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Phoenix Storm - Ex cineribus resurgam

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14:27 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice to see you posting again Ash.

Thank you :)
Deleted User
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14:37 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
ronalddw v thegame26
is now
anoneeemouse v thegame26

killer whats is happening here ???

Sorting it, we played 1 last night, however I'm looking to play others from the team. Messaged awaiting their reply...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:42 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
GSC Wolf Pack (5) v (9) Phoenix Storm

FCL alex_lewis (0) v (2) legend_pot (4-11)
FCL rocketweaz8 (2) v (0) patrick_nl (11-4)
SL: (s) _dntbmad_ (1) v (1) friendyboy (6-6)
SL x_connor (0) v (2) davybaumers (1-11)
8US n_robertson v thanatos 10 racks
9US winter64 (1) v (1) thegame26 12 racks (6-6)
8UK run_outt (0) v (2) shadwell17 10 racks (4-6)
Straight honour (1) v (1) precision 4 racks (2-2)

Deadline Midnight UK 17/4/14 (Tomorrow)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:44 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League 4x8us,9us8uk bonus for GB&R/O

Phoenix Inferno (29) vs (20) Monkey Business

davybaumers (8) vs (4) the__priest
bigcjl2 (6) vs (6) _armsrace_
(s) poolh8r (7) vs (5) triple_b
friendyboy (8) vs (5) 2awesome2win
(s) krazyash_07 vs t1pster (swp)

Killer 1: (0) vs (0)
Killer 2: (0) vs (0)

Phoenix Inferno (24) vs (24) Underdogsbite

davybaumers (6) vs (6) jame2010s
krazyash_07 vs hardy202 (s)
(s) poolh8r (8) vs (4) mardu0o
patrick_nl (4) vs (8) aaron1973
(s) bigcjl2 vs garethclin

Killer 1: (4) vs (2)
Killer 2: (2) vs (4)

Raging Phoenix (50) vs (10) Monkey Life

precision (10) vs (2) kue
legend_pot (9) vs (3) _ice_
shadwell17 (10 vs (2)drewdt3
(s) thegame26 vs anoneeemouse (s)
thanatos (9) vs (3) destroyer_16 (s)

Killer 1: (6) vs (0)
Killer 2: (6) vs (0)

Raging Phoenix (50) vs (24) Pack Attack - Complete

legend_pot (10) vs (2) alex_lewis
thegame26 (8) vs (6) x_connor
shadwell17 (9) vs (3) winter64
precision (5) vs (7) zacky_12
thanatos (6) vs (6) honour

Killer 1: (6) vs (0) 1st: thanatos, 2ns: shadwell17
Killer 2: (6) vs (0) 1st: shadwell17, 2nd: thanatos

Deadline 20th April GL team
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:48 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Ballbreakers (22) v (68) Phoenix Storm

tension (5) vs (10) davybaumers
mirrrr (3) v (12) precision
(swp) thegreatone7 v bigcjl2 (s)
psych_pro (3) v (12) shadwel17 (s)
brooksy1986 (3) v (12) legend_pot
blackcabman7 (4) v (11) friendyboy
(s) funkyferret v thanatos
jig_saw (4) v (11) krazyash_07 (s)

Phoenix Storm (37) v (53) The Unbeatables

thanatos v lateo1993
shadwell17 (9) v (6) mad_matt
friendyboy (5) v (10)poolbiird
thegame26 v crazzymadman
legend_pot (5) v (10) greyhound
precision (7) v (8) turtle1560
davybaumers (7) v (8) horse10000
bigcjl2 (4) v (11) hippesville

Deadline 20/4/14 Good Luck


Phoenix Storm (3) vs (5) Ballbreakers

8us: shadwell17 (1) vs (1) pool__shark (3-3)
8us: cue_ball vs gazbag62
9us: legend_pot vs brooksy1986
9us: thegame26 vs jig_saw
8uk: breksis (0) vs (2) tension (2-4)
8uk: w_hoolahan vs thegreatone7
Straight: joeyy (2) vs (0) chezz
Straight: precision (0) vs (2) mirrrr (0-2)

Deadline: 27th April 2014

Let's turn this Scoreline in our favour..come on guys.

Edited at 15:39 Wed 16/04/14 (BST)
Posts: 7,974
14:49 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
It's now 01:12am - me vs t1pster scheduled to play between 8pm-9pm - sorry he no showed.

Issue was between that time he was on his other name so couldn't have played you.

and who is posting this ????????

Sorry do you need glasses? My name is at the top of my post.

i can see very clearly hence i asked
and ive also got a decent memory too

maybe keep this crap on your own thread
and maybe start sorting your games out and putting players into games who can actually play other than mouthing off on other threads
Posts: 7,974
14:53 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
It's now 01:12am - me vs t1pster scheduled to play between 8pm-9pm - sorry he no showed.

Issue was between that time he was on his other name so couldn't have played you.

and who is posting this ????????

Sorry do you need glasses? My name is at the top of my post.

i can see very clearly hence i asked
and ive also got a decent memory too

If you can read why ask? And the clear difference is Emma is a female and thegreatone is not.

funny that comment because if you read your own thread back
thanatos was clearly not a woman

and i was accused of being a bully
then thanatos cried and deactivated OOO the drama
sad i no, but then reemerged as emma
wow that was well classy transition
anyways ive better things to do than trade rubbish which you instigated on MBz thread
no surprises there tho
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:54 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
It's now 01:12am - me vs t1pster scheduled to play between 8pm-9pm - sorry he no showed.

