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Posts: 3,359
11 years ago  [Link]  
fran posted this on snooker asked me to post it here

Whatever you may think about the rights or wrongs of someone being muted or revoked, please do not post on their behalf as it defeats the object as well as being against the Forum Posting Rules.


Edited by forum moderator chris, at 10:30 Mon 19/05/14 (BST)
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11 years ago  [Link]  
Franny stop drunk dumping us ya wally. Seasons almost done you'll get a break real soon.
Posts: 2,094
11 years ago  [Link]  
Can we try and sort out our killer game for either 9pm Tuesday or 9pm Thursday please? We can have anywhere up to 6 v 6 on either day, but we're happy with any number really.


From an anonymous source
Posts: 2,463
11 years ago  [Link]  
oof, between 9 and 10:30 is the only time I can't make it ^

beenjammin 8 - 7 clifton188
8us 3-2
9us 3-2
8uk 2-3

Very tight match, decided by the last frame. A top player there.
Deleted User
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11 years ago  [Link]  
acht we have 3 players that cant play after 10.30, any chance you could make 8pm?
Posts: 3,072
11 years ago  [Link]  
we can all play at 3am see yas there :)
Posts: 2,463
11 years ago  [Link]  
lol dave
8pm is fine with me any day, but an hour isn't enough time for 2 games is it? (it is 2 games right?) Maybe 7?... can't speak for everyone though
Deleted User
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11 years ago  [Link]  
i can make tonight but gotta be after 10:30pm-1am due to working.

every other night i can do anything upto 9pm. but not much later..

Deleted User
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11 years ago  [Link]  
i can make 11pm
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11 years ago  [Link]  
I can be on for about 6pm-10pm, but that doesn't help you much does it...
Deleted User
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11 years ago  [Link]  
11pm is simply too late to start a big killer game for most people with work in the morning. Can we compromise and play one game at 9pm tonight, and then another game on Thursday? We probably could play a 2 v 2 on Thursday at 11 if we HAVE to play that late at night! This way, everyone that wants to play should be able to play over the two nights
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11 years ago  [Link]  
I'm working late tonight and Thursday so neither are any good for me so Good luck peeps
Posts: 2,463
11 years ago  [Link]  
11pm is simply too late to start a big killer game for most people with work in the morning. Can we compromise and play one game at 9pm tonight, and then another game on Thursday? We probably could play a 2 v 2 on Thursday at 11 if we HAVE to play that late at night! This way, everyone that wants to play should be able to play over the two nights

By what the pros are posting, looks like an early game would be easier for us on Thursday, say 8? (me and davey both can make it, pretty sure we could get a 3rd and maybe 4th by then) and a late game tonight, say 11?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
11pm is simply too late to start a big killer game for most people with work in the morning. Can we compromise and play one game at 9pm tonight, and then another game on Thursday? We probably could play a 2 v 2 on Thursday at 11 if we HAVE to play that late at night! This way, everyone that wants to play should be able to play over the two nights

By what the pros are posting, looks like an early game would be easier for us on Thursday, say 8? (me and davey both can make it, pretty sure we could get a 3rd and maybe 4th by then) and a late game tonight, say 11?

Most players can't do 11pm with it being a weekday and 8 falls a little too early i feel for the majority of players from both sides, if possible we could try and arrange a game say from 8.30 onward till about 10pm latest start time with hopefully enough players from both sides on!
Tonight or Thursday, don't think it'll matter much to be honest.
Posts: 2,463
11 years ago  [Link]  
Ok Pros, been messaging with faust (he says he's spoken to imran) and it's on,

one game tonight at 11, they should have 3, we have me and matty, need one more!

one game Thursday starting 8/8:30, davey's post says he can make it, I can start at 8 but not 8:30, need 1 / 2 more!

Edited at 14:56 Tue 20/05/14 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
Been, don't worry about thursday mate, i'm sure we can start at 8 just to have a damn monster play against us!!
Deleted User
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11 years ago  [Link]  
On another note.. Finding it hard to catch scott7a online! Currently offline 2 days but knowing him, that shouldn't be an issue.. Hoping he gets back to me with a time he can play asap!
Posts: 3,072
11 years ago  [Link]  
i can do 1 been at 11 if need
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
as can I.

4 vs 4?
Posts: 2,463
11 years ago  [Link]  
Good, we have plenty
If they can't get 4, I can sit this one out and play in Thursday's game (I'll be here though, incase).

Speaking of Thursday, who's gonna join me and davey at 8?
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