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Controlled Argumentative Environment

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Deleted User
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09:44 Fri 21 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
As i said last night, this has been taken way out of context!!

It was meant as a thread where people can have a moan, whinge etc about someone, without all the consequences of being banned, muted (unless very severe).

I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet... But your kids are gonna love it.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:29 Fri 21 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Gutted I missed all the fun
Deleted User
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15:08 Fri 21 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not my cup of tea really.

If you feel you need to have a cry and a whinge about a game which is free and supposed to be a bit of fun then you're obviously doing it wrong. I'm not saying by any means I am angelic in that way but I 95% of the time wait for others to moan about me before I reply. I am such a gent in that respect.

But seriously if you can't sort something out ignore the other person, don't reply to their posts (unless they slag your mother off) and there you have it, nice happy funky community. Obviously this doesn't apply if it's Craig as well there's no reasoning with that one.

That's a joke mate, you wanted some attention.

18+ room would be fun with no restrictions but if you want a room like that just create a private killer room invite all your friends and if swearing is a must just bypass the swear filter, you can slag people off there do what you want if they're really your pals they won't say a word to mods or admin.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:56 Fri 21 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
wow what a thread good reading and shows that any age or sex will always argue and it does not even take a game result to start it.
we all have people on here we dislike but are we going to meet them etc etc......
i have my disagreements and been banned but end of day it is online pool game lets just remember that
and i pay for the privlage of watching everyone argue who needs a tv licence

Edited at 19:01 Fri 21/03/14 (GMT)
Posts: 5,702
23:27 Fri 21 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Also I'm sorry but your comment about you're sick of all the arguments on every thread, I can pretty much guarantee you had a part in them too so don't go playing the 'im righteous card', it doesn't wash.

Sorry but your misguided conceptions are stupid.


Guys i've been reading along without butting in thus far with many points i could have brought up... but this right here Ash is a prime example why this thread would be a good idea!! in my head you're jumping at him there with them comments, if this was on a clan thread like *insert word* any person would just leave it at that.... i remember being a captain and wishing people away from our happy thread but there was nowhere for them to go
Posts: 5,702
00:08 Sat 22 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
reeto i've read through it all, and it did in fact get taken away from the main point a bit... as i said being a clan captain i know what its like having a load of crap such as what has gone on during this thread on our thread... had i been able to say get to the *banter thread* or what ever it may be called.. i believe it would have reduced the amount of crap on our thread.

That amelia girl was only sticking up for her uncle but yet proves again that there needs to be a thread for this, yes its an online game and shouldn't have arguments, but they happen and i don't give a flying turd who you are, you're gonna take a disliking to someone at some point... some may be able to punch walls or keep it bottled up but others like to vent by typing their crap, i've done it myself and win or lose the argument/dispute it helps...

Thread is a good idea!!!!! All hail king sam <3
Posts: 1,035
00:18 Sat 22 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
With all due respect to the argumentative members who feel the need to post here, as a way of venting their anger, this sort of thread really isn't required.

If everyone thinks before they post, and tries to keep in mind that someone else's perception of what is written may be different from that of the poster, then there would undoubtedly be fewer arguments.

The idea of an 18+ room has been mooted - this will not happen, as it is almost impossible to prove someone's age.

The bottom line is, we all come here to play pool (or snooker), to enjoy ourselves. This is the core function of the site, not arguing.

If you have nothing nice to say, simply refrain from saying it. It's that easy.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:28 Sat 22 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
With all due respect to the argumentative members who feel the need to post here, as a way of venting their anger, this sort of thread really isn't required.

If everyone thinks before they post, and tries to keep in mind that someone else's perception of what is written may be different from that of the poster, then there would undoubtedly be fewer arguments.

The idea of an 18+ room has been mooted - this will not happen, as it is almost impossible to prove someone's age.

The bottom line is, we all come here to play pool (or snooker), to enjoy ourselves. This is the core function of the site, not arguing.

If you have nothing nice to say, simply refrain from saying it. It's that easy.

Well damn baff, i never thought of that. Just get every argumentative person to... stop being argumentative? As i've said repeatedly on this thread, in all the years this site has been around, the one thing i've learnt is that people dont stop to think about what they're posting. They don't consider the words they're saying, they just say them. Instead of constantly having to deal with bickering on clan threads, game shouts, game queries, do something and deal with the problem. It's either going to continue or get worse, it sure as hell wont get better.

Time to accept there's a problem and find a suitable solution to it.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:29 Sat 22 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Considering Ash starts most of the arguments on here he is one to talk
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:32 Sat 22 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
ive got to say this has to stop stop stop
im totally gutted

my mantle is being taken away, i like being the most hated player on funkypool

leave ash alone chucklzzzzzzzzzzzz

he only beats me at one thing, and it is, he is a proven little liar
so please bring it back to me
you know you want too


and x_connor whoever you are shhhh please your a little noisey for a newbie
Like +1
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:35 Sat 22 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
reeto i've read through it all, and it did in fact get taken away from the main point a bit... as i said being a clan captain i know what its like having a load of crap such as what has gone on during this thread on our thread... had i been able to say get to the *banter thread* or what ever it may be called.. i believe it would have reduced the amount of crap on our thread.

That amelia girl was only sticking up for her uncle but yet proves again that there needs to be a thread for this, yes its an online game and shouldn't have arguments, but they happen and i don't give a flying turd who you are, you're gonna take a disliking to someone at some point... some may be able to punch walls or keep it bottled up but others like to vent by typing their crap, i've done it myself and win or lose the argument/dispute it helps...

Thread is a good idea!!!!! All hail king sam <3

Yes very good points.. i too must say my hand is messed up from breaking too many things thus far in my life...this would be a great idea! A banter thread!

