary depending on how many enter each tournament.
Players could still be tagged as newbie and pro etc but get there by doing well in tournies, was also thinking ranks could be reset after a set time for players to build up again to find their true rank, some of us aint as good as we used to be so our rank might not reach as high as previous, this would also show who the better / in form players are.
Was thinking due to no killer tournaments we could keep the current rank system for that.

Just a thought and probably not everyones cup of tea but it will be interesting to know what people think.

Edited at 21:49 Thu 10/04/14 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:58 Fri 11 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
From what I can make out, it's not so much about the entire ranking system, but more to do with gaining 0.2 when you beat one (a serial restter or genuine newbie). Scrap the 'protection' on newbies and get rid of the double ranking points in tournaments and just make them like a normal ranked game.

But that's just my opinion
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:04 Fri 11 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
i say scrap it all and bring back the way it used to be... because ive heard some people say nodays the rank reflects your true ability but how can that be true when you can win a tournament but still be lower on rank than you originally was?
Posts: 7,940
01:16 Fri 11 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
What I've suggested above means members can't pick and choose who they play to gain rank and resetting will have no affect on anyone else, only their own stats.
I also think we could get more entries if members know they can only gain by entering tournies, bit like going back to the way it used to be when tournies were all friendly but this way you get rewarded for getting through the rounds.
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Bring back friendlies for newbies

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