Issue was between that time he was on his other name so couldn't have played you.

and who is posting this ????????

Sorry do you need glasses? My name is at the top of my post.

i can see very clearly hence i asked
and ive also got a decent memory too

maybe keep this crap on your own thread
and maybe start sorting your games out and putting players into games who can actually play other than mouthing off on other threads

So you clearly can't read as I'm not in any position to sort games out or put players into games who can play.

My games ALWAYS get played

I'd be very careful what you say my friend.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:55 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  

funny that comment because if you read your own thread back
thanatos was clearly not a woman

and i was accused of being a bully
then thanatos cried and deactivated OOO the drama
sad i no, but then reemerged as emma
wow that was well classy transition
anyways ive better things to do than trade rubbish which you instigated on MBz thread
no surprises there tho

*yawn* move along dear child
Posts: 7,974
14:59 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
mmmmmm my friend / child
really ! !
playground chat i see

threads are for clan use
not for you to point fingers and post rubbish
and instigate arguments
like i said no surprises there tho
after all its holiday time

im off to work soon, unfortunately
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:01 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
mmmmmm my friend
really ! !

threads are for clan use
not for you to point fingers and post rubbish
and instigate arguments
like i said no surprises there tho
after all its holiday time

im off to work soon, unfortunately

LMAO bit rich aint it that, when all you do is accuse and post rubbish on all the threads....hmmm

You need to grow up my boy, how old are you?! LOL
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:02 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
*insert picture here* lmaooo
Posts: 433
18:40 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
joeyy 2 vs chezz 0

1st game was close but I got my eye in 2nd game
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:45 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
joeyy 2 vs chezz 0

1st game was close but I got my eye in 2nd game

Great win, 2nd frame very unfortunate not to get a run of 30, still ended up 35-0 so very well played.

Nice 2 points for the team, just what we needed.
Posts: 1,111
19:24 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
after ive played my fbl game i wont be active enough to play anymore clan games for like two months as ive got exams that i need to revise for and prioritize them, i might end up reverting back to my old name as i dont like my current one, just to let ash and the vices know
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:01 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
after ive played my fbl game i wont be active enough to play anymore clan games for like two months as ive got exams that i need to revise for and prioritize them, i might end up reverting back to my old name as i dont like my current one, just to let ash and the vices know

Sorry see this mate but wish you the best of luck with your revision and the exams themselves. Will be very happy to have you return to us afterwards on which ever name you decide to use.

Good Luck and thank you for your contribution up till yet.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:12 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanatos vs Funkyferret

Us8 4-1
Us9 5-0
Uk8 5-0

Ggs Kenny. See and people say Im hard to organise games with 8-)

Only game I lost was the first one :(
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:16 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanatos vs Funkyferret

Us8 4-1
Us9 5-0
Uk8 5-0

Ggs Kenny. See and people say Im hard to organise games with 8-)

Only game I lost was the first one :(

WOW annihilated, superb result, very well done 14-1 - luvly jubbly -
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:17 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
GSC Wolf Pack (5) v (9) Phoenix Storm

FCL alex_lewis (0) v (2) legend_pot (4-11)
FCL rocketweaz8 (2) v (0) patrick_nl (11-4)
SL: (s) _dntbmad_ (1) v (1) friendyboy (6-6)
SL x_connor (0) v (2) davybaumers (1-11)
8US n_robertson v thanatos 10 racks (0-3) TBC
9US winter64 (1) v (1) thegame26 12 racks (6-6)
8UK run_outt (0) v (2) shadwell17 10 racks (4-6)
Straight honour (1) v (1) precision 4 racks (2-2)

Deadline Midnight UK 17/4/14 (Tomorrow)

Edited at 20:20 Wed 16/04/14 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:20 Wed 16 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
uper League 4x8us,9us8uk bonus for GB&R/O

Phoenix Inferno (29) vs (20) Monkey Business

davybaumers (8) vs (4) the__priest
bigcjl2 (6) vs (6) _armsrace_
(s) poolh8r (7) vs (5) triple_b
friendyboy (8) vs (5) 2awesome2win
(s) krazyash_07 vs t1pster (swp)

Killer 1: (0) vs (0)
Killer 2: (0) vs (0)

Phoenix Inferno (34) vs (26) Underdogsbite

davybaumers (6) vs (6) jame2010s
krazyash_07 (10) vs (2) hardy202 (s)
(s) poolh8r (8) vs (4) mardu0o
patrick_nl (4) vs (8) aaron1973
(s) bigcjl2 vs garethclin

Killer 1: (4) vs (2)
Killer 2: (2) vs (4)

Raging Phoenix (50) vs (10) Monkey Life

precision (10) vs (2) kue
legend_pot (9) vs (3) _ice_
shadwell17 (10 vs (2)drewdt3
(s) thegame26 vs anoneeemouse (s)
thanatos (9) vs (3) destroyer_16 (s)

Killer 1: (6) vs (0)
Killer 2: (6) vs (0)

Raging Phoenix (50) vs (24) Pack Attack - Complete

Deadline 20th April GL team

Edited at 19:45 Wed 16/04/14 (BST)
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91 92 100
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Phoenix Storm - Ex cineribus resurgam

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