As you said, people are going to argue, and having a thread to vent on etc..would be nice perhaps..its like saying hey go duke it out and lets get back to where we were lol!I know how it can be....

last 5 days been hell for me in real life.atleast if there was a place to vent on it would keep clan threads from cluttering with nonsense!

Edited at 22:39 Fri 21/03/14 (GMT)
Posts: 5,702
00:52 Sat 22 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
With all due respect to the argumentative members who feel the need to post here, as a way of venting their anger, this sort of thread really isn't required.

If everyone thinks before they post, and tries to keep in mind that someone else's perception of what is written may be different from that of the poster, then there would undoubtedly be fewer arguments.

The idea of an 18+ room has been mooted - this will not happen, as it is almost impossible to prove someone's age.

The bottom line is, we all come here to play pool (or snooker), to enjoy ourselves. This is the core function of the site, not arguing.

If you have nothing nice to say, simply refrain from saying it. It's that easy.

As the good man sam just said, rules have been in place since WW1 but yet people just get fired up regardless, their fault or not, hence why i believe it would be good to have a section devoted to this, again as he said divert the crap away from the decent threads keeping all but one thread relatively free from *insert word here*

No1 is saying it has to be an 18+ room (except jon) thats just misconstrued by yet more heated disagreements

Bottom line from me is.. things happen, and will continue to do so, divert crap onto another thread keeping important ones clean
Posts: 5,702
00:54 Sat 22 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Like sniper is saying... similar to the good old days where people would have a punch up then shake hands and let bygones be bygones.. weather they want to or not some people do bring in personal life issues and deflect their anger onto others for the slightest thing on here as this is where they chose to unwind.

I think that's what you're saying anyway pal
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:58 Sat 22 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah you get it mate, as do a bunch of people on here..

You got it
Posts: 5,702
01:06 Sat 22 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
ive got to say this has to stop stop stop
im totally gutted

my mantle is being taken away, i like being the most hated player on funkypool

leave ash alone chucklzzzzzzzzzzzz

he only beats me at one thing, and it is, he is a proven little liar
so please bring it back to me
you know you want too


and x_connor whoever you are shhhh please your a little noisey for a newbie

Forgot about this.. sorry Craig mate, you have had your time in the light, unfortunately more people have started to like/accept you x
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:11 Sat 22 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
The more I think about this the more I think it would never work..

Funkypool is meant to be a fun site is it not? It's a site you can come on to have a few games and a bit of banter.

I really don't see the need for being horrible to other players or the need for stupid arguments. With me, if I don't have anything nice to say, I simply won't say it....

I always say gg or gg ul etc, I believe thats called having manners.. haha. Maybe that's just me though?! I like to try and get on with everyone even though I may not agree with what people say all the time, being horrible get's you nowhere.

Rant over
Posts: 5,702
01:17 Sat 22 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
The more I think about this the more I think it would never work..

Funkypool is meant to be a fun site is it not? It's a site you can come on to have a few games and a bit of banter.

I really don't see the need for being horrible to other players or the need for stupid arguments. With me, if I don't have anything nice to say, I simply won't say it....

I always say gg or gg ul etc, I believe thats called having manners.. haha. Maybe that's just me though?! I like to try and get on with everyone even though I may not agree with what people say all the time, being horrible get's you nowhere.

Rant over

I'm similar to you kimbo, but despite these facts everyone is different and as you well know people still vent a lot of crap!! you may be able to control your anger better than others which is why you're not involved in the crappy arguments that go on in threads but never the less they happen
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:21 Sat 22 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
The more I think about this the more I think it would never work..

Funkypool is meant to be a fun site is it not? It's a site you can come on to have a few games and a bit of banter.

I really don't see the need for being horrible to other players or the need for stupid arguments. With me, if I don't have anything nice to say, I simply won't say it....

I always say gg or gg ul etc, I believe thats called having manners.. haha. Maybe that's just me though?! I like to try and get on with everyone even though I may not agree with what people say all the time, being horrible get's you nowhere.

Rant over

I'm similar to you kimbo, but despite these facts everyone is different and as you well know people still vent a lot of crap!! you may be able to control your anger better than others which is why you're not involved in the crappy arguments that go on in threads but never the less they happen

Hmmm... Just don't think a specific thread or room would really help the situation any. In my mind that'd only make the arugements etc worse. Plus 18+ would never work as people could quite easily put in a fake age. Just wish people would learn to be nice!!! haha
Posts: 5,702
01:24 Sat 22 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
The more I think about this the more I think it would never work..

Funkypool is meant to be a fun site is it not? It's a site you can come on to have a few games and a bit of banter.

I really don't see the need for being horrible to other players or the need for stupid arguments. With me, if I don't have anything nice to say, I simply won't say it.....

I always say gg or gg ul etc, I believe thats called having manners.. haha. Maybe that's just me though?! I like to try and get on with everyone even though I may not agree with what people say all the time, being horrible get's you nowhere.

Rant over

I'm similar to you kimbo, but despite these facts everyone is different and as you well know people still vent a lot of crap!! you may be able to control your anger better than others which is why you're not involved in the crappy arguments that go on in threads but never the less they happen

Hmmm... Just don't think a specific thread or room would really help the situation any. In my mind that'd only make the arugements etc worse. Plus 18+ would never work as people could quite easily put in a fake age. Just wish people would learn to be nice!!! haha

It'd keep the crap from other friendly threads such as Unbeatables thread when i was captain ;)
The 18+ isn't part of it at all, read properly woman lets go to this thread now ;) <3
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:26 Sat 22 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haha well captains should maybe try harder to control the arguing kidding!! Before someone bites my head off lol.

Grrrr i'm tired im_crap_adam don't make me readddd
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