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03:35 Tue 13 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Just played x_connor as a last minute change from emo148, was just about to go to bed but to get the game played I agreed straight away to play. I beat him 9-6 and threw a couple of games. He did nothing but moan all the way through even when i rolled up to the pocket on an 8uk game with the black as I had an extra shot from one of his balls ups. This is how he signed off: -
x_connor : not saying well played cause it wasnt man
x_connor stops playing and starts watching
GAME: Match finished as x_connor decided not to play again
drewdt3: ggs
x_connor : fluked 2 9's
x_connor: fluked 4 balls on 8us
x_connor : and fluked 1 frame here
x_connor : 3 frames at least fluked

Seriously considering packing this lot in.
x_connor : but ggs
x_connor: gl in rest mate
x_connor leaves the room
Posts: 775
03:44 Tue 13 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Just played x_connor as a last minute change from emo148, was just about to go to bed but to get the game played I agreed straight away to play. I beat him 9-6 and threw a couple of games. He did nothing but moan all the way through even when i rolled up to the pocket on an 8uk game with the black as I had an extra shot from one of his balls ups. This is how he signed off: -
x_connor : not saying well played cause it wasnt man
x_connor stops playing and starts watching
GAME: Match finished as x_connor decided not to play again
drewdt3: ggs
x_connor : fluked 2 9's
x_connor: fluked 4 balls on 8us
x_connor : and fluked 1 frame here
x_connor : 3 frames at least fluked

Seriously considering packing this lot in.
x_connor : but ggs
x_connor: gl in rest mate
x_connor leaves the room

at no point did i say this....? and tbh i said "i wouldnt have rolled over the pocket but each to there own"!!!!!!! constant crap stirrers on this game expected from a monkey buisness player tho.......
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:47 Tue 13 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
well played drewdt3 :) ggs
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:18 Tue 13 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
sorry i didnt make the killer last night
No worries Sarah , it was another comical one lol , hopefully see you for the next one

Well done drew , has made my offline message to you all a bit easier
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:20 Tue 13 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League - Deadline 14th May

Monkey Business 7 v 6 The Unbeatables

the_priest v turtle1560
its_me (7) v (6) poolbiird
the_incal v horse10000
zero_pulse (3) v (9) mrmagic
2awesome2win v crazzymadman

Killer (10) - (2)

4 frames each of 8us,9us,8uk
Posts: 7,974
14:08 Tue 13 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
well played drew
he was gutted and doesn't like us to much as i turned him down to play for MBz at the beginning of the season for this exact reason. a suggestion if you ever play people like that again
put them on ignore its very easy
Posts: 7,974
14:11 Tue 13 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
i really like your proposal Sarah
count me in
i play for fun these days and this is all about fun
and your right incal and now drew, both had crap
ive had much of the same

so like i said count me in,
Posts: 775
15:34 Tue 13 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
well played drew
he was gutted and doesn't like us to much as i turned him down to play for MBz at the beginning of the season for this exact reason. a suggestion if you ever play people like that again
put them on ignore its very easy

Yet again you stir stuff you actually let me in I chose to leave for wolf pack so that is a lie.
Posts: 7,974
16:14 Tue 13 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
well played drew
he was gutted and doesn't like us to much as i turned him down to play for MBz at the beginning of the season for this exact reason. a suggestion if you ever play people like that again
put them on ignore its very easy

Yet again you stir stuff you actually let me in I chose to leave for wolf pack so that is a lie.

get off this thread your comments as ever are not welcome
now run along and talk to anyone who may listen to you
you joined another clan yes then asked to come back short memory
and were given a clear NO

now if you want to continue this take it to offline message
as we don't want or need anymore of your negative comments ty

have a great day
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:42 Tue 13 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 8 (Final Set of Season)

Please can I have team lists for the following games which will be the last of the season.

Games will be released Sunday night as always.

The Professionals v The Unbeatables
Uprising v Phoenix Storm
The Unbeatables v Phoenix Storm
The Professionals v Uprising

Pocket Dynamos v Wolf Pack
Pocket Dynamos v Monkey Business
Wolf Pack v Ballbreakers
Monkey Business v The Underdogs
The Underdogs v Ballbreakers

Posts: 1,617
01:41 Wed 14 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
triple_b 4-11 tension

us8 2-3
us9 1-4
uk8 1-4

hes a very good player and he was on form tonight , ggs
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:02 Wed 14 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Just to say, you guys are great, enjoyed the time with you all, Hope to see you all in the clan league :)

Kue :)
Posts: 3,610
12:38 Wed 14 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
This tournament was won by tamtheman. The tournament start time was at 06:00 Wed 14 May 14.

Total TournaPoints: 20

well worth entering at 6 am on ure own lol
Posts: 7,974
14:06 Wed 14 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  

what is the theme for Sunday ????
Posts: 7,974
14:08 Wed 14 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 7~ Deadline 18/5/14@Midnight

Wolf Pack 43 v 32 Monkey Business

winkers v triple_b
_dntbmad__ 9 v 6 the__priest
ronald_faja 10 v 5 the_incal
alex_lewis v its_me
x_connor 6 v 9 drewdt3
funky_king v 2awesome2win
chapster_7 8 v 7 destroyer_16
tbagger 10 v 5 kue
Monkey Business 40 v 35 Ball Breakers

triple_b 4 v 11tension
the__priest 10 v 5 gazbag62
the_incal 7 v 8 psych_pro
its_me 6 v 9 mirrr
drewdt3 v chezz
2awesome2win 13 v 2 brooksy1986
destroyer_16 v jig_saw
jack_86 v thegreatone7

5 Racks of 8us, 9us & 8uk

Please message opponents asap to arrange game, keep all messages until game has been played. Any probs just let us know

Good luck MB

Edited at 11:12 Wed 14/05/14 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:17 Wed 14 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  

what is the theme for Sunday ????

"Super Heroes" Craig
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:18 Wed 14 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I played Beth mate and lost 9-6
Posts: 3,250
19:26 Wed 14 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  

the_priest v turtle1560
the_incal v horse10000
is now
the_priest v horse10000
the_incal v turtle1560
Posts: 105
20:01 Wed 14 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League

Monkey Business vs The Unbeatables

the_incal (5) vs (7) turtle1560

8US (2-2)
9US (2-2)
8UK (1-3)
Posts: 1,617
00:20 Thu 15 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
i cant get a sub from wolfpack for winkers as he doesnt arrange online pool games